FM 2016 FLUT dark skin v2.3

Dark skin for FM 2016 regular career mode and widescreens (1920x1080).

I'm pleased to present you the version 2.3 of FLUT Skin Dark for FM16 .

Compatible with DF11, Scope and Cutout Faces.
Compatible with Backgrounds (however, some of them will not be shown, instead, the citypics will be displayed).

Released: 04 September, 2016

Thanks to all FM fans and especially to all of the fantastic FM skinners who made it possible to produce the FLUTSkin as it is today since FM 2013.

Resolution requirements
This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).

The changes (some of them are just minor changes) in this version are in the following panels:

Stadium Overview Panel
Game Processing
Calendar Popup Panel
Club General Panel
Nation General Panel
Team Report Panel
Manager Home Panel

1. In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.

2. I also included a folder with the files you need to use in order to remove the attributes background boxes (you just have to place the files of that folder in the panels folder of the skin and overwrite the originals)

3. You can download the FOOTBALL MANAGER BACKGROUNDS SUPERPACK or the citypics MEGAPACK 4.0 HERE or HERE to further enhance the skin.

How to add Flut Skin in FM16

Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2016flutskindark" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Start FM16 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see FM 2016 Flut Skin - v. 2.3 Dark Version as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.

Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.

This Skin was created by Flut
15 years ago
1 day ago
Solid Snake, Palo90 and guelyoun5 :
As I said in the skin post the skin only works properly in 1920x1080 (full screen and desirably sidebar icons-only). Of course you can try to adjust it but you have to edit diverse xml. Unfortunately I have no time to make the skin for other resolutions. Sorry….

Concerning the attributes, you have to go to the “player overview panel” (in the panels folder of the skin) and search for the following code:

<translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" />
<widget class="player_attributes_panel" file="player attributes panel1" id="pat1" late_loading="true">

Change “player attributes panel1” for “player attributes panel”

After that, delete the file “player attributes panel” in the panels folder of the skin.

Zoff :
I didn’t understand your question….
adriel benoit
10 years ago
3 years ago
Solid Snake
17 years ago
6 months ago
Solid Snake, Palo90 and guelyoun5 :
As I said in the skin post the skin only works properly in 1920x1080 (full screen and desirably sidebar icons-only). Of course you can try to adjust it but you have to edit diverse xml. Unfortunately I have no time to make the skin for other resolutions. Sorry….

Concerning the attributes, you have to go to the “player overview panel” (in the panels folder of the skin) and search for the following code:

<translation id="title" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes"/>
<widget class="player_attributes_panel" file="player attributes panel1" id="pat1" late_loading="true">

Change “player attributes panel1” for “player attributes panel”

After that, delete the file “player attributes panel” in the panels folder of the skin.

Zoff :
I didn’t understand your question….

Thank you for your answer, I hope I can find a way to use that great skin with bigger fonts. Thank you for your work.
I also play with 1920x1080 resolution, but I increased zoom mode, that is the problem I guess.
15 years ago
5 days ago
Hi Flut, great skin!!! I use it since FM2015. I know that it is complicated to make happy to all users and you have other worries...but I think that many people play FM in Windowed mode. If you don't have time to adapt the skin, what are the .xml files that we have to edit??? At least the "General panel" of a player (where we can see a phone with player picture and their basic info), I think that this is what most "squeaks" to the eye. Thankssss

13 years ago
10 months ago
I use it with 2560x1440 resolution and is perfect
12 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Flut ,
I wonder how the player to zoom out front .

Thank you
13 years ago
14 minutes ago
I use it with 2560x1440 resolution and is perfect

Yes, i play the same resolution. Everything is fine, but this not (under the stadium the kick-off and tickets):
13 years ago
1 week ago
go to graphics/logos and put the number 1.png in the TV logo you want.

Thanks flut
14 years ago
3 weeks ago
Thanks Maverix and NunoKopio ;-)

chaodck: please read the tutorial (pdf) I included in the skin pack. I think it could answer your doubts.


