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Kits are loading my logos and player images only the ones did not bind
That’s because the game loads them from your my documents and not a C drive, adboards are much more complex
ook :/
Thanks for you help
hmm ok but the ads of doc devil always went in Football Manager 2017
The adboards structure changed with FM18
My Steam along with the game installed on the disk E
e:\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2018\
The path to the folder with graphics, changed with the help of a line(--user_data_location="e:\FM2018\"
Theres no conflict. I tested the patch before releasing it, as long as it’s installed according to the instructions and screenshots it will work, it seems that the only people having issues have not installed FM18 to there C drive so I believe that’s what is causing there issue
No the only clubs who have video ads are the English Premiership Clubs, the first page lists which clubs and competitions have video ads
Sorry for being a pain. If not no worries.
Many thanks.
For some reason FM still loads up video boards for clubs which don’t have video adboards assigned to them (Sheff Utd is one example that springs to mind) however video adboards can be assigned to any club by editing the xml file
Tommy Hughes
Hmm... would it be possible to apply some sort of "static" video boards for those teams lacking actual video boards? (I am not at all familiar with the technical side of FM's adboards, but as soon as I read about the issue you mentioned, I began wondering if the game could be tricked into showing so-called video boards that would actually still be static ad boards.) Could that be easy to do and could that provide an easy fix?
Just brainstorming here.
Yes it’s possible but as off yet none have been made that are suitable for the Championship in due course I’m sure some will be produced and some Championship clubs will have video adboards
Why is this situation happening to me, are all ads black?
only clubs that do not have video are correct.
Your screenshot is too small so I can’t really see what isn’t working? Which teams/competitons are not working for you?
only happens in teams that have dynamic adboards
Leeds don’t have any video adboards coded to them which is why they are not displaying, for some reason FM still loads up the boards for some clubs who don’t have in game video ads instead of the static pitch side adboards
which stadium has video ads is hard coded. So you cant disable or enable them.
The solution is to have at least on line of videoads for the teams that play in such stadiums, and if there is not a specific club adboard then must be added to the league lines ads.
I tested it with greek superleague and is working
You can disable video ads through code via the xml file but it looks like you would need to this separately for each club. Just giving every club/competition a line of code with video ads isn’t really much of a work around
How we can disable it. I think that the existance and the positions follow the stadium. You know how to disable it?
The Miller
Dark Sword
Why are my video adboards are black?
This issue here is down to what I believe is a bug in the game. In FM17 when clubs had no video adboards assigned to them they loaded static adboards into the video adboards slots instead, for some reason FM18 is not doing this and just displays dead video adboards, the below image shows the difference between FM17 & FM18
Iv'e lost jersery names and numbers in the 3D engine?
This is down to a bug and hopefully SI will resolve this soon.
I'm trying to make CSL videoads bymyself.
I have a problem about the lcd texture.Should I copy and paste over again and again to stitch those layers or just enlarge on layer? Which is better?
Many thanks!