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Add-on Pack V1.2.1
New Link comming soon
(Click to expand)
- Extract the xml, graphics and steam folder to your desktop
- Place the graphics folder into the following directory;
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017
- Open up the xml folder on your desktop
- You will notice two folders one called ‘Club Adboards’ and the other ‘‘Non Club Adboards’ cut and paste these of these folders to the following directory
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017/ads
- Choose your prefered xml file and copy and paste this file over the existing fm.xml file in the football manager 2017/ads directory.
- Place the steam folder into the following directory;
- Load up FM17 and in the preferences
uncheck use skin cache
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
C:\Program Files (x86)
You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
uncheck clicking on ad board takes you to owners website
check reload skin on confirm.
Go to the 'general' tab and set size of text & images to 100%
(if not already)
This add-on pack will only work with the FM16 adboard patch installed, if you do not have it download it first from Here
It is also recommended to have the following previous Add-on packs installed
Previous Add-on's
Finally got all my computer issues sorted after a lot of cash
Nice to see that the patch is still going from strength to strength
Loving the new look vid boards rabcp
V1.2.1 XML is wrong m8.....it includes two No Club Adboards XML...
Thanks DaszS8... So I've managed to overwite the Clubs xml and have no back up
Thanks TVcapper good to see you back
NOOOOOOOO.........good luck m8
If it helps, have the old one
Ouch. Good luck mate
Add-on Pack V1.2.1
If you downloaded the first version you'll still need to overwrite the graphics folder as some adboard locations have been changed
(Click to expand)
- Extract the xml, graphics and steam folder to your desktop
- Place the graphics folder into the following directory;
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017
- Open up the xml folder on your desktop
- You will notice two folders one called ‘Club Adboards’ and the other ‘‘Non Club Adboards’ cut and paste these of these folders to the following directory
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017/ads
- Choose your prefered xml file and copy and paste this file over the existing fm.xml file in the football manager 2017/ads directory.
- Place the steam folder into the following directory;
- Load up FM17 and in the preferences
uncheck use skin cache
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
C:\Program Files (x86)
You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
uncheck clicking on ad board takes you to owners website
check reload skin on confirm.
Go to the 'general' tab and set size of text & images to 100%
(if not already)
This add-on pack will only work with the FM16 adboard patch installed, if you do not have it download it first from Here
It is also recommended to have the following previous Add-on packs installed
Previous Add-on's
<record id="100128" path="video_ads/england/generic/bt" animated="true"/>
path="video_ads/england/generic/score centre" animated="true"/>
<record id="100129" path="video_ads/england/generic/dhl" animated="true"/>
is that right? the middle line?
White Flag
And in the video_ads folder England is currently called "eng", the patched files are in folder "england". Perhaps the reason for the problem above ?
Do we need to add "england" in addition to "eng", or merge the two ? If merge then which goes into which ?
The 'eng' folder is the original FM ads, none of these are used, you can even delete it if you desire. As long as the new 'England' folder is the 'video ads' folder then everything will work fine.
Yeah that's all correct
I want to update the community with my future plans for the Adboard Patch in the lead up to FM18 some 3-4 months away.
I'm considering removing every club adboard over 3 years old from the file as many are now very out of date, What’s everyone one’s thoughts on this?
Finally, I want to create individual club adboard’s for every club playing in the English & Scottish Premiership, Championship, League one and League two based on the 17/18 season. This adds up to 135 teams and is far too much work for me to undertake on my own so I'd be looking for people to help with this, if anyone can contribute then either reply in the thread or send me a message for further details.
In line with the first part of this post I’ll be updating all of the Continental Competition Adboard’s as I continue to work on the new xml file, starting with Africa below. Throughout this work I will still be working on creating Video ads for all EPL clubs and will update the first 10 clubs if needed based on adboard’s used this season.
I'm up for taking a look at the lower levels of the english football pyramid (League 1 & 2 - Non-video boards)
This does greatly depend on what quality of highlights footage I am able to get hold of however.
(Rabcp - I can let you know what ads Southampton are displaying after their game 12/8/17)
I created some non-league ad-boards a while back which never saw the light of day. PM me later in the year and I will try to accomodate.
Does anyone know what could be the problem?
Thanks Tv_Capper,
No problem Persee
I'll keep that in mind, feel free to message me whenever in case I forget but I'll include anything you send as long as its off a high enough quality
It looks as if your file locations are wrong, double check them then post the locations in here
I suppose this is the correct folder for all the files(except the steam folder.)
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2017 - looks like this:
Ads folder:
Graphics > pictures > ads :
What can the problem be?
That all looks correct, try clearing the graphics cache and reloading the skin in the FM17 preferences section.
No problem mate
Does ps_beldjs, England Leagues Update lvl 10 update work with this?
Due to the way the config file for adboards work no adboard patches are cross compatible
It sounds like you have the graphics folder in the wrong location, can you expand on what you mean by 'nothing come up'
Graphics Folder is in Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017
as for the HD ones they are in the steam location.
In the Old Firm game the adboards was just black.
As for my Billericay Town FC save currently playing in National League South still showing up the original default adboards