Go to Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2017 \ editor data - If a folder named editor data does not exist, then create it.
Delete all previous instances of this file or others named similarly.
Put this file in there and start a new game. Voilà, problems sorted
Make sure click 'Clear Cache' after download SSKCC17 then reload skin then Start a game!
example - After download, open FM17, Preferences> Interface > click 'Clear Cache' > Preferences > > Interface > click 'Reload Skin' > 'Career' Start a game!
Delete all previous instances of this file or others named similarly.
Put this file in there and start a new game. Voilà, problems sorted

Make sure click 'Clear Cache' after download SSKCC17 then reload skin then Start a game!
example - After download, open FM17, Preferences> Interface > click 'Clear Cache' > Preferences > > Interface > click 'Reload Skin' > 'Career' Start a game!

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Huzaifa Pandor
they all from SSKCC for FM16 to FM17 but some not showing, wrong colour so on so im working on it...shame i thought its same as FM16 but didnt. ok
(updated - England, Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, other leagues i haven't done yet, still working on it.)
Please PM me as hammer9 or here....see if any error, not showing, colour wrong so on...thank you.
Spanish santander league is with last year's colours
ok ill look at.
Adam Eaton
Huzaifa Pandor
I meant what does this mod do?
It updates the kits in the match engine.
(updated - Poland (difficult to find name as not full real name of club tho), Russia, France, Argentina, New Zealand, France, Sri Lanka, Lithuania, Latvia, Turks and Caicos Islands & Australia.,..And i haven't done yet, still working on this other leagues Greece, Argentina, Belgium, Poland, England, Romania, Albania & Slovenia, Lots of Spain too.( i haven't done yet, still working on it.)
Please PM me as hammer9 or here....see if any error, not showing, colour wrong so on...thank you.
Have a look at this post which explains the reasoning behind this pack, complete with screenshots. Although the screenshots are from an older version of the game, the purpose is similar. Basically, it brings the way the kits are displayed in-game in line with the various released SS17 kitpacks so that there are no clashes, since there may occasionally be a difference between the kit colours and/or style in the FM database and the ones in the SS17 kitpacks.
(updated - Greece, Argentina, Belgium, England, Romania, Albania, Poland (only Ekstraklasa & 1 liga), Slovenia, Bulgaria, Austria & Ukraine.)
And Poland (difficult to find name as not full real name of club tho, Lots of Spain too.( i haven't done yet, still working on it.)
Please PM me as hammer9 or here....see if any error, not showing, colour wrong so on...thank you.
ok ill look at.
this - https://sortitoutsi.net/forums/topic/29605/some-kits-not-working-sskcc1711-v10-for-ss201617-kits-on-fm17-only-051116
Ok thanks but i already started a game
well yeah, everytime start a game if updated latest SSKCC.
well yeah, everytime start a game if updated latest SSKCC.
Just have a question for you, I saw with the last update from Mons ( 'licenses fix' ) that there's a file called: 'European Competition Colour Changes' in the editor data file. But in the editor data file i pasted your last file of the Colour Changes. Will there be a problem? Overwriting some things in the (new) game?
Thanks in advance!
Let me answer that for you: The file in "my" download only changes the colours in the titlebars for the European competitions and not for clubs. The two files can therefore co-exist without any issues
Okay! Thanks mons! Brilliant work that you do to! Making the game more realistic!
(updated - Romania, Spain, England, France, Serbia, Cyprus, Israel, Belarus (highest, first & second), Greece, UAE, Chile, Croatia, Denmark & San Marino.)
And Poland (difficult to find name as not full real name of club tho, Lots of Spain too.( i haven't done yet, still working on it.)
Please PM me as hammer9 or here....see if any error, not showing, colour wrong so on...thank you.
Is your last SSKCC compatible with last update from FM? Because I see you use 17.1.2. And now the game is 17.2.0
Or do I have to start a new game?
no.....17.1.2 is FM patch....other you see v2.1 thats SSKCC updated mate
and yeah start a game after download SSKCC
Hi Hammer9
Do you have any idea when your new SSKC will be released?
In the next days or probably next weeks?
Thanks for your effort!
10 new leagues pack im working on. hopeful before xmas!