18 years ago
3 months ago
Remade or not remade, charging for it again is a dick move.

Should be included with every copy bought, including standard.

Or at least made it pre-order exclusive on all editions of the game.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
As much as people might hate it its a smart move from Activision, this would most likely have been the poorest performing COD game since 2 and now they've all but guaranteed it'll probably be the most successful
18 years ago
3 months ago
As much as people might hate it its a smart move from Activision, this would most likely have been the poorest performing COD game since 2 and now they've all but guaranteed it'll probably be the most successful

It would have sold more copies had it been a pre-order exclusive at £40.

The extra £40 is a bit of a joke, in my opinion of course.

Then they'd have the opportunity to release it for say £20 for people that never pre-ordered 3-4 months after release.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
For some reason Fallout 4 + Season pass is free in the Xbox store right now.
15 years ago
1 month ago
For some reason Fallout 4 + Season pass is free in the Xbox store right now.

Bethesda has already said they'll be removing it from anyone who got it though
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Bethesda has already said they'll be removing it from anyone who got it though

Apparently they are giving out $10 to people for their fuck up. Think its just for the people that downloaded anything for free though.
13 years ago
9 months ago
Been playing a lot of Overwatch recently. Its annoying when you don't get a team who works together but when you do its great.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Same, play as Mercy mostly and people are dumb as shit sometimes.
13 years ago
9 months ago
I usually just wait and go whatevers needed which is usually a tank with Roadhog. Came across a really god Mercy the other day whilst a tank and after about 5 games playing with them I messaged them thanking them for being good This was after I'd played on a team with 3 Bastions and 2 Genji's so
15 years ago
1 month ago
Attack I go Reaper, Tank I usually go Roadhog or Reinhardt, Defence I usually play Widowmaker or Torbjorn and Support I play Lucio or occasionally Mercy

Overall though Reaper, Roadhog and Widowmaker are my favourites
15 years ago
1 month ago
Also just watched the EA E3 conference. FIFA story mode could be great if they actually pull it off, though few ever have with sports games. Also the new Mass Effect looks gorgeous
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
Anyone still playing Destiny? I haven't played it in the last 6 to 8 months due to uni work but for all the stick that it gets it was probably the game I've put the most hours into, I really enjoyed it. New expansion coming out September, Rise of Iron, tempted to start playing again now I'm near the end of my degree. Haven't played any of the Taken King so quite a bit of catching up to do.
Number 1
17 years ago
1 year ago
Not been gaming for a while but been having a go with the PS4 remasters of Uncharted 1, 2 and 3. Been great fun so far.
14 years ago
11 months ago
Not been gaming for a while but been having a go with the PS4 remasters of Uncharted 1, 2 and 3. Been great fun so far.

Really? I never owned a PS3 so I never got to play the games fresh, but I bought the remastered collection a month or so ago and tried to work my way through them. The first game is flat out awful, it ots so boring in all elements, everything. But I completed it. The second I almost finished but I just got so bored with the combat, it's repetitive and not fun. I didn't bother playing the third, I just watched a video of what happens and moved on, I appreciate the timing factor, I wasn't there to be sucked in by the fanfare, but I have the same feeling about the fourth. When it hits, it hits big and it feels fun, but when it reverts to its bread and butter, combat and climbing, it is dull and feels like work you have to do in order to get to the next bit. I will say the story is vastly improved, but that isn't saying much given there's basically no depth to any of the original games' stories.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
I love Uncharted. But I've been there since the beginning.
I enjoy the combat, I enjoy climbing around. I enjoy the simple adventure stories. I enjoy the characters.

So, hacha.
Number 1
17 years ago
1 year ago
I agree its a bit repetitive at times but I do find the stories interesting, the main protagonist likeable and enjoy enough of it to keep me going. I think The Last of Us is the best Naughty Dog game, but they're still very good.

I'm aware there's a few things different for Uncharted 4 - it looks like a different world entirely, and there appear to be a few things removed from it. But we'll see how it is when and if I can be arsed to get it.
15 years ago
1 month ago
Anyone still playing Destiny? I haven't played it in the last 6 to 8 months due to uni work but for all the stick that it gets it was probably the game I've put the most hours into, I really enjoyed it. New expansion coming out September, Rise of Iron, tempted to start playing again now I'm near the end of my degree. Haven't played any of the Taken King so quite a bit of catching up to do.

Yeah I still play, never stopped tbh. Despite its obvious flaws i fucking love it. Got well over 1000 hours on it
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
Yeah I still play, never stopped tbh. Despite its obvious flaws i fucking love it. Got well over 1000 hours on it

I haven't checked my account in ages, no doubt half/nearly all the gear I had is now obsolete. Was gonna pick up The Taken King from the PS Store last week for £20 but didn't have the cash, now its back up to £25 so hanging fire again.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
I agree its a bit repetitive at times but I do find the stories interesting, the main protagonist likeable and enjoy enough of it to keep me going. I think The Last of Us is the best Naughty Dog game, but they're still very good.

