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Can't see how May is going to gain from this? I guess she is after some stability for the next 5 years rather than 3, but all I can see is another shitty coalition happening.
King Luis
She has absolutely nothing to lose from this election, she'll win with a massive majority (early predictions suggest 100 seats). So she can more or less do what she wants when she wins and has to negotiate Brexit, also she won't have to stand by Cameron's manifesto promises any more, so we can expect that National Insurance hike for the self employed in next years budget, among other tax increases no doubt. As things stand she has a tiny majority and a lot of her own party have been challenging her when it comes to the Brexit negotiations.
The only damage i can see for May will be reputational, reneging on her promises that there won't be a general election will weaken her standing a little but it ultimately wont matter (aside from within the party) because the Tories will have a massive majority.
The only good to come of this will be Corbyn will finally have to step down when he loses, which will inadvertently damage May in the long term because there will actually be an opposition for a change, and Carswell will lose his seat (whilst Arron Banks also loses in the same constituency, small mercys i know)
King Luis
Lib Dems will gain a lot of votes but it'll be more at the expense of Labour than it will the Conservatives. At least UKIP will officially be dead after June 8th though, but most of those UKIP votes will now go to the Tories because May is all for hard Brexit, despite the fact she was against it before she was PM.
Also i don't think there's as much as a lashback against Brexit as we would think, much like the ref campaign last year its a lot of talk in an echo chamber, i still think a lot of people are for it and will vote Tory purely because Corbyn is the leader at Labour.
Every cloud, etc.
Can Labour act fast enough to get some sort of act together? Oust Corbyn and have Dave Milliband ride in on a white charger
EDIT: Wrong brother.
King Luis
We can but dream At this point it wouldn't even surprise me if he didn't step down after a landslide loss, he's that out of touch. Just need Clive Lewis to step up and go for the leadership.
Number 1
Many people would rather die than vote Tory in the North
He might be about to lose his seat
Norwich voted Remain solidly and the constituency flipped in 2015 from Lib Dem to Labour.
What's worse for him though is a strong Conservative second place in 2015 and a reasonably strong UKIP vote (~10%) which could fuck him if the Lib Dems split the vote.
Coincidentally he's the MP in one of the two constituencies I can vote in so I guess I'm going to have to vote Labour then...
Because they are idiots. They still believe that Thatcher screwed them despite the truth being easily available.
They will instead vote for Labour whose leader has friends bombed the country and their neighbours and next day he kept inviting them to drinks at the House of Commons.
Mmm, this is the good shit.
Been away for a while, good to know somethings haven't changed.
In all honesty, I've never voted in a local election but I do vote every general election. I believe that's probably true with most of the populace but could be wrong?
Anyway I know local elections don't correlate with generals but some reasonably surprising places voted Tory in Northurmberland - and they were only stopped from having overall control via a drawing of straws.
I got:
78% Labour
76% Green !!!
68% Lib Dem
48% UKIP
41% Conservative
I (and others) have always found that one sadly lacking in originality and the questions are very leading. You are better off finding out where on the political spectrum you come from and I quite like spekr.org
Just copied the opening bit from another forum, as soon as I tried it and it gave me 76% Green party I figured it wasn't that accurate!
King Luis
A: Under the Strong And Stable™ leadership of Theresa May there will be no changes to any lightbulbs.
Clarification: Under the Strong And Stable™ Leadership of Theresa May all changes to lightbulbs will be means-tested.
Re-clarification: Under the Strong And Stable™ Leadership of Theresa May the number of changes to lightbulbs will be capped. Details of the cap will be announced after the General Election when we are pretty sure that voters will have forgotten about the original Tory Policy on changes to lightbulbs.
Number 1