Skin for Football Manager 18 (Sports Interactive)
Edited by El Comandante Qwas
website: www.sortitoutsi.net
How to add Nocturno in FM18?
Download and extract the .rar file. Place the "Nocturno 18.1.0" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Start FM18 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see Nocturno 18.1.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 1600x900 full screen mode. Some panels won’t work properly in lower resolutions. Hi-res: I guess this skin will work quite well but I`m not 100% sure.
Credits & special thanks:
In the preparation of this skin, I used xml & gfx files as well as ideas of various skinmakers. Therefore I would like to thank them and credit their work and creativity.
michaeltmurrayuk (http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk)
Pikawa (CFM Skin FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/848611778615177/?ref=bookmarks)
Emil Debski (Debski's Football Manager Dugout - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1213591631990225/)
Rick Ctid Thorne (Andromeda Skins FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/555641851243946/)
FM Gunzo (http://fmgunzo.tistory.com)
Ivan aka bossland
Flut skin makers
Also, I would like to thank wkdsoul and D_LO_ for their very helpful coding discussions on SI Games forum.
Please remember - save your game before first use of Nocturno skin!
Very important!
Before starting the game with Nocturno skin, clear your FM cache. Below is a link to the mod, which explains how to do it. I strongly recommend that you do it. Unfortunately, the latest updates of SI Games have been strongly mixed up, especially with text and fonts.
Enjoy it!
PS Any bugs or suggestion please write below or PM.
Skin for Football Manager 18 (Sports Interactive)
Edited by El Comandante Qwas
website: www.sortitoutsi.net
How to add Nocturno in FM18?
Download and extract the .rar file. Place the "Nocturno 18.1.0" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Start FM18 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
You should see Nocturno 18.1.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 1600x900 full screen mode. Some panels won’t work properly in lower resolutions. Hi-res: I guess this skin will work quite well but I`m not 100% sure.
Credits & special thanks:
In the preparation of this skin, I used xml & gfx files as well as ideas of various skinmakers. Therefore I would like to thank them and credit their work and creativity.
michaeltmurrayuk (http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk)
Pikawa (CFM Skin FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/848611778615177/?ref=bookmarks)
Emil Debski (Debski's Football Manager Dugout - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1213591631990225/)
Rick Ctid Thorne (Andromeda Skins FM Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/555641851243946/)
FM Gunzo (http://fmgunzo.tistory.com)
Ivan aka bossland
Flut skin makers
Also, I would like to thank wkdsoul and D_LO_ for their very helpful coding discussions on SI Games forum.
Please remember - save your game before first use of Nocturno skin!
Very important!
Before starting the game with Nocturno skin, clear your FM cache. Below is a link to the mod, which explains how to do it. I strongly recommend that you do it. Unfortunately, the latest updates of SI Games have been strongly mixed up, especially with text and fonts.
Enjoy it!
PS Any bugs or suggestion please write below or PM.
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1. If I want to use only "Attributes" without the boxes and show key attributes which file would I need to modify and how?
2. Will you be updating this skin in future?
Once again, thank you for your work on this. It is amazing.
Ad.1 download added file, unpack, upload to to C:\Users\lenovo\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins\Nocturno Beta 1.0\panels\player\, save game and refresh skin
Ad.2 yes mate
Thank you soooo much. You are the best!
Instead of using the generated 3d manager face, if there's the chance to add the option to add our own picture .
Thank you for your work. Brilliant!
Thank you.
Maybe it should be there instead of youth apps or something.
I have also changed the non player details panel so all the info is always white.
Copy the non player details panel in to Nocturno Beta 1.0, panels, custom.
Then the other file in to Nocturno Beta 1.0, panels, non_player.
Could you please also post a picture of the match screen so I can check how much space there is for goalscorers and cards to be displayed? Thanks a lot!
Strange. I didn`t notice such problem in my game. Below screen which I made just now.
Do you have such problem from the beginning? Or has it happened first time?
All updates will be added soon.
Below screen from match view.
My mate has the same issue with Wannachup skin. If that helps.
It's OK when I go to scouting screen. It looks like some panels are overlapping there.
Can you alter the transparency of the background for the players individual instructions pop up on the tactics page. The individual instructions are very hard to read in green and I can still read the team instructions beneath.
fixed https://sortitoutsi.net/downloads/view/39099/nocturno-beta-10?page=1#comment_413243
I have an problem with the 3d match,with the replay option..it has none.so if you can will u try to add in this skin pls?
here is a pic lol
Vicious One
great work. Qwas.
Damn it read every reply and installed all the fixes. Or at least I thought I did. Thanks man great work
steel 18 logos
Sure mate. Below screen with updated panel
Also is there a way of moving the players face on the tactics screens to the right side so it doesn't clash with the personalised instructions logo that also appears to the left? If you look at Coutinho and Moreno both playing down the left side.
Download added file and upload to: Nocturno..../panels/tactics/
Second issue. If this situation appears once again then delete files highlighted in yellow (screen below) and refresh skin. But I must admit that I haven`t such problem. I had other problems afer last update especially with fonts text and boxes.
Unfortunately, this screen doesn't work at all for me. No words displayed.
In addition, also the inbox and other screens lack some letters. Could that be a question of font, resolution or zoom?
Qwas thanks for the panel change for the tactics - worked a treat
second issue not so much luck I am afraid.
Changed scouting meeting settings to happen daily, happened again, Deleted the files you suggested and now get the below
It seems that player attributes (numbers) are bolder since the 18.2.1, as well as the text in Titlebar.
I'm on 1600x900, windowed screen, text standard size (100%)
Selected news in inbox are also bolded now, and this happens when you click on the big headline.
Perhaps we should add commands for font size settings.xml?
Problem fixed. If anyone has the same issue, just clear the cache and restart FM/PC. Reloaded the skin 4-5 times, nothing happened.