15 years ago
2 years ago
I wanted to get a poll started to let SI know just how many people will be buying FM on release day in future after recent events this year and please no rants or offending remarks about SI staff just state why you have made your choice constructively please.

I personally have put the game to the side just now and went back to FM12 due to the issues raised by people here, the team I am sure are working flat out to fix the issues although I still feel for a ME under development for nearly two years it is the worst FM released so far with regards to the ME, the other new features I really like and if this ME was more polished on release it would have been the best FM so far in my eyes.

The ME should have never been released until 2013 but sadly the 2012 ME was at it's limit of what could be done with it, SI had to release this years new ME because working on say FM12 ME in this years game and also trying to develop the FM 13 ME at the same time wouldn't be viable, unfortunately we have no choice but to be patient and wait for the ME programmer Paul C to do his stuff and I can say to all users he will be trying his hardest to get this right for everyone as creating FM and building these ME's from the ground up will have been this guys life.

I am as disappointed as all other FM players I have played these games for years back to the very first CM/FM games and I can't play FM at the moment because personally I feel I am trying to set my tactic against the ME and not my opponent and I just don't see any of my tactics being represented on screen, no through balls etc etc we all know the rest, but at the same time I have the common sense to realize exactly what is happening here by looking at the previous FM releases and the current state of the game in what is now nearly January and I have a funny feeling this will be one of SI's most difficult years possibly losing customers, SI had no choice but to release this ME for us all to help shape into most probably the best ME in any management game to date because that is what is being created here and we are all part of making that happen over the next few months and years, what would the other choice have been stick with FM 12 and have people moan about the blatant flaws for a year or bring a new ME out to the masses and let everyone help shape it to be the best?

FM is the only real proper football management game out there and is going through constant changes and we all know the way it works it has never changed the game gets released the players find bugs SI fix them then other bugs then more fixes and so on and so on, even when the last fixes are rolled out before FM14 gets worked on the game will still need fixed so are you happy as customers to keep doing this year in year out or is enough enough?

These are just my thoughts on how I feel about the way things are going with FM and I will certainly be holding off until after Christmas 2014 and for all future FM releases, hopefully everyone posts their views without ranting so SI can at least see a thread with solid numbers voting and explaining why they have made their choice and hopefully we get a better product on release from now on.

So what about everyone else what will you be doing and why? http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/341229-How-many-people-will-be-buying-FM-on-release-day-in-future
Stuart Paton
11 years ago
11 years ago
Its that old chesnut if it aint broke dont fix it , and thats exactly what they have done with unlucky FM13 tried to fix it , the game is a mess , and for what reason , ill tell you because they are obsessed with making all these changes and thinking it impresses folk , well it doesnt , all that needs done is players and leagues updated , transfers updated and the occasional corner rounded a little , but to make so many changes and mess with everything is not the way to carry the franchise forward

im sick of these stupid player and staff question answering sessions , i mean does anyone really want to continually keep ticking boxes ? no they dont its a pain in the rear end

ill definetly be sitting back and waiting a few months before/if i buy the next one

one very unhappy fm customer !

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