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Giacomo Bigoni
Can you please put the files also on Mediafire or other sites? does not work in Italy
Nikos Ninos
For Download: I will put the files in Mediafire my Italian friend!
Nikos Ninos
Giacomo Bigoni
Thank you!
Nikos Ninos
The clubs names are like the database of Football Manager.
We (the Romanian FM community & research team) also created a Romanian activator and it has the proper names in it
Nikos Ninos
Maybe these changes are because of different setting etc. I wasn't based on an older fmf or edt file but I created it from the beginning. If you want, you can give me the name changes and I will make them.
CSA Steaua has foreign transfers disabled. This is wrong (I can provide trusted newspaper story about foreign transfers)Also, their Reputation is to low, they are making transfers of low reputation First Leagued players (and CSA is L4, I can provide trusted newspaper story for this also).
Also, their history is empty.(They won UCL in 86) I can provide wiki page and multiple sources for the proper history (after the FCSBvsCSA scandal, history has been divided.)
Nikos Ninos, i'd really like to start a career with this, but I do not know how to edit all those by myself. If I may ask for your help, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you
One problem, after adding this database, I am unable to select Romania and I get this error sign and message. Looking forward for a solution.
This database was released when FM18 came out. It looks like it needs some small tweaks to work with the official patch 18.3 released in March.
To use this patch, you should play with the 18.0 database and not the 18.3 one.