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Shame Ben Arfa didn't make the France squad, and I have no fucking idea why they chose Mangala over Umtiti.
We announced our squad yesterday:
You know the squad is just as everyone thought it would be when the biggest surprise is Pontus Jansson beating out Jonas Olsson as the 4th centre back in the squad thanks to Alexander Milosevic's injury, Not a single name there that's really unexpected. Only brining one right back is a bit of a gamble though, I suppose.
Gignac over Lacazette is a weird one as well.
Number 1
King Luis
He'll have a stormer now he'll want a transfer away
Number 1
He always plays better for the French national team.
And yeah. Still, hopefully a good performance at the Euros means £15-20m towards the Championship rebuild.
Based Jorge
Lacazette got 21 league goals in a season where he fell out with the coach, the only creative players in his team have been out injured and he was playing with injury at the start of the season. Giroud gets in despite being worse than Francis Jeffers & Gignac pissing about in some poverty League
Although he chose to play Debuchy over Sagna, so I'm not surprised
King Luis
I've seen him in the flesh around a dozen times
Haven't seen him much the last couple of years but his goal scoring record speaks for itself I think.
He scores loads on football manager though.
Never managed to get him scoring on Football Manager myself.
He does bang them home in real life though. They'll still do well - a front 3 of Koman/Payet Giroud and Greizman is still excellent.
Based Jorge
Giroud and 'excellent' don't mix
King Luis
I wonder if there are French or Spanish people on forums saying shit like i wonder if Vardy is actually any good in response to his likely England call up
Either go front 4 of Giroud, Martial, Griezmann, Coman or Martial, Griezmann, Coman, Payet.
Its me more like French people who've never seen Mark Noble play - wondering why Mark Noble doesn't play for England
King Luis
Lacazettes scored 21 league goals and your asking if he's actually any good, how else are you meant to judge strikers, on how well they tie their laces?
(Waits for the inevitable "Its only Ligue 1" response)
If you'd have said the same about Gignac then you'd probably have a case but Lacazette should absolutely be in that squad
Yeah, but it's only Ligue 1
It's probably more like French people wondering why Defoe isn't going to go to the Euro's despite scoring 15 goals or w/e he's scored this season.
as well as I think Bafetembi Gomis was the man for goals in France for 5 or so years - topped the charts very consistently - and honestly he's not really at the level to be a usual for France.
Ben Arfa is a strange one - either you go with him or you don't surely
King Luis
That would be a valid argument if we didn't also have Vardy & Kane who have scored 24 odd goals each, France don't exactly have that.
But that won't happen.
Careful, Arsenal fans will be onto you now.
Rashford over Defoe and not one of the West Ham players?