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As for the custom start date, i'm not disagreeing with you, i'm saying there is nothing that can be done. The game is not designed to start on different start dates, it most definitely isn't designed to start at the end of a season. The custom start date file is a "hack", it's a messy way of doing something that the game is not designed to do so there is always going to be problems. One problem is that for whatever reason (I have no idea?) the game decides to increase everyones contract if you start too late in the year. There is literally nothing I can do about that. All the file does is 1) Add real fixtures with results and 2) destroys the real structure of the Seychelles nation, creates a new structure with a start date of your choosing and renames the nation of Seychelles to "sortitoutsi.net Custom Start Date".
It doesn't do anymore than that.
It's a clever hack to let you do something you can't do with the game normally, but it means the game does some weird things sometimes because you're using it in an unexpected way.
I think you're expecting a little too much from the add on or perhaps misunderstanding what it's doing.
Keith Batcheltor
I am aware that the CSD is a "hack" as you put it, but something has changed in the "hack", as you can download CSD date 07/05/2018 and all of the players contract end dates are correct, however if you download CSD after this (14/05/2018 or 21/05/2018) you get all of the contract end dates for players who have an end date of 2018, now all are contract end dates of 2019.
I do not think I am expecting too much from the download and I have not misunderstood what it's doing either,and to quote you,I would also expect to be spoken to with patience and respect and not talked down to as seems to be the case here.
In terms of it changing between 7th May and 14th May, I need to re-iterate what I already posted:
It is not as you put it:
Absolutely nothing has changed with the CSD file.
It's just that the game is not designed for this sort of thing and weird things happen, one of which is that if you start after May 7th all the contracts automatically increase. This is game mechanics that I, nor anybody else, has control over. And it may or may not be intentional from SI.
I'm sorry if you felt I was talking down to you, but you don't seem to be understanding and unfortunately I have no idea how else to explain it.
All i've done in this comment is repeat what I said in the comment you quoted, hopefully this time it's a little clearer.