Thanks for the reply Flut. I've read the tutorials on the PDF's, but couldn't understand what to do with them. Care to explain step by step for dummies like me? As I said on my post, I've got my own graphics folder, with the player pics all in one folder, but the kits and logos on different folders, separated by country, league and team.

Sorry to be a pain, thanks in advance!
17 years ago
1 year ago
First of all I have to say that this is a GREAT skin!! Makes the game look different and better!!

The only problem I have is that I cannot change the color either for the attributes background nor the colors of the attribute numbers
Seems they cant be changed inside the game but even when I try from the settings folder the colors still stay the same...
Any thoughts?

Keep up the great job!!
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Flute -

1st - Love the skin. Makes the look and feel much better in my opinion.
2nd - I am receiving a XML parsing error upon loading the game. Any ideas what the issue can be?
17 years ago
3 years ago
i love this skin, but how do i edit the colour of the attributes, ive tried doing it via the xml but it doesnt work also ive tried doing it via the skin colour within the game to no avail also
15 years ago
4 months ago
thanks its beautiful. how can i see my team's kit while match playing? i see only logos already.
15 years ago
4 months ago
please help me.. why the kits of both teams are no longer on the matchday screen like in past versions of FM? is it possible fm 2016? thanks...
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi @chaodck I don’t know if I can help you as I can’t see your graphics structure…however the problem is not related to the fact you reported (separate folders).

Hi @Alex13 and @scottpratt
Thanks ;-)
In order to change the atribute background boxes colours you have to go to the settings folder and change the values in the following code

<colour name="unknown attribute background" red="210" green="210" blue="210"/>
<colour name="low attribute background" red="197" green="221" blue="242"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background" red="150" green="198" blue="242"/>
<colour name="good attribute background" red="161" green="193" blue="51" />
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="117" green="147" blue="13" />

After that you have to exit game and reload it.

Hi @Wescar00: thanks ;-); I don’t know what happens but sometimes, when we change a xml and the code we changed is incorrect (for instance missing “” or there is a > or < in the wrong place) the game show that error. But really I don’t know what happens in your case. Try to read the text of that message in order to know what kind of error is…

Hi @hinbill: Thanks ;-) I don’t know if I understood your answer but if you are talking about the kits in match inbetween highlights, in fact I had no time (yet) to analyse if is possible to do that change and if it works….
15 years ago
4 months ago
Hi @chaodck I don’t know if I can help you as I can’t see your graphics structure…however the problem is not related to the fact you reported (separate folders).

Hi @Alex13 and @scottpratt
Thanks ;-)
In order to change the atribute background boxes colours you have to go to the settings folder and change the values in the following code

<colour name="unknown attribute background" red="210" green="210" blue="210"/>
<colour name="low attribute background" red="197" green="221" blue="242"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background" red="150" green="198" blue="242"/>
<colour name="good attribute background" red="161" green="193" blue="51"/>
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="117" green="147" blue="13"/>

After that you have to exit game and reload it.

Hi @Wescar00: thanks ;-); I don’t know what happens but sometimes, when we change a xml and the code we changed is incorrect (for instance missing “” or there is a > or < in the wrong place) the game show that error. But really I don’t know what happens in your case. Try to read the text of that message in order to know what kind of error is…

Hi @hinbill: Thanks ;-) I don’t know if I understood your answer but if you are talking about the kits in match inbetween highlights, in fact I had no time (yet) to analyse if is possible to do that change and if it works….

Chris Kessaris
9 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Flut, for the dark skin, which megapack has the config correct for logos to be displayed correctly in menubar (the square looking logos)
10 years ago
6 years ago
Hello Flut,

This is a great skin, congratulations.

1 - Can you tell me how can i see the round flag in the screen of nation(Finland) before the world icon.

2 - In the player overview for nations, why i see 2 logos of the contry? How can i do to see like in the player overview for clubs

Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
Jason Makin
11 years ago
2 years ago
Hi i need help when using this skin when using editor on my mac
it crashes and kicks me out of the game,used other skins and have
no problem only with this skin i use Kogan Monitor:
Resolution: 2560 x 1440 @ 60 Hz
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Display Serial Number: YU2012010001
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Rotation: Supported
15 years ago
1 day ago
Chris Kessaris: you can find the square logos in FMIF (an Italian forum). The config, you have to change it as I explain in pdf tutorial.

