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Add-on Pack V1.2.2
- Extract the xml, graphics and steam folder to your desktop
- Place the graphics folder into the following directory;
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017
- Open up the xml folder on your desktop
- You will notice two folders one called ‘Club Adboards’ and the other ‘‘Non Club Adboards’ cut and paste these of these folders to the following directory
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017/ads
- Choose your prefered xml file and copy and paste this file over the existing fm.xml file in the football manager 2017/ads directory.
- Place the steam folder into the following directory;
- Load up FM17 and in the preferences
uncheck use skin cache
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
C:\Program Files (x86)
You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
uncheck clicking on ad board takes you to owners website
check reload skin on confirm.
Go to the 'general' tab and set size of text & images to 100%
(if not already)
This add-on pack will only work with the FM16 adboard patch installed, if you do not have it download it first from Here
It is also recommended to have the following previous Add-on packs installed
Previous Add-on's
V1.2.1 Download
Do you plan to release an update before FM18 containing the other updated clubs rabcp?
(ie: Burton, Bradford etc)
Julià n Rey
No that was the last update for FM17, everything else will now be for FM18, I’ll start a new FM18 thread at some point this week
Julià n Rey
They will be released in the first FM18 Adboard patch
I’ll try and start the FM18 thread this week at some point
EDIT: The teams I've tried adding to the xml don't work and I have no idea why. Can someone help me out?
I’d wait till I start the FM18 thread as I’ve made a brand new xml file for FM18
The folder locations for video ads have changed for FM18 so video ads for FM18 need a new location and an updated xml file
This worked for me, thanks aragornx
Fixed it, unpacked simatchviewer_uncompressed, added my videos folder in to replace the one in there. Now working
Also, do i need "FM16 adboard patch" installed to get it to work?
Awesome work!
For FM17 you need all of the above, if it’s for FM18 you’re best waiting on the new patch
Thx for quick answer. Its for 17.
Installation notes for the patch? Didnt see any from the location i downloaded it.
Theres a read me file in each path,
1. Extract the xml, graphics and steam folder to your desktop
2. Place the graphics folder into the following directory;
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017
You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
3. Open up the xml folder on your desktop
4. You will notice three folders one called ‘Club Adboards’, one called ‘Non Club Adboards’ and the other ‘Non LCD Adboards’ cut and paste these of these folders to the following directory
My documents/sports interactive/football manager 2017/ads
5. Choose your prefered xml file and copy and paste this file over the existing fm.xml file in the football manager 2017/ads directory.
6. Place the steam folder into the following directory;
C:\Program Files (x86)
You may be asked if you want to replace existing files and folders, agreeing to this will just update previous adboards and will not result in the loss of any previous graphics.
7. Load up FM17 and in the preferences
uncheck use skin cache, uncheck clicking on ad board takes you to owners website
and check reload skin on confirm.
Go to the 'general' tab and set size of text & images to 100%
(if not already)
Sounds easy. But when i extracted "16.01 ad pack" i didnt had an steam folder and i didnt had a map called ‘Non LCD Adboards’
The rest seems to be in order though.
That’s because LCD adboards where a new addition to FM17
If i am to guess. It is something with an XML-file? Pls help this poor bastard.
"Choose your prefered xml file and copy and paste this file over the existing fm.xml file in the football manager 2017/ads directory"
Im such a noob. I dont understand this question. Where can i get this xml file? Where should i put it?
Can anyone look at my post above. Have i put the maps in right paths?
Choose which ever xml file you wish to use eityer club/no club/no lcd, open that folder and copy and paste the xml file to the football manager/2017/ads folder
And again! Many thx to an amazing pack.
Use the 'no clubs' xml
don kel