FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 04 May 2024
  • 12,192 Changes
  • 167 Contributors
  • FM24.3

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This page is here as a historical reference only.

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8 years ago
16 hours ago
you have to insert correct webpages man, only link to a homepage won't be accepted
enjoy it
11 years ago
2 years ago
thank you so muth my friend sir tavares, to enabled this chance for the game.

you have to insert correct webpages man, only link to a homepage won't be accepted
enjoy it
8 years ago
16 hours ago
thank you so muth my friend sir tavares, to enabled this chance for the game.
8 years ago
16 hours ago
Manuel Ruka is also official from Thursday afternoon coach of Platanias, with the Spaniard officially presented by the president of the club, Manolis Mathioulakis.

Mr Mathioulakis took the floor first and introduced Mr Roka to the representatives of the press:
"We are here to present the new coach and wish the team to go better now and then. Changing a coach is usually best for a team.

We chose Mr. Roka, because - if we lie - we are in a difficult situation. So we needed someone who knew the Greek reality. We had excluded from the outset a foreign coach who would not have worked in the past in Greece. Second is the issue of age and ambition. I think Mr. Okka has these things. He also knows the Greek language, speaks English and Spanish and can talk directly with almost all players. Finally, Greece and Finland have faced similar situations like Platanias now.

We have traveled 1/3 of the championship. Nothing yet has been judged and given. We are prepared to help Mr. Okaka as we can. And with the partners he wants and with transcripts in January.
8 years ago
16 hours ago
is the official of the Platanias group. has been announced many days. and in the world group the previous racing.
11 years ago
2 years ago
Presented today at noon in the offices of Platanias Chania, by the chairman Mr.Manolis Mathioulakis, the new technician of our team, Manuel Roka.

Mr Mathioulakis took the floor first and introduced Mr Roka to the representatives of the press:
"We are here to present the new coach and wish the team to go better now and then. Changing a coach is usually best for a team.
We chose Mr Okaka, because - if you lie - we are in a difficult situation. So we needed someone who knew the Greek reality. We had excluded from the outset a foreign coach who would not have worked in the past in Greece. Second is the issue of age and ambition. I think Mr. Okka has these things. He also knows the Greek language, speaks English and Spanish and can talk directly with almost all players. Finally, Greece and Finland have faced similar situations like Platanias now.
We have traveled 1/3 of the championship. Nothing yet has been judged and given. We are prepared to help Mr. Okaka as we can. And with the partners he wants and with transcripts in January.
I think our players and our hardware may not be the best one, but at least it's better than other teams in the category. I think we will overturn this situation. We are aware that we need to take other points in the first round, so the team must show this change on Sunday. I hope we will have the Hanio's fans at our side and everything will go well.
I wish him good strength and good cooperation, and the report will be done in the end. The deal is up until the end of the championship, but there is a commitment on our part that if we are happy there is no need to change the coach. Besides, we are no longer accustomed to frequent changes. We are not in favor of the changes, either. "

Mathioulakis then answered questions from the press representatives. Specifically he said:

For what fell and changed the team's image in this year's championship:
"I was more optimistic about the players we got. This does not mean that they are bad players, but I thought that at least two or three would have a better picture than they have shown. There have been no bad choices. Through the team, people who work for it see more of what everyone else is seeing in the race. Maybe they have not yet tied to each other.
There is also a certain fact. When the team came back from Bulgaria, I spoke to Mr. Tarasco. I still remember his words: "The championship will be harder, but we have better material, so the team will be better." So I can not find anything else from the subject of chemistry.
As things went, we had to intervene and not stay spectators. You all know that in these cases, unfortunately, the coach pays it. It was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made. I take the whole responsibility, because Mr. Paraschos had shown good work. The mistake, I think, is that what happened after the game with Lamia, had to be done after the match with Panetoliko. I'm sure we have good players. When a partnership is solved, this is because the situation that has been created can not be overturned. The series, Larissa, OFI and Lamia, showed that the situation was irreversible. My mistake was that the measures had to be taken earlier. We lost from OFI who had only played friendly. You can not miss Larissa, as we saw it at least in Chania. "