Respira: thanks ;-). Concerning your questions - 1. I don’t remember where I did the download of round flags megapack. Sorry…2. is not a bug; in fact when you see the player in the nation squad the logo shown is the national logo instead the club logo (this happens because the code for both is the same).

Jason Makin : sorry..I don’t know how to help you.
10 years ago
6 years ago
Respira: thanks ;-). Concerning your questions - 1. I don’t remember where I did the download of round flags megapack. Sorry…2. is not a bug; in fact when you see the player in the nation squad the logo shown is the national logo instead the club logo (this happens because the code for both is the same).

Flut, regarding point 1, what i want to know is how can i show the logo there, and the code for the xml.

2- how can i remove the the logos from appear(removing from the panel?)

15 years ago
1 day ago
Flut, regarding point 1, what i want to know is how can i show the logo there, and the code for the xml.

2- how can i remove the the logos from appear(removing from the panel?)


For the first question please read the pdf tutorial (the competition logo, in nation panel, change to nation flag); for the second question, if you delete that code, you also don't have the team logo in player profile).
11 years ago
1 year ago
Hi everyone.

First of all, great work with this skin .

I'm wondering about where do I get the stadium pictures?


10 years ago
2 years ago
Hi Flut i have used your skin in the past and i can say its one of the best if not the best skin around , i also helped by finding city pics for Malta for the city pics pack , latley i really have been wishing to use DNK Backgrounds ( the ones with the club logo and colour as background : ) with it , is there some way i can go around this and have Flut Skin with DNK Backgrounds instead of the blue background ? If i could do this it would be awesome man.
12 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Flut,

Is possible to remove the rounded numbers and mettres the color figures please?

thank you

The link died.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi joão: Thanks!! Concerning the stadium pics, you can find it in several foruns (I think even here in Sourtitoutsi, and also in FMScout for instance)
Hi Wolverine: yes I remember your help in citypics. Unfortunately the configs for citypics are similar to the DNK backgrounds. So...we can't use both.
Hi neochrome: sorry. I didn't understand. You want to remove the colored background boxes?
15 years ago
3 years ago
Hi Flut, great skin. Thanks for all the hard work.

Can I ask how to change the font and box colour for the attributes? I change it in preferences but when I go to the player profile it still shows your default colours.
12 years ago
1 year ago
Hi neochrome: sorry. I didn't understand. You want to remove the colored background boxes?

Yes, absolutely, you had already given me the example to follow but the download link is dead.

And I'd like to change the size of face and make it normal.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi davidmn: thanks.

In order to change the atribute background boxes colours you have to go to the settings folder and change the values in the following code

<colour name="unknown attribute background" red="210" green="210" blue="210"/>
<colour name="low attribute background" red="197" green="221" blue="242"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background" red="150" green="198" blue="242"/>
<colour name="good attribute background" red="161" green="193" blue="51" />
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="117" green="147" blue="13" />

After that you have to exit game and reload it.

Hi neochrome:

For remove the background boxes you have to do the following:

PLAYER ATTRIBUTES PANEL1.xml (responsible for player profile panel) - search for:

<record index="2" id="val " top="1" bottom="2" sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>

change for:

<record index="2" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" multi_line="false"/>

PLAYER ATTRIBUTES PANEL.xml (responsible for attribute panel) - search for
<record index="2" id="val " top="1" bottom="2" sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="centre, can_scale" colour="white" size="12" font="fonts/ProximaNova-Bold1" style="bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper"/>

and change for:

<record index="2" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8">
<record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right, centre_y" style="semi_bold" multi_line="false"/>

Concerning the normal face (without phone mobile) put this file (change the name to player overview panel) in the panels folder


17 years ago
3 years ago
Hey Flut, i love this skin, i was wondering if theres anyway i can stop the players profile switching between player attribute analyser , club logos etc which keeps changing next to the players picture

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