18 years ago
2 months ago
Boris Johnson is now the head of MI6. Think about that for a second.
Number 1
17 years ago
1 year ago
Boris Johnson is now the head of MI6. Think about that for a second.

This is the sort of headline you hear read out bleakly in the opening titles of a video game or movie set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
Free Now TV Sky Sports Day pass available here only for today!

Can be used anytime in the next 12 months, doesn't have to be used today.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Crazy to think I that I walked on the Promenade des Anglais just a few weeks ago, it seemed like paradise then.... What an awful world we live in.
15 years ago
1 month ago
Crazy to think I that I walked on the Promenade des Anglais just a few weeks ago, it seemed like paradise then.... What an awful world we live in.

Yup, devastating. What a depressing time for all
18 years ago
2 years ago
Devastating news. People were there having a good time celebrating. Families and loads of children, so many lives destroyed.

Also breaking news right now there's a military coup happening in Turkey.
18 years ago
3 months ago
15 years ago
1 month ago
Charlie Brooker's yearly wipe is gonna be about 4 hours long this year
12 years ago
4 years ago
I have to babysit a 2 year old today and have no idea what things we can do that won't give her sunstroke in this weather. I could take her to the pub and hustle her at pool but she doesn't have any money.
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
Charlie Brooker's yearly wipe is gonna be about 4 hours long this year

Wish he could do Weekly Wipe around this time.
Deleted Account #151676
I have to babysit a 2 year old today and have no idea what things we can do that won't give her sunstroke in this weather. I could take her to the pub and hustle her at pool but she doesn't have any money.


Keeps my 14 month old happy for hours just splashing in the toddler pool.
12 years ago
4 years ago

Keeps my 14 month old happy for hours just splashing in the toddler pool.

Dammit Rick, where were you yesterday? We went to the beach in the end so she pissed about in the sea, buried me, made and destroyed castles etc...
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Don't know what its like where you lot are, but where I am in Suffolk its gone from boiling hot and dry to one of the worst storms I've seen for quite a while in about 60 seconds. Neighbours tree is leaning over far too much for my liking...
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Also in Suffolk, Ipswich to be more precise. Whereabouts are you? The storm blew over us and barely even rained! Was hoping for more to cool us down!
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I'm not too far away from Diss. Sadly it hasn't cooled down at all since the storm, although it should be cooler over the next few days thank fuck.
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Bit cooler here today, thankfully, as my 2yr old is not coping well in the heat (nor are her parents!). Think there's meant to be another storm tomorrow and then it gets warmer towards the end of the weekend I do miss my North-West rain every day!

Sorry, @Vercoe, didn't see your post earlier! 2yr olds tend to be happy with most things so long as they can run around and explore!
12 years ago
4 years ago
Bit cooler here today, thankfully, as my 2yr old is not coping well in the heat (nor are her parents!). Think there's meant to be another storm tomorrow and then it gets warmer towards the end of the weekend I do miss my North-West rain every day!

Sorry, @Vercoe, didn't see your post earlier! 2yr olds tend to be happy with most things so long as they can run around and explore!

No worries mate, I'll let you off seeing as how "your" club is going to gift us 3 points on the 27th of August (I say "your" club not to belittle your personal support, more that the owners are cunts - as you know better than me - and therefore it doesn't feel like your club).
16 years ago
6 years ago
Americans actually seem to think that the Irish came yo America as slaves.....
13 years ago
9 months ago
Two shootings in Austin Texas. I was there in the area it happened about 2 weeks ago
13 years ago
8 years ago
Yo, me and the missus have booked for us and my son to spend Xmas in Dublin at her sisters gaff. We'll be there 24th-28th, anyone got any suggestions of what to do on the 26th-28th while we are there? Bare in mind my son will be almost 3 by the time this comes around so needs to be toddler friendly!
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
Yo, me and the missus have booked for us and my son to spend Xmas in Dublin at her sisters gaff. We'll be there 24th-28th, anyone got any suggestions of what to do on the 26th-28th while we are there? Bare in mind my son will be almost 3 by the time this comes around so needs to be toddler friendly!

16 years ago
2 years ago
Had an interview for Sky lined up in May and then they pulled the role.

In the meantime I got a nice job at an Insurance company and now out of the blue they ring and want me to come for an interview tomorrow. I'm debating about going and seeing what they've got to offer. Then maybe try get an increase in wage/better work conditions at my current place etc...
16 years ago
6 years ago
Reading people being outraged about the PrEP. It's nice to see some homophobia - really feel racism has had the monopoly lately on disgusting views/
18 years ago
3 years ago
Yo, me and the missus have booked for us and my son to spend Xmas in Dublin at her sisters gaff. We'll be there 24th-28th, anyone got any suggestions of what to do on the 26th-28th while we are there? Bare in mind my son will be almost 3 by the time this comes around so needs to be toddler friendly!

Really enjoyed Dublin Zoo when I was there, could check that out.
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
1 month ago
Went to my Uni's orientation this week, being out 2 years for conscription sure did my brain a fuckton of good
18 years ago
2 months ago
Sounds like some middle-aged people down the street are having a party. Urgh.

I can live with teenagers not respecting the neighbours now and then, but people who based on their choice of music can't be a day under 40? They can fuck right off.
16 years ago
6 years ago
Massive Bruce Springsteen Franck there.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Massive Bruce Springsteen Franck there.

I wouldn't have complained if it was Bruce Springsteen they were playing.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Been listening to my insane neighbours arguing for half an hour, really wish I could close my window without turning my room into a fucking sauna...

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