FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3
Skin for FM 2016 regular career mode and widescreens (1920x1080).
I'm pleased to present you the version 2.3 of FLUTSkin White for FM16.
This skin is compatible with DF11, Scope and Cutout Faces.
NOW this skin is a little bit transparent and compatible with backgrounds.
Released: 04 September, 2016
Thanks to all FM fans and especially to all of the fantastic FM skinners who made it possible to produce the FLUTSkin as it is today since FM 2013.
Resolution requirements
This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).
The changes (some of them are just minor changes) in this version are in the following panels:
Stadium Overview Panel
Game Processing
Calendar Popup Panel
Club General Panel
Nation General Panel
Team Report Panel
Manager Home Panel
1. In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.
2. I also included a folder with the files you need to use in order to remove the attributes background boxes (you just have to place the files of that folder in the panels folder of the skin and overwrite the originals).
You can download the FOOTBALL MANAGER BACKGROUNDS SUPERPACK or the citypics MEGAPACK 4.0 HERE or HERE to further enhance the skin.
Installation Instructions
Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the "fm2016flutskin" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Place the “flags“ folder in documents/sports interactive/football manager 2016/graphics
Start FM16 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see FM 2016 Flut Skin - v. 2.3 as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
This skin was created by flut.
Skin for FM 2016 regular career mode and widescreens (1920x1080).
I'm pleased to present you the version 2.3 of FLUTSkin White for FM16.
This skin is compatible with DF11, Scope and Cutout Faces.
NOW this skin is a little bit transparent and compatible with backgrounds.
Released: 04 September, 2016
Thanks to all FM fans and especially to all of the fantastic FM skinners who made it possible to produce the FLUTSkin as it is today since FM 2013.
Resolution requirements
This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).
The changes (some of them are just minor changes) in this version are in the following panels:
Stadium Overview Panel
Game Processing
Calendar Popup Panel
Club General Panel
Nation General Panel
Team Report Panel
Manager Home Panel
1. In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.
2. I also included a folder with the files you need to use in order to remove the attributes background boxes (you just have to place the files of that folder in the panels folder of the skin and overwrite the originals).
You can download the FOOTBALL MANAGER BACKGROUNDS SUPERPACK or the citypics MEGAPACK 4.0 HERE or HERE to further enhance the skin.
Installation Instructions
Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the "fm2016flutskin" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Place the “flags“ folder in documents/sports interactive/football manager 2016/graphics
Start FM16 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see FM 2016 Flut Skin - v. 2.3 as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
This skin was created by flut.
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it would be perfect
The Dark Version is now online ;-)
Thanks ;-)
Lovely skin as always!
Just one question: Which Logo Pack are you using? They look awesome!
Lovely skin as always!
Just one question: Which Logo Pack are you using? They look awesome!
Thanks ziziogardo ;-)
Concerning the logos, you can find it in FMIF (an italian FM forum).
Tobey Mason
JUst a few issues I love this skin and it worked awesome on zoom 75% last year but can only go 85%.How can I make things ffit in their boxes better? Also I'm not a fan of the mobile phone thing. Hoe can I remove this
Hi tobey
Concerning the first question I can't help you. You have to edit the panels that don't work well. For the second question. Use this file (change the name for player overview panel.xml)
sorry but the image in your pdf is not from my skin.
Sorry but if I can't see the "real problem" with the skin, I can't understand it well and I can't help you. Could you please put a screenshot with the problem?
Hi vedran.bukal
Is weird. What is the version of the skin you are using? It isn't the current version, because, as you can see, in the White version and also in the dark version we can see the buttons
How i can put more than 5 panel in the game such a photo you put that you have 8 panels
Hi coftaras
Thanks ;-)
Certainly your screen resolution is lower than mine (mine is 1920x1080). that's why you only can see less panels...
