FM 2016 FLUT dark skin v2.3

Dark skin for FM 2016 regular career mode and widescreens (1920x1080).

I'm pleased to present you the version 2.3 of FLUT Skin Dark for FM16 .

Compatible with DF11, Scope and Cutout Faces.
Compatible with Backgrounds (however, some of them will not be shown, instead, the citypics will be displayed).

Released: 04 September, 2016

Thanks to all FM fans and especially to all of the fantastic FM skinners who made it possible to produce the FLUTSkin as it is today since FM 2013.

Resolution requirements
This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).

The changes (some of them are just minor changes) in this version are in the following panels:

Stadium Overview Panel
Game Processing
Calendar Popup Panel
Club General Panel
Nation General Panel
Team Report Panel
Manager Home Panel

1. In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.

2. I also included a folder with the files you need to use in order to remove the attributes background boxes (you just have to place the files of that folder in the panels folder of the skin and overwrite the originals)

3. You can download the FOOTBALL MANAGER BACKGROUNDS SUPERPACK or the citypics MEGAPACK 4.0 HERE or HERE to further enhance the skin.

How to add Flut Skin in FM16

Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2016flutskindark" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Start FM16 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see FM 2016 Flut Skin - v. 2.3 Dark Version as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.

Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.

This Skin was created by Flut
15 years ago
1 day ago
You're welcome Matt ;-)
15 years ago
1 day ago
Sorry for not putting them in before.

This first picture shows the two logos I wish to make smaller.

And the second shows the injury box next to the players name.

Hi TH26
For the first picture:

1. Go to sidebar menu table.xml and find the following code:

<widget class="picture" id="lgtF" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="bottom">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="5"/>

<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_badges" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
<boolean id="value" value="false"/>

change by:

<widget class="picture" id="lgtF" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="bottom">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="5"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="10" />
<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_badges" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
<boolean id="value" value="false"/>

2. Go to club overview details2 and find for:

<widget class="picture" id="pict" height="190" scale_picture="true">

Reduce the value height.

Concerning the injury box, you can edit it all the status boxes in

13 years ago
4 years ago
You can not do in the game, contracts and transfers can first of all try jj dik
Report Spam
Hi, I would like to beg added to the Skins for the Czech league
O2 Sport HD
CT Sport HD
Digi Sport HD 1/2 Slovakia
Nova Sport HD 1
Nova Sport HD 2
Eurosport 2 HD
Sports 2 HD
Arena Sport 1 Slovakia
STV 1 - Slovakia
STV 2 Slovakia
Dajto HD

These COMPANY WHEN would you like to complement was so willing to do the MAS, so famously zkust Skins do i do professional stadium SYNOT League Dik much for the men to calm the dog Write Send me an email response [email protected] IMMEDIATELY send it back dik those photos that make me a ...

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18 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi Flut,

Thank you so much for all your help.
9 years ago
1 year ago
Hi Flut

I have used your skin for a while now but this is the first year that I am trying to add all of the images but I have a question that isn't answered in the tutorial

How do I get the competition logo to display in the titlebar and player details?
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Flut

I have used your skin for a while now but this is the first year that I am trying to add all of the images but I have a question that isn't answered in the tutorial

How do I get the competition logo to display in the titlebar and player details?

Hi woody

Concerning the competition logos you need to have a competition logos with configs with the codes similar to the fllowing

<record from="36086001" to="graphics/pictures/comp/36086001/logo/background/right"/>

16 years ago
3 weeks ago
Just noticed this when going to Board -> View Affilliates.
I've cleared cache and reloaded the skin but it didn't help.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Just noticed this when going to Board -> View Affilliates.
I've cleared cache and reloaded the skin but it didn't help.

Thanks. I already fixed it and will be included in the next release of the skin.

16 years ago
3 weeks ago
Great stuff.
Excellent work, mate. KUTGW
13 years ago
6 months ago
Hi Flut
Don't know if you can help on this but i will ask it anyway
When i view the news section e.g. transfer round up from a nation or buildup news from a competition i had the option to unsubscribe in order not to receive this kind of news anymore. Now i do not have that option and i don't know what button triggers it. Any thoughts ?
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Flut
Don't know if you can help on this but i will ask it anyway
When i view the news section e.g. transfer round up from a nation or buildup news from a competition i had the option to unsubscribe in order not to receive this kind of news anymore. Now i do not have that option and i don't know what button triggers it. Any thoughts ?


Could you please place a screenshot?
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Hi Flut,

thanks for your new Skin. I´m testing and saw two thinks that´s not perfect (for my resolution? 2560*1440) and i wanted to change it. But i´m an amateur and you can help me i hope. Have a lokk at the two pictures. First, in the "Saisonstatistik" in the player overview is an error in the line "Bundesliga". I´ve tested it and it seems to be in every country, not only in germany for me.

Second, in the player overview the logo of the club (see at the rhight side in the top bayern logo is cut off) is not shown all. I think it´s because my resolution, but i think you can say me what i´ve to change. Thanks for support and a very nice skin (it´my opinion, i would have the player overview panel from the version 1.5 back, could you say me which panels i must copy from the version 1.5 and must i delete some panels in the version 1.6? the player person details panel doesn´t exist in the version 1.5.)
But, it´s my opinion. Please understand me correctly.

Edit: I´ve found everything, but it´s too complicatet for me to explain it in english if anybody have the same problems like me. Sorry.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Flut,

thanks for your new Skin. I´m testing and saw two thinks that´s not perfect (for my resolution? 2560*1440) and i wanted to change it. But i´m an amateur and you can help me i hope. Have a lokk at the two pictures. First, in the "Saisonstatistik" in the player overview is an error in the line "Bundesliga". I´ve tested it and it seems to be in every country, not only in germany for me.

