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Are we allowed to call him disrespectful, or is he an exception because he's cool?
Nice to see Newcastle playing with a bit desire too - first half performance was dreadful, need to keep it up against Villa - anything less than 3 points would be awful.
I think it is embarrassing and cringey wherever it's done. At this time of the year it completes the panto feeling that Liverpool performances have.
If he'd introduced it from the start then fair enough.
But he decided to do it spontaneously (judging by the embarrassed reactions on the players faces) after fist pumping at the full time whistle.
It's celebrating dropping points at home to a team even we beat.
If it wasn't everyones current favourite Jurgen Klopp and instead someone like Rodgers, LVG, or Mourinho they'd get dogs abuse for it.
Everyone knows a game with a team managed by Pulis is going to be god awful because it's the manager he is - just man up and shake his hand after.
As you say Mourinho would be hammered for that for days.
Based Jorge
Proper cringy, doesn't fit the English culture at all. Well, maybe it does with Liverpool fans to be fair
Tom Carroll also seems to be getting slated for what was a pretty inofensive performance - Eriksen, Kane and Alli seemed to be the bigger problems - as well as the Spurs players taking their foot of the gas.
King Luis
Thats hardly news
Based Jorge
Fair to call Wilshere injury prone but at least the vast majority of his are impact injuries, unlike Sturridge's constant muscular issues
Number 1
I get the merit to the exercise, but equally get the fact it looks weird after a 2-2 draw against a side Liverpool should win. It is nice to see him at least try to make the connection, given quite a few managers don't really go to such lengths to get their fans on side.
Alli did seem to be trying harder than Eriksen and Kane yesterday, but yes, he wasn't that great. Kane was surprisingly poor. I'd say Spurs' only real threat going forward was Lamela, and he went off the boil after the hour. Carroll was pretty anonymous, mind.
Some people seemed to be arguing our players give more when our games are on TV, hence how we have the case where all 4 of our wins so far this season have been in games broadcast on TV in the UK. Which seems to ignore both the fact every single BPL game is televised somewhere in the world, and the gutless surrender to West Ham on TV (and that's ignoring the 4/5 in the second half of last season).
Spurs biggest issue I think was either they ran out of steam due to a midweek game their high energy style, or they were complacent, and allowed Newcastle to dictate the second half. Poch tried to fix it I think by putting on another forward to drag them up the field.
King Luis
Based Jorge
That Mahrez goal was beautiful.
Based Jorge
Nice to see I was spot on
The Platypus
King Luis
Yeah cause that's as bad as being 1 point from the relegation zone in December
The Platypus
GIF removed.
Aww bless.
It's okay, the GIF has been removed.