Hi vedran.bukal
Is weird. What is the version of the skin you are using? It isn't the current version, because, as you can see, in the White version and also in the dark version we can see the buttons
I combined some panels of skin flut 2015 1366x768 with this version 2016..which is a panel that is my background white with this new skin
Hi vedran.bukal: I think the better is to change the bar where are the icons (if the icons are black you can use a white bar; if the icons are white you can use a black bar). That's what I did. For that you have to go to client object browser.xml and find the code (this is as it is in the white version 2016)
<!--match actions bar-->
<container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/bordered/match/paper8" height="35" diAN="true">
the paper8 is white and you can see the black icons.
Danny Woody
First of all, I really like your Skin-Work! Unfortunately I have a little issue with all 4 (light/dark w/wo DF11):
On the Player-Info-Screen it doesn't save the activated panels for me. that means if I let it show "happyness" and "phisycal", after switching to the next player it shows "form" and "match ratings" again. I deleted and reinstalled the skins, cleared cache... Oh, and I cannot activate the "Bans"-Panel either... it just doesn't do anything when I try to activate it. For now I have to play with a different Skin to see what I like but I really hope I can use your Skins again in the near future 'cause they're awesome!
Oh, and a little off topic:
Is there some "Guide" you can recommend on how to create an FM-Skin in order to understand all the settings in the xml-files? Or is it just try and error?
Thank you so much for your work!
Hi Danny
Thanks ;-)
Concerning your problem, sometimes it happens and I really don’t know precisely why. I keep in each code the command “save_session_state="true"” in order to maintain the panel we choose, however it seems that sometimes doesn’t work.
Try the following: open the player overview panel.xml (in the panels folder of the skin) and search for all the following code (there are several repeated codes like that in the xml):
and delete it.
If doesn’t work, find for all codes similar to the following:
default_item="ppsp" - this is only an example; you have to find all codes default_item="......"
after that, look at the codes below and change the id=… ... by the id you want to see as default (for instance ppsp means that the default will be physical panel but if you want “positions” as default you should change ppsp by ppi1)
If after that changes the problem still arise..I really don’t know how to do it.
Concerning “bans”, maybe is due to the fact that “bans” have the same id in the various panels. So you can try to find all the
<widget class="player_bans_overview_panel" id="pbop" late_loading="true">
<translation id="title" translation_id="247569" type="use" value="Bans" />
(note that are several in the xml) and change the id in order to not repeat the same id (change id=”pbop” for an other code – for instance “pfff” (doesn’t matter the letters you choose; important is to attribute have different ids to the same panel).
Finally, concerning the skins, you can try to find in the net some sites/forums where you can learn. For instance the skinning hideout http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/17-Skinning-Hideout
Or the site of Michael Murray
You can learn a little bit there. However in order to deeply understand and learn I think you have to do something similar I did: start by change some details in a panel you choose, look at the effect, change a little bit more etc…In a few weeks you should understand the way as the code is structured and work. In summary, like you said: try and error was for me the best method to learn.
Danny Woody
First of all many thanks for your reply! I tried the steps you mentioned for the viewing problem but still no real solution
So most of the panels seem to work and even save their status. But somehow the two below the "season stats" seem to be connected with others. The 3 ones showing "player status" (1) all change to the setting put in for the left one below "season stats" while the two showing "form" (2) are always showing the setting used for the right one below "season stats", where the panels with the "x" are mere copies, if I change them nothing is saved after a playerswitch. So for me it seems like somehow they are connected with their IDs.
Since I'm at work right now I don't think I get to delve more into the code but I will have a closer look later even if I never tried to customize a skin before. And maybe the observation helps you to find anything as well...
Haven't tried your hint concerning the Ban-Panel yet but I will later today. Thank you so much for your links as well, I will look closer at them during the weekend!
Have a nice day and keep up the tremendous work you're doing!
Edit: It seems like if I pin a panel exclusively (by deleting all possible panels except the one I want) I can at least get the view I want... Now I have to try out the Ban-Panel-Solution you provided
Edit2: Even the Ban-Panel works if I pin it exclusively to a container!
rodrigo lo turco
I would like to solve the same problem. :/
rodrigo lo turco