Second, in the player overview the logo of the club (see at the rhight side in the top bayern logo is cut off) is not shown all. I think it´s because my resolution, but i think you can say me what i´ve to change. Thanks for support and a very nice skin (it´my opinion, i would have the player overview panel from the version 1.5 back, could you say me which panels i must copy from the version 1.5 and must i delete some panels in the version 1.6? the player person details panel doesn´t exist in the version 1.5.)
But, it´s my opinion. Please understand me correctly.

Edit: I´ve found everything, but it´s too complicatet for me to explain it in english if anybody have the same problems like me. Sorry.

Hi vonreichsm

I'm not sure if I remember all the changes. However try THIS PACK of files (the graphics you have to place it in graphics/boxes/flut) in order to return to player profile from 1.5 (note that this pack is for white skin; however you can see what are the correspondent files in dark version)

Concerning your questions, since you will return to the player profile of 1.5 I think I don't need to explain how to change (however, the bug in the "Saisonstatistik" (a value not perfectly adjusted in a line that appears sometimes) I don't know how to fix it (that bug was already in other versions too...).

13 years ago
1 hour ago
Thanks Flut. I didn´t have the bug with the "Saisonstatistik" in other versions of your skin. This is the first time. But, i´ve solved it and now it works in the version 1.6. But, i like the player profile of the version 1.5 and want to go back i think.
The bug with the player position is still in version 1.6. You saw it? If i use this panel, it works fine, but if i switch to an other player i see the player positions of him. You know not why, don´t you?
13 years ago
6 months ago

Could you please place a screenshot?

In the inbox when i received a message like that i had the option to unsubscribe, don't know what happened and i can't find where i can activate it
15 years ago
1 day ago
In the inbox when i received a message like that i had the option to unsubscribe, don't know what happened and i can't find where i can activate it


In FM16 (the default skin) only sometimes appears the "button" "manage subscriptions" (as you can see in the bottom right image). So, we have to do it with the menu "subscriptions". This skin is like the default skin and almost all of the skins released. I think only some of them using the panel from FM15 keep the button "unsubscribe".
15 years ago
1 day ago
Thanks Flut. I didn´t have the bug with the "Saisonstatistik" in other versions of your skin. This is the first time. But, i´ve solved it and now it works in the version 1.6. But, i like the player profile of the version 1.5 and want to go back i think.
The bug with the player position is still in version 1.6. You saw it? If i use this panel, it works fine, but if i switch to an other player i see the player positions of him. You know not why, don´t you?

Hi Vonreichsm

Yes I saw the bug (the boxes of role/duty didn't appear unless we go back...) but I really don't know why it happens. If you find the solution, please let me know.

18 years ago
4 hours ago
So i've been working on this with knowledge from Flut.

So reactions???
I'm working on several others.
Ross Robert Ingersoll
9 years ago
2 years ago
anyone having issues with the game crashing just before the match starts when the screen says "teams warming up" . has to be the update because i tested with last version and a few other skins and only happens with this version of the skin
Ross Robert Ingersoll
9 years ago
2 years ago
going to try 1.6 white instead of dark. see if i still have the issue
15 years ago
1 day ago
anyone having issues with the game crashing just before the match starts when the screen says "teams warming up" . has to be the update because i tested with last version and a few other skins and only happens with this version of the skin

Hi robert

I tested in my game and it works fine. I don't know how to explain that bug...Try to clean the cache keep only this skin in the skins folder and reload the game. maybe there is a conflict with other skin....

15 years ago
1 day ago
So i've been working on this with knowledge from Flut.

So reactions???
I'm working on several others.

Hi Nunokopio

Great great job!!!! Thanks ;-)

13 years ago
1 hour ago
Hi Flut,

how could i enlarge these boxes that i could see the number. I can see 1., but not 2.
I´m playing in window mod and have a resolution of 2560*1440. Thanks for your help.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Flut,

how could i enlarge these boxes that i could see the number. I can see 1., but not 2.
I´m playing in window mod and have a resolution of 2560*1440. Thanks for your help.

Hi vonreichsm

Go to competition overview player stats panel1 and search for:

<record id="csRS" width="20" left="10">
<record id="widget_info" class="sortable_label" style="bold" colour="title"/>

increase the value of width
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Wow. Thanks for your yuick answer. I´ve changed it to 30 and it works very fine.
13 years ago
8 months ago
how can i change the background to my graphics pics?e.g. stadiums when im viewing my team
15 years ago
1 day ago
how can i change the background to my graphics pics?e.g. stadiums when im viewing my team

Hi hammer12

For activate the backgroundsa go to the client object browser and change the code:

<widget class="picture" file="backgrounds/default" id="lggg">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="lggg" />
<integer id="set_property" value="pict" />

by this one:

<!-- background picture - covers entire screen -->
<widget class="background" file="backgrounds/default" id="bgnd">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
<integer id="set_property" value="file" />

13 years ago
8 months ago
thank you very much for your quick reply.
14 years ago
10 months ago
Hi Flut and thank you for the great skin. I was wandering if there is a way to have all kits of a club showing in the players pannel. I mean if they can change one after the other from home to away to thind.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Flut and thank you for the great skin. I was wandering if there is a way to have all kits of a club showing in the players pannel. I mean if they can change one after the other from home to away to thind.

Hi mariosk1: Thanks.
Concerning your question I'm affraid is not possible. In order to see the kit I already did a trick with the left logos....(in this panel the kits code doesn't work...)

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