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It is very hard to believe one of the top teams can be so dominated by a weak team like that... Would somebody tell me if it is normal?
Ipswich Knights
Yes, it is...
How could this happen????...
The only other thing is the game might be designed to make a team that has been completely ignored in every aspect (Tactics, Instructions, Training ... ), play like a bunch of morons! If you just select a team and send them out on the pitch doing nothing else there's always going to be issues. 5-0 at HT to a League 1 side is extreme though...
Ipswich Knights
I get the feeling that morale is heavily over-weighted in this game. I'm noticing that one loss often results in a frankly ridiculous losing run.
I've found that with every FM, once you get on a run bad enough to kill the morale it's so tough to break it, i've always thought morale has too much impact on the games.
Tyrion Lannister
is it normal to wank over Janet street porter? I did once. she looked very alluring in a mag. did I regret it? no. I moved on.
sometimes as human beings, we are weak and we make very bad decisions....
Ipswich Knights
We have all been there
Tyrion Lannister
It's an important test of imagination to find the blandest program on TV during study leave and try and crack one out over it. Countdown was always a good entry point because it had Vorderman in her tight, high-waisted trousers.
Ipswich Knights
I found out the major factor afftecting performance is `fitness & Sharpness` . I tried to put players with good condition in the next friendly game against Chelsea, though it lost 4-3, performance improved drastically!