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Number 1
Its a two part issue. On the one hand, I don't think Pardew was great and I don't think we were wrong to want his exit. But that was built on the naive assumption we could find someone better, and until they pulled Benitez out of their arse with no real time to change the culture at the club, they couldn't. And that's down the drain too because he could only get 2 points from Norwich, Sunderland and Villa, and just couldn't galvanise them in a way the succession of late-on Mackem appointments has, and next year its obviously going to be someone like Nigel Pearson.
But I do agree with your other point that he was clearly a stronger presence at Newcastle than we thought. The board were clearly not expecting his departure 18 months ago, and ran around like headless chickens for a month before settling for two incompetent freebies in a row. McClaren was a disaster from the start kept in for far too long by Charnley, and that 18 day period off after the Chelsea thumping is perhaps the biggest waste of time possible.
Its pretty clear Charnley has to go and Graham Carr has to be kept away from France, Belgium and Holland. But in terms of the second tier, this won't be like it was in 2009-10 - I'm expecting a closer season to those of Blackburn, Fulham or QPR in recent years, where there's lots of changes, no consistency, and the odd embarrassing defeat to a side going to League One. Even if most the players are tossers who went missing too often, few squads go up on the back of changing everyone.
And sure, I know its not mathematically confirmed yet. But for all the good Everton and Watford will do, why bother getting hopes up.
Number 1
If this is about the foul throw in the TW Derby then let it go.
And frankly, is a Sam Allardyce side who will be exactly in the same place next year a team you want to survive?
Not sure they will be (assuming they do stay up of course). Whenever Big Sam has a full season with a club they usually end at least comfortably mid table, apart from Bolton's first season or two after promotion 15 years ago.
Although it's too early I guess to predict what'll happen next season, after all who thought this season would go how it has done.
Number 1
I want my moment of irritable cynicism dagnabit! Although granted that when it comes to NUFC that started around November 2012, but still.
Then again, who knows. If Blackburn hadn't sacked Big Sam for Steve Kean in 2010, they'd probably not be among the early favourites for a spot in League One right now. Plus Leicester winning the league promotes the mostly welcome return of unpredictability to football and whatnot.
Based Jorge
Haha I forgot all about that! But that can add to them going down this season!
You don't need to worry, come around 21:45 on Wednesday, we'll more than likely be a Championship club . . .
Don't remind me of that
Everyone loves a bit of Kev.
Are you surprised? Emotion of losing the league aside you've got fuck all to play for now.
Number 1
Assuming Everton pull something out of their arse on Wednesday then maybe there is hope for us.
Yeah I can imagine.
They shouldn't stop trying just because we missed out on the title and we've still got 2nd place to play for.
Surely that's motivation to beat City today. Please.
Hope Arsenal win and go above Spurs
Watch us lose on Tuesday.
Based Jorge
I now think we'll easily beat West Ham and then lose to Bournemouth.
If you lot can't even do it from here, they need to be sacking players not just LVG.
Based Jorge
To be fair thats probably true regardless of whether we get top 4 or not.
Perhaps. Definitely true if you don't though. We're giving them every possible chance.