For what happened in the summer of transcripts:
"Changes would in any case be made as many contracts ended. For some we tried to renew others we did not. We spoke with two players, namely Banana and Munafo. The first did not want to stay. Mounaphos showed us what he wanted. We offered him a higher contract and asked the coach if we had to make the overtime with the player. The answer was no. Half of the problems we have because of that position, because there's the big problem.
I was overwhelmed by this story as we got 14 players. We were also offered a player playing in the Greek Championship and again the answer was no. Paraschos was a friend, we spent 2.5 very good years, but now the team had to be saved. It could not change anything but the coach ".

dude, insert the correct source. your source is a main page
8 years ago
16 hours ago
Presented today at noon in the offices of Platanias Chania, by the chairman Mr.Manolis Mathioulakis, the new technician of our team, Manuel Roka.

Mr Mathioulakis took the floor first and introduced Mr Roka to the representatives of the press:
"We are here to present the new coach and wish the team to go better now and then. Changing a coach is usually best for a team.
We chose Mr Okaka, because - if you lie - we are in a difficult situation. So we needed someone who knew the Greek reality. We had excluded from the outset a foreign coach who would not have worked in the past in Greece. Second is the issue of age and ambition. I think Mr. Okka has these things. He also knows the Greek language, speaks English and Spanish and can talk directly with almost all players. Finally, Greece and Finland have faced similar situations like Platanias now.
We have traveled 1/3 of the championship. Nothing yet has been judged and given. We are prepared to help Mr. Okaka as we can. And with the partners he wants and with transcripts in January.
I think our players and our hardware may not be the best one, but at least it's better than other teams in the category. I think we will overturn this situation. We are aware that we need to take other points in the first round, so the team must show this change on Sunday. I hope we will have the Hanio's fans at our side and everything will go well.
I wish him good strength and good cooperation, and the report will be done in the end. The deal is up until the end of the championship, but there is a commitment on our part that if we are happy there is no need to change the coach. Besides, we are no longer accustomed to frequent changes. We are not in favor of the changes, either. "

Mathioulakis then answered questions from the press representatives. Specifically he said:

For what fell and changed the team's image in this year's championship:
"I was more optimistic about the players we got. This does not mean that they are bad players, but I thought that at least two or three would have a better picture than they have shown. There have been no bad choices. Through the team, people who work for it see more of what everyone else is seeing in the race. Maybe they have not yet tied to each other.
There is also a certain fact. When the team came back from Bulgaria, I spoke to Mr. Tarasco. I still remember his words: "The championship will be harder, but we have better material, so the team will be better." So I can not find anything else from the subject of chemistry.
As things went, we had to intervene and not stay spectators. You all know that in these cases, unfortunately, the coach pays it. It was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made. I take the whole responsibility, because Mr. Paraschos had shown good work. The mistake, I think, is that what happened after the game with Lamia, had to be done after the match with Panetoliko. I'm sure we have good players. When a partnership is solved, this is because the situation that has been created can not be overturned. The series, Larissa, OFI and Lamia, showed that the situation was irreversible. My mistake was that the measures had to be taken earlier. We lost from OFI who had only played friendly. You can not miss Larissa, as we saw it at least in Chania. "

For what happened in the summer of transcripts:
"Changes would in any case be made as many contracts ended. For some we tried to renew others we did not. We spoke with two players, namely Banana and Munafo. The first did not want to stay. Mounaphos showed us what he wanted. We offered him a higher contract and asked the coach if we had to make the overtime with the player. The answer was no. Half of the problems we have because of that position, because there's the big problem.
I was overwhelmed by this story as we got 14 players. We were also offered a player playing in the Greek Championship and again the answer was no. Paraschos was a friend, we spent 2.5 very good years, but now the team had to be saved. It could not change anything but the coach ".