Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
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Are you suggesting these logos to replace the ones in the Metallic pack?
I have been searching for proper officialy logos for the Segunda B divisions without being able to find such. The logos you posted seem to be good contenders, but some uncertainties remain. I found a small presentation on Asociación Fútbol Profesional 2ªB aka A2B (it has the same logo: pdf). The presentation is dated 2010, and I suppose the important question is whether A2B currently exists - the association website mentioned in the presentation is dead, but one can view (parts of) it on Do you or others here have knowlege about A2B and if it is still active/relevant?
In the meanwhile, here is the logo in better quality (without the group indicators):
to be honest i dont know if there proper segunda logos or not just found them on pr0s update thread thought id throw in here to see if there better than ones already in the pack
Ok. Considering the scarcity of info on the net, it seems that A2B may not have a lot of wind under its wings. Some result/news websites use the logo though.
ID : 20040608
Brasileirão Série C
INF Clairefontaine
UID is 8431344
I did the proper transparency for the logo, just to start off:
i was looking for ones with the new sponsore they were supposed to be talking to (Movistar i think), but it looks like they are going the EPL route now.
I have spotted a few logos missing for clubs in England levels 11/12
I was wondering if I find the logos for them and the id numbers and post the images on here would it be possible to make a back right, back left, normal and small metallic logos for these missing teams?
Kind Regards
New Aston Villa badge, dropped prepared from underneath, lion bigger. Utv.
New Aston Villa badge, dropped prepared from underneath, lion bigger. Utv.
Yeah sure, but it would be better to just zip them up and attach them to your post.
Castelfidardo correct logo (43106520)
cleaner version:
Dante 21
in case you need
Maybe I'm being pedantic, but I think its odd how the LaLiga and LaLiga2 logos are essentially identical apart from the text, but their colours are slightly off when compared against each other. Surely it cannot be by design.
Here is a Castelfidardo logo reproduction I made for the DVX pack a while ago.
Edit: Apparently Photobucket has become crap while I wasn't looking. I uploaded the above logo in larger size, but as far as I can see 1024px is the biggest it can be. So much for some grand computer desktop wallpapers I have been hosting there (on another account). FM screenshots as well...
the Villa one has a white border outside the shield
Kremmen please check.
There isn't any of them.
I have added new config ( FM Graphics Configurator )
Nice work mate... Big fan of your web site.
It has the white border... Try to check it with a dark background
Thanks for those - I've got Villa's new one, but it's a bit lower quality but i then made it into a vector and now i have like 6 different versions so i'll scratch my head to see which is best
There are 56 Swedish logos in the next pack which will be on the site in a few days, but I've checked Sweden thoroughly and there's not one single missing one now as far as i can see - hopefully it's all good new.
from the club site
Its not the same, but which one is more correct?
Spankz linked the logo with white border directly from the official Aston Villa website:
Here is the logo with maroon edge from the same Aston Villa site:
The badge with the white border has "alt" in its file name, which might be an indication that the logo does not represent the intended primary style. In any case the Brands of the World logo is a vector logo, so its colours can be changed easily without losing image quality.
Black River Gualeguaychu - ID: 14158123
Camioneros (R Grande) - ID: 14158094
La Picada (Posadas) - ID:14158131
Fréjus New logo ID : 85038848
Here is another batch of raw logos,103 of them: