Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 490,238
- 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025

Make sure all your folders and image names are in lowercase, FM won't see files containing capital letters
Also make sure all pictures are in .PNG format
Hi so Ive added some pictures to the face pack and I created a new config file with fmxml editor, reloaded skin but I still cant see the pictures I added in the game. tried to restart the game but that doesnt help at all.
can anyone please help
Can you upload an in-game screenshot of a player whose new image is not being displayed? As well as perhaps even upload the new images themselves?
I have a bit of an issue going on. I made a face for myself (GK), my brother (DRC), my dad (Manager) and my girlfriend (Physio). All faces worked except my girlfriend's. So I tried everything I could, but nothing worked. For some reason, I pressed "Clear Cache", thinking it may help. It didn't. Instead, it has cleared all the faces in the game. Is there a way to get them all to show up again or have I lost them all? The faces pack is still in my graphics folder.
Enter your preferences, untick the use skin cache tickbox in the interface tab (or whatever it's named in this version - I'm at work and can't check, sadly) and your graphics etc. should all appear again.
As for reasons why your girlfriend's cut didn't appear, make 100% sure that the UID in the config is the same as the one in the game and also that the cut itself is in .png format.
Thank you for replying so quickly! I have done what you said. It hasn't brought the faces back. Also, the photo of my girlfriend was saved as .png and the ID number is identical to that in the config file... I had to add the new line as her ID wasn't in it already.
If you, or anyone else, has any other suggestions, I am open to them!
Can you upload a screenshot of your in-game preferences/interface?
I managed to sort it earlier. I reset the settings to default, then added the images as I did before and it corrected itself and added my girlfriend's picture. Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!
I have an identical problem as yours that just got solved.
I have added multiple new players and pics, with no problem at all, following Mons' suggestions.
The only "player" I have issues with now is another human manager, we play a network game.
I put his picture in the folder (it is a png), which was working fine in FM 2014, and verified the UID is correct 100% and still no luck.
Did the coding for player faces for human managers change or is there another reason for the face not showing up?
As I mentioned, I have added numerous player faces, so I know what I'm doing and supposed to do, but the network manager's face is simply not showing.
There's another way of assigning manager faces.
Use the below code in a config file. In the second line from bottom:
Rename your image filename to me, or change "me" in the below code to the filename of the image of the network manager
Instead of "name surname" put the name and surname of the network manager
Instead of dd-mm put his day and month of birth.
That should work, I think...
Thanks for the quick reply Mons, but that unfortunately didn't work either.
I created a new config file, exactly as you indicated and after that failed I entered the manager's code into the original config file as well, but also without result.
(I obviously also copied the newly named picture in the players folder as well, of course)
I cleared cache, reloaded cache etc. but seems I will just have to live without his ugly picture in the game LOL
It did work normally in FM 2014 with no issues at all, so something must have changed with network managers' coding I guess
I doubt it's something specific to network managers, and it could be something which SI have tweaked since FM2014. Sorry I couldn't help
Resolved in a different way.
As it was the human network manager I took control, added his picture through his login, and after that disconnected him from the game again.
Now it is showing at least, but you would think that there should be a simpler way................................
Surely he could have done that himself??
Hmm, can I have a screenshot of the way both players presently appear in the game, as well as a look at the config.xml file being used?
Have you amended the in-game preferences as per the screenshot in the opening post of the technical support thread?
Yup. But I am pleased to announce that the problem solved itself. It turned out I forgot to clear the cache after creating the new config file with the FmXML, or atleast that did the trick!
Hi there,
I have a folder set up and got it working for my ios version of FM Touch 18, however need to add an additional 20 player pics that are not in the game. I have the pictures already saved as .png files from sortitoutsi but am struggling on firstly creating a new config file (using fm.XML) and then secondly, where to place the newly created folder (when it is done), with the config file and 20 pictures?
From reading on here, they can't go in the same graphics>faces places as that will affect the previously uploaded ones. Could I create a new folder within graphics called say persons / players?
Thanks in advance,
Glad to hear that you have had some success finally. I am trying to add only 20 player pictures to my game, as I have a lite player picture configuration on my FM Touch 18 already. I don't really have the need or room for the full 39,000 player picture download, so are forced to try and work out how to make a new config file to add them in.
Can I ask, if I create a new one, will that not affect the old one, as I don't want to lose those pictures. Or will it only affect it if it is in the same folder?
Apologies for my slight technophobia in advance!
If you know what you're doing, that should do the trick, yeah.
So just to clarify, a new config file will need to be created, rather than just a stand-alone folder within graphics called players (with the 20 extra players in)?
The config file is needed to map the images to the right person in-game. Otherwise they'll just sit there, unused.
P.S. the new images need to be in png format, as that's the only image type supported by the game.
mons yes thanks for that. The ones I have created are already in the correct 123456.png player format. The ones that I have got from a third party and work in-game seem to be in a .fmf format which is some sort of compressed format that I don't really know.
I think, not sure, that both formats could work in parallel. Best not to have them in the same folder though, to be safe.
Yes, I may give that a go tonight, however I have never tried to create/add to a Config file so will have to watch a video on it.
So I downloaded fmf.xml (which is easy to use) and created a Config file with the 20 or so new player pics. Places them in route documents>sports interactive>FM Touch 2018>normal>graphics and then a sub-folder called players.
I labelled the picture i.d.'s person_123456.png and with the newly created config file, copied over to iTunes and then followed by the skin again. Disconnected the iPad. Loaded up the game. Changed to a new skin. Saved it then quit the game and re-booted the iPad.
I had the one or so minute pause during load up that usually indicates cache changes but on going in and checking, the newly created pictures are not in the game.
I am wondering whether a) I have the player pictures named wrong (and they should in fact be 1234656.png only? or b) the folder name/and or root is wrong? Do you, or anyone else know what could be the cause of the failure?
Many thanks in advance,
I suggest you save the filename of each player as his UID