10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I got my FM16 yesterday and chose Arsenal to manage. As I only wanted to have a quick look at the match engine, I skipped every preparation and started the very first warm-up match. Arsenal had already lost 0-5 in half time with NO shoot on target against a League1 team (I can't even remember it's name) ...Before starting the match, I got no training, no team talks, all players are auto-assigned, and no tactics are created.

It is very hard to believe one of the top teams can be so dominated by a weak team like that... Would somebody tell me if it is normal?
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
hahaha wow mate no good
10 years ago
2 weeks ago

Yes, it is... Is there a setting which I can lower the game difficulty???
How could this happen????...
16 years ago
1 month ago
It's not normal mate, just one of them strange things FM does from time to time I guess. I would say just forget it and play a few more games see if things improve.

The only other thing is the game might be designed to make a team that has been completely ignored in every aspect (Tactics, Instructions, Training ... ), play like a bunch of morons! If you just select a team and send them out on the pitch doing nothing else there's always going to be issues. 5-0 at HT to a League 1 side is extreme though...
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
No real way to knock down the difficulty unless u use the editor haha
14 years ago
1 week ago
I have been noticing some elements of the game which I find odd - that sort of result is certainly bizarre.

I get the feeling that morale is heavily over-weighted in this game. I'm noticing that one loss often results in a frankly ridiculous losing run.
16 years ago
1 month ago
I have been noticing some elements of the game which I find odd - that sort of result is certainly bizarre.

I get the feeling that morale is heavily over-weighted in this game. I'm noticing that one loss often results in a frankly ridiculous losing run.

I've found that with every FM, once you get on a run bad enough to kill the morale it's so tough to break it, i've always thought morale has too much impact on the games.
Tyrion Lannister
12 years ago
5 years ago
I got my FM16 yesterday and chose Arsenal to manage. As I only wanted to have a quick look at the match engine, I skipped every preparation and started the very first warm-up match. Arsenal had already lost 0-5 in half time with NO shoot on target against a League1 team (I can't even remember it's name) ...Before starting the match, I got no training, no team talks, all players are auto-assigned, and no tactics are created.

It is very hard to believe one of the top teams can be so dominated by a weak team like that... Would somebody tell me if it is normal?

is it normal to wank over Janet street porter? I did once. she looked very alluring in a mag. did I regret it? no. I moved on.

sometimes as human beings, we are weak and we make very bad decisions....
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
is it normal to wank over Janet street porter? I did once. she looked very alluring in a mag. did I regret it? no. I moved on.

sometimes as human beings, we are weak and we make very bad decisions....

We have all been there
Tyrion Lannister
12 years ago
5 years ago
14 years ago
1 week ago

It's an important test of imagination to find the blandest program on TV during study leave and try and crack one out over it. Countdown was always a good entry point because it had Vorderman in her tight, high-waisted trousers.
16 years ago
1 month ago
Well that escalated quickly ...
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
Nothing better than a sneaky wank in the library
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Thank you for all the advice!!!
I found out the major factor afftecting performance is `fitness & Sharpness` . I tried to put players with good condition in the next friendly game against Chelsea, though it lost 4-3, performance improved drastically!

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