FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 16 Feb 2025
  • 104,723 Changes
  • 585 Contributors
  • FM24.3

You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 16.3) which is no longer supported by our data update.

This page is here as a historical reference only.

View Latest Version (25.0)

14 years ago
1 day ago
we need gabigol transfer to be efective in live patch. there is already a week change was made but is not ACTIVE on patch.
somebody must fix it. gabriel barbosa its like neymar for flamengo fans
12 years ago
3 years ago
just because in game future value goes to 26.5M and it is 25M.. also source says inter is suppose to pay 2/3 of the salary
12 years ago
2 months ago
I think we'd better change the% of the salary to 50% because in the benfica hand there is no one who receives as much value as he does £ 83k.
Roberto Martins
9 years ago
9 months ago
Benfica CB is NOT Sport Lisboa e Benfica!
Get your facts right.
12 years ago
2 months ago
Is not Benfica CB guys ahahahaha Its SLB ( Sport Lisboa e Benfica) ! xD
Gabriel BarbosaGabriel Barbosa has been transferred to InterInter.
Gabriel BarbosaGabriel Barbosa now has a contract of £40k per week until 30th June 2021.
Submitted by Cymro 30 Aug 2016 16:34:04 (Cymro Submissions)
9 years ago
6 years ago
Slightly different but follow the steps, there is a video and everything. Simple to install.

Everything works as it should mate: D The best beer in the world in your direction! : D
9 years ago
6 years ago
Slightly different but follow the steps, there is a video and everything. Simple to install.

We check, also let you know. Everything done step by step, even if something goes wrong it's probably not from my side ... we'll see
18 years ago
1 month ago
And how does this relate to the instructions with the update LIVE? Generally, that everything was ok with your update.

Slightly different but follow the steps, there is a video and everything. Simple to install.
9 years ago
6 years ago

And how does this relate to the instructions with the update LIVE? Generally, that everything was ok with your update.
18 years ago
1 month ago
And you see this folder in 1630 removed the nothing, simply replaces the update when it was fetching in the "editor data". That was not interested, and that was a mistake. Anyway, now I noticed that he did not throw now Real Name fix: D Cymro, you give me step by step "installation" so that all the names are correct? Here or PM what to do here dumpster?

Go here:

Follow the instructions carefully, but make sure you do it for the folder 1630
9 years ago
6 years ago
Name the names or this is not true.

I have the Live Update and the Real Name Fix working alongside each other and never had an issue with the correct names displaying. My feeling is that you haven't cleared out the 1630 folder correctly like it shows on the instructions.

And you see this folder in 1630 removed the nothing, simply replaces the update when it was fetching in the "editor data". That was not interested, and that was a mistake. Anyway, now I noticed that he did not throw now Real Name fix: D Cymro, you give me step by step "installation" so that all the names are correct? Here or PM what to do here dumpster?
18 years ago
1 month ago
However, everything is installed correctly, because virtually every person you ask has a similar problem, and only helps to replace the names of the teams in the Editor. I'm new at this, also quietly. So my request to you is the following, change the names of the clubs once and neatly, and everything will be beautiful: D

Name the names or this is not true.

I have the Live Update and the Real Name Fix working alongside each other and never had an issue with the correct names displaying. My feeling is that you haven't cleared out the 1630 folder correctly like it shows on the instructions.
18 years ago
35 minutes ago
However, everything is installed correctly, because virtually every person you ask has a similar problem, and only helps to replace the names of the teams in the Editor. I'm new at this, also quietly. So my request to you is the following, change the names of the clubs once and neatly, and everything will be beautiful: D

Like I said, if the file isn't working, it's a user installation error. Thousands upon thousands of people download the file; just because a handful have this issue doesn't mean that "virtually every person" does Remember, the vast majority of users who don't have any issues have no reason to post, and so it stands to reason that you don't hear anything from them...

Every time that users ask for help, it turns out that they either missed out on a step (or more) or put the files in the wrong folder(s). The file works if installed correctly. If not, there's a workaround provided to further assist. It's effective, it's neat and it's worked for years

I've helped out plenty of people; if you want me to help you, then I repeat what I asked earlier: "so as not to clog this thread, can I please ask you to post a screenshot in the real name fix thread of your editor data folder and of the real name fix files? I may be able to see what's wrong and help you solve this issue."

12 years ago
3 years ago
never had such issues, the problem is with your installation
9 years ago
6 years ago
I'm afraid it looks like you're not installing the files correctly. I'm 100% sure they work correctly, if you install them in the right manner.

This is not the right place to talk about this, so as not to clog this thread, can I please ask you to post a screenshot in the real name fix thread of your editor data folder and of the real name fix files? I may be able to see what's wrong and help you solve this issue.

However, everything is installed correctly, because virtually every person you ask has a similar problem, and only helps to replace the names of the teams in the Editor. I'm new at this, also quietly. So my request to you is the following, change the names of the clubs once and neatly, and everything will be beautiful: D
18 years ago
6 days ago
The names of teams are entirely down to the game itself as far as I know, I've not edited any names at all.

