16 years ago
5 months ago
I'm fed up with my network supplier, o2, and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations as to what network is best in the UK? Thinking of switching to 3 as my friends who are on it seem to have the best reception (phone and data) and seems well priced.

Currently trying to unlock my phone too, which seems an almighty pain and pricey for what it is!
King Luis
18 years ago
11 months ago
Im on 3, never had any problems with them and they're pretty much the only network that offers unlimited data, definitely recommend them.
16 years ago
5 months ago
Aye, they offer the first 6 months for half price too at the moment so that is swaying me. They seem to have best coverage in the area where I work which is most helpful. o2 are a bit hit and miss, as is vodafone and EE are awful!

Just waiting on an unlock code from a website...refuse to pay o2 £15 and wait 28days!
15 years ago
4 years ago
I don't get any 3 signal in the house, and lose it in places. But would still reccomend it over any of the others.
16 years ago
5 months ago
I don't get any 3 signal in the house, and lose it in places. But would still reccomend it over any of the others.

Given what you've said, how come you'd still recommend it?!
15 years ago
4 years ago
Unlimited data at a reasonable price, plus when I do get good signal I can stream things better than my friend's wifi.. If you're saying they have good coverage in your area, you're grand
18 years ago
1 month ago
3 is poor for signal dropping out for me. Moved to o2 and don't get the same problems in the same places.
18 years ago
2 months ago
I'm with Tesco Mobile (which is part of the O2 network) and bar the one time it was down a year or two ago, I've had zero problems with it.
16 years ago
5 months ago
Hmm, bizarre. The only people who seem to get regular phone and data signal at my work place are those on 3 (or iD - same network). One of our old IT managers changed all the work mobiles from Vodafone to EE to save money, and EE are awful for signal so now on a work mobile if you're in the main building you can only get signal in the reception waiting area and at the top of the warehouse stairs! I was only getting signal on o2 intermittently anywhere in the village and they were getting more expensive.

So, today I took the plunge and joined 3. In my house I have 2 bars max phone signal it seems, but I have a landline and wifi so not bothered about that really. The real test will come at work on Monday! Opted for unlimited data too £11 a month for the first 6 months, doesn't seem bad to me.
10 years ago
3 weeks ago
I went from Vodafone to EE yesterday. Rarely got a bar of signal with Vodafone when i'm at home but now I always have at least 1 bar. Finally got a modern phone after using some old Sony Ericsson for the last 10 years, I have almost no idea what i'm doing with this thing
18 years ago
5 days ago
Finally got a modern phone after using some old Sony Ericsson for the last 10 years, I have almost no idea what i'm doing with this thing

I did the same thing two years ago. It takes a good while for the feeling of cluelessness to go away. There's some pretty fucking cool things that you can do with a smartphone though which makes it worth it.
16 years ago
3 years ago
I'm fed up with my network supplier, o2, and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations as to what network is best in the UK? Thinking of switching to 3 as my friends who are on it seem to have the best reception (phone and data) and seems well priced.

Currently trying to unlock my phone too, which seems an almighty pain and pricey for what it is!

Depends on where you are and what you want. It differs massively after all .
16 years ago
5 months ago
16 years ago
3 years ago

The advice is always relevant.

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