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However, I immediately came upon an issue. I want to be an American managing in Europe, but the only birthplace I can have is Washington, D.C. (Regardless of what city I enter when creating a profile, it changes to Washington in game.) I know that this is most likely a cosmetic feature (my birthplace), but I really do not want to start a save that I expect to last decades in game time and have to always see that city
I brought it up in SI's bugs forum and was told, "Thanks for raising this issue. We are working towards a solution for the problem," and, "Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any guidance on the timescale of fixes." That was on Monday, and now it's Friday, and it's still not fixed. I'm assuming that I am just going to have to wait for the first patch? Doing some quick Google research, it looks like the first patch is usually released in December. Is this generally the case?
I know that definitive answers are not possible, but I'm just looking for general feedback from regular players here. I wouldn't mind waiting a few days before starting my one long-term save, but I really do not want to wait a month. If it's going to be that long, I'd rather just bite the bullet and either be an American born in Washington or pick a different nationality.
tldr ... Do I have to wait for a patch for my issue that is detailed in the second paragraph to be fixed? If so, when do you think the first patch will be released?
However, if anybody has any thoughts on how long you think this might take SI to fix, please share. An educated guess is fine as I know that it could be fixed tomorrow, or it could be fixed next month.
Don't they usually release a patch in December?
That would be great, but, unfortunately, I would imagine that if they were going to do that, they likely would have done it by now.
Bottom line, I'm thinking the odds are likely that it won't be until December despite it most likely not being that difficult for them to fix.
I am unsure how what appears to be a cosmetic feature would have any knock-on effects, but I do respect that this could be more difficult to fix than it appears to me.
But, to answer your question, I am American (and still live in the U.S.), and I have a lot of American cities to choose from when choosing one as my birthplace. The issue is that after I select a birthplace from that extensive list, finish creating the manager, put him in charge of a team (or make him unemployed), divvy up attribute points, etc., and go into the game, I'm listed as having a birthplace of Washington, D.C. So, the issue is that regardless of which American city I select, at some point between that screen and getting into the game itself, it loses the information, thinks I left it blank and gives me the default as a result (if you leave the birthplace blank, you are automatically given the capital city of your chosen nationality).
Over on the SI forums, apparently somebody else is in a similar situation as me as this person posted: "I typically play one save for two years until I buy the next version and I don't want to start a career with Washington DC as my birthplace." SI responded by saying that they understand that this is frustrating and that they are looking into it and will keep us updated as they find out more.
Hopefully, it gets fixed soon. As I said above, I cannot imagine that this would be that difficult for them to fix, especially since it appears to be a cosmetic feature (i.e. "knock-on effects" would not be an issue, presumably), but I obviously don't know the ins and outs of the game or whether or not it is 100 percent cosmetic or not.
Quick update - I was about to near my breaking point (not wanting to wait any longer) and asked for another update on the SI forums and was told that I should probably just start now, indicating that the fix is likely not imminent (as noted above, I don't mind waiting a few days more but if it is going to weeks, I'd rather just start playing). So, I am going to dive in at some point later today.
if you type in the city a list should come up of all the American cities
It does. I have a ton of American cities to choose from and can select any of them. The issue is that when I finish creating my profile and go into the game, it is always then changed to Washington.