For the record using the real name fix in conjunction with the update sometimes can cause issues so use at your own risk.
18 years ago
35 minutes ago
This does not help. Starting a new career does not correct the names of the clubs. They are still incomplete names or something like BMG, Gelsenkirchen RBL (instead of RB Leipzig, etc.). It's so tiring. The only thing you can do is play in the editor, but the need for a complete renovation, and not every day, so obviously you have to wait after September 1, I suspect that closer to 5 or 6 September, will be able to have a career start. I think that they themselves once, namely play around in the editor and dump the names of German clubs of Bundesliga 1 and 2 and 3.

I'm afraid it looks like you're not installing the files correctly. I'm 100% sure they work correctly, if you install them in the right manner.

This is not the right place to talk about this, so as not to clog this thread, can I please ask you to post a screenshot in the real name fix thread of your editor data folder and of the real name fix files? I may be able to see what's wrong and help you solve this issue.
9 years ago
6 years ago
@MarcekYNWA If the real name fix is applied correctly, then the German club names will appear correctly in a new save game. If you apply the files after starting a new game, the correct club names will not appear unless you apply the workaround in the first post of this thread.

Hope this helps

This does not help. Starting a new career does not correct the names of the clubs. They are still incomplete names or something like BMG, Gelsenkirchen RBL (instead of RB Leipzig, etc.). It's so tiring. The only thing you can do is play in the editor, but the need for a complete renovation, and not every day, so obviously you have to wait after September 1, I suspect that closer to 5 or 6 September, will be able to have a career start. I think that they themselves once, namely play around in the editor and dump the names of German clubs of Bundesliga 1 and 2 and 3.
18 years ago
35 minutes ago

@MarcekYNWA If the real name fix is applied correctly, then the German club names will appear correctly in a new save game. If you apply the files after starting a new game, the correct club names will not appear unless you apply the workaround in the first post of this thread.

Hope this helps
18 years ago
1 month ago
9 years ago
6 years ago

Ok, thanks. I have one more question. Is there a way to have more real names of clubs from Germany? I mean, instead of BMG, should be Borussia Monchengladbach, instead of Dortmund, Borussia Dortmund, the same goes for example. Schalke, instead of which bears the name of Gelsenkirchen ... It made me very angry. Real Names Fix gives nothing in this topic, you could take this into account in your phenomenal upgrade?
18 years ago
1 month ago
Thank you mate I apologize for my attitude, but there were many errors in the earlier transfers or canceled at the moment ... so I'm glad that you react as quickly as in the case of Ali Adnan

Post any errors you mention here:
9 years ago
6 years ago
1. I didn't put him on a free.
2, As always if there is an error, then a polite mention that it's incorrect would have helped us to correct it quicker
3. The update is constantly being updated, it won't stop being updated until the release of FM17 possibly.

Thank you mate I apologize for my attitude, but there were many errors in the earlier transfers or canceled at the moment ... so I'm glad that you react as quickly as in the case of Ali Adnan
18 years ago
1 month ago
Fine. I will wait. I have a few questions in a normal form. So why you threw Udinese player, Ali Adnan on a free transfer, if it is still a player Udinece Calcio? And when the main window closes on September 1, is when you can expect a complete renovation, so that you can start a career, in my case, FC Kobenhavn: D I ask polite and detailed response.

1. I didn't put him on a free.
2, As always if there is an error, then a polite mention that it's incorrect would have helped us to correct it quicker
3. The update is constantly being updated, it won't stop being updated until the release of FM17 possibly.
9 years ago
6 years ago

Please be respectful and stop using capital letters, just keep clam.

But for your point ... nothing official here: ... yet

Fine. I will wait. I have a few questions in a normal form. So why you threw Udinese player, Ali Adnan on a free transfer, if it is still a player Udinece Calcio? And when the main window closes on September 1, is when you can expect a complete renovation, so that you can start a career, in my case, FC Kobenhavn: D I ask polite and detailed response.
18 years ago
1 month ago
dont think he gets it mate


This is DONE DEAL. Whats wrong is you?

Please be respectful and stop using capital letters, just keep clam.

But for your point ... nothing official here: ... yet
9 years ago
6 years ago
This is DONE DEAL. Whats wrong is you?
15 years ago
6 hours ago
Dunno how many times it is said to you ... the clubs have yet to officially confirm it. Both him and Joao have landed ready for the medical and contract signings. Just finding the image of him holding a shirt from a mobile phone camera at this stage proves little.

When the deal goes through, please submit the deal. Won't be confirmed in the update until then.

dont think he gets it mate
18 years ago
1 month ago

Dunno how many times it is said to you ... the clubs have yet to officially confirm it. Both him and Joao have landed ready for the medical and contract signings. Just finding the image of him holding a shirt from a mobile phone camera at this stage proves little.

When the deal goes through, please submit the deal. Won't be confirmed in the update until then.