I'm aware there's a few things different for Uncharted 4 - it looks like a different world entirely, and there appear to be a few things removed from it. But we'll see how it is when and if I can be arsed to get it.

If you enjoy 1, 2 and 3, then it's stupid not to get 4.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Slightly related only just got round to completing The Last of Us and loved it despite not generally enjoying those type of games.
15 years ago
1 month ago
I haven't checked my account in ages, no doubt half/nearly all the gear I had is now obsolete. Was gonna pick up The Taken King from the PS Store last week for £20 but didn't have the cash, now its back up to £25 so hanging fire again.

Yeah it will be Y2 gear is all different with the exception of some Y1 exotics and some legendaries that they brought forward in the latest update. But even then you need to get the new Y2 versions of them. But yeah its still my main game, i still raid at least 1/2 times a week and even with the drought in content I still just play a lot of crucible. Destiny is up there with Titanfall as my fave PVP experience
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
Yeah it will be Y2 gear is all different with the exception of some Y1 exotics and some legendaries that they brought forward in the latest update. But even then you need to get the new Y2 versions of them. But yeah its still my main game, i still raid at least 1/2 times a week and even with the drought in content I still just play a lot of crucible. Destiny is up there with Titanfall as my fave PVP experience

Did they make Fatebringer a Y2 weapon? That gun was sick. VoG must be extremely easy now with the light levels, unless they added a harder difficulty? Might give crucible a go again when I get some time next week, although I think I'm locked out of everything but "classic" playlists due to lack of TTK.
15 years ago
1 month ago
Did they make Fatebringer a Y2 weapon? That gun was sick. VoG must be extremely easy now with the light levels, unless they added a harder difficulty? Might give crucible a go again when I get some time next week, although I think I'm locked out of everything but "classic" playlists due to lack of TTK.

Nah both the old raids and weapons are still at Y1 level. Makes running Crota's End a piece of piss if you still need the Flawless Raider achievement. Only the one Y2 raid so far but there's one coming with the new expansion. I get everyones problems with the game and agree with most of them but I can't help but love it.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Nah both the old raids and weapons are still at Y1 level. Makes running Crota's End a piece of piss if you still need the Flawless Raider achievement. Only the one Y2 raid so far but there's one coming with the new expansion. I get everyones problems with the game and agree with most of them but I can't help but love it.

I gave up on it for two reasons:

1) Eduroam internet won't let me play it
2) Bungie's monetisation strategy is an absolute bag of donkey dicks and I don't want to give them anymore of my cash.

Enjoyed it for what it was though and the Raid's were good fun with a decent team.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I get bored with Destiny quite quickly now. I like Mayhem Clash when its about and sometimes i'll get into Iron Banner just for something to do but thats it really. I only know 1 person that plays Destiny so that probably doesn't help.

I've finally got round to playing the Fallout 4 dlc over the last few days which has been good as always and I think there is another one coming out sometime tomorrow. It's only a workshop add-on but I guess it will give me something to do inbetween quests. Nuka World coming out in August is what i'm waiting for.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Played The Division a bit today and yesterday and my god, what have they done to it The dark zone is complete shit now and most of the good weapons have been/are going to be nerfed and extracting in the DZ is even more annoying now because people can run up and cut your loot down after you've hung it on the hooks.
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
Caved and ordered The Taken King yesterday, arriving today, wish they'd hurry up and deliver!
18 years ago
2 years ago
Played The Division a bit today and yesterday and my god, what have they done to it The dark zone is complete shit now and most of the good weapons have been/are going to be nerfed and extracting in the DZ is even more annoying now because people can run up and cut your loot down after you've hung it on the hooks.

I haven't been on it for two months or so now, loved the beta despite it's bugs and the first week of it was fun, but after that it was horrendous haha.

It's such a shame, it had amazing potential. I really regret buying the Season Pass.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I haven't been on it for two months or so now, loved the beta despite it's bugs and the first week of it was fun, but after that it was horrendous haha.

It's such a shame, it had amazing potential. I really regret buying the Season Pass.

Ah so I wasn't the only one that bought it To be fair the first expansion that came out recently isn't that bad, although I had hoped for a bit more variety in the missions. I only started playing it because I already had the season pass, but it isn't actually as terrible as most of the rest of the game. It kind of makes up for making the dark zone a piece of shit because you can get all the new gear sets and weapons quite easily, plus there is no PvP so you can do all the missions solo if you want.
13 years ago
2 months ago
Think I'm probably the only one excited for the release of the new formula one game, seems like they've listened to the game fans and actually changed it up a bit, getting rid of the 'single season career mode' and actually expanding it to a 10 year season. Also now allowing yourself to create your driver and work your way through teams.

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