SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,376
- 2025.05 - Released on 15 Jan 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Updated! SS'2009-24 Templates MegaPack v9.2 with all template kits .png Updated!
(Updated ALL new, updated, remade, old templates and new texture)
You can use all old templates from Megapack to convert with the new template 2020.
Download v9.2 Part 1 (Number-D) (MediaFire 443mb)New!
Download v9.2 Part 2 (E-L) (MediaFire 508mb)New!
Download v9.2 Part 3 (M-Q) (MediaFire 587mb)New!
Download v9.2 Part 4 (R-Z) (MediaFire 374mb)New!
Enjoy! 😀
Zinedine Zaiddin
(Updated ALL new, update, old templates and new texture)
Madman99 did all the SS megapack with v2.0-v2.6 merged together to make v3.0. thanks to Madman99
(Updated ALL new, update, old templates and new texture)
??..... see first post!
made kits as real kits for all leagues.....must have photoshop
(Updated ALL new, update, old templates and new texture)
Adidas 499-501
Burrda 27-28
Erima 21
Jako 75
Jako 76
Jartazi 21-21a
Joma 97
KKT 1-2 (new)
Legea 85
Lotto 129-131
Luanvi 16 (remade)
Macron 110
Olorun 2
Royal 11a
Royal 13
Royal 15
Specs 1 (new)
Tag 10
Umbro 291-292
Venom 5
1869 7 by Madman99
Adidas 461 (remade) by commander
Adidas 496-497 by Madman99
Adidas 498 by gsmauto
Adidas 500a-501a by johnie13
Adidas 502 by Nacchero
Adidas 503 by gsmauto
Adidas 504-505 by kifla6
Atletica 29 (updated), 36-37 by commander
Bull Sport 1 (new) by kifla6
Burgelof 1 (new) by johnie13
Dalponte 5-6 by kifla6
Diadora 32a, 57-58 by mindfar
Duarig 28 by Pierretou
Errea 190 by Madman99
Errea 191 by Skeggia76
Errea 192-195 by Nacchero
Franja Sport 1 (new) by commander
Garcis 5 by commander
Givova 47 by Madman99
HS 3 by Nacchero
Hummel 74-75 by mustoe77
Jako 77 by kifla6
Joma 83 (updated) & 94 by commander
Joma 88 & 90 both remade by Madman99
Joma 93 by sasabab
Joma 95-96 by Skeggia76
Jumper 22 by johnie13
Kappa 146-147 by Z.Zaiddin
Kappa 148 by mindfar
Kelme 24 by Madman99
Kelme 25 by mustoe77
Kika 1-2 (new) by Z.Zaiddin
Kronos 2 by Z.Zaiddin
LineSeven 1 (new) by Z.Zaiddin
Max Sport 11 by kifla6
Misho 5 by johnie13
Muta 2 by Skeggia76
Naai 9 by kifla6
Naai 7 (remade), 10-12 by kifla6
Nike 377 (updated), 402-403 by commander
Penalty 25-26 by Madman99
Pirma 7-10 by commander
Puma 236c by mindfar
Puma 280 by Madman99
Puma 281 by Nacchero
Puma 282 by Z.Zaiddin
Royal 14 by johnie13
Saller 19 by kifla6
Select 5 by johnie13
Sportika 35-36 by Nacchero
Sportika 37 by johnie13
StarSport 1-3 (new) by Z.Zaiddin
Surridge 18-19 (remade & resize) by Madman99
Tenev Sport 1-2 (new) by johnie13
Tomy 1a by johnie13
Tomy 22-23-23a-24 by johnie13
Umbro 288-290 by Madman99
Unknown 42-43 by recuay423
Vigo 3-4 by Z.Zaiddin
Virma 9-10 by Nacchero
we do SS kits, if you want SS kits for this templates? if you want this kits template then i dunno mate.
This all of templates packs used for Photoshop CS1-6 thats you make kits as real kits like our SS kits for FM10/11/12/13 like Kit Makers....not in FM13 tho.
I don't know whether this is the correct thread for requesting template.
I tried to find template from any of your 3.x version but couldn't find the exact template. The closest template is the Borrusia Dortmund kit.
Hope you could assist to create template for below kappa kit
yeah if new kit not have in template packs then you can make yourself if you know how to.....if new kit have in template pack, you can change colour, put sponsor and badge so on.
What I mean is i currently can only edit one kit and its aspects like in the two screenshots rather than picking and choosing parts like i've seen other people being able to do so is there a way of doing this or do i download a different pack?
you can drag and drop from layer to other .psd layer
Ah reyt didn't think of that cheers
will PM you, im very busy at the moment.
Templates v4.0 with add new templates after 3.2 packs..
Adidas 513
Adidas 523-526
Colo 14
Givova 39 (remade) & 49
Hummel 76
Hummel 78
Jako 78-79
Jako 81-82-82a
Joma 102
Legea 86
Masita 29
Mercury 3
Nike 405-410
Olympikus 25
Penalty cavalera 1 (new)
Puma 283-287
R-Gol 1-2 (new)
Royal 16
Topper 24
Toti Sport 5
Trezze 1-8
Umbro 296 (remade)
Umbro 298
Warriors 1-1a (new)
Adidas 506-508 (by Madman99)
Adidas 509-511 (by kifla6)
Adidas 512 (by gsmauto)
Adidas 514-522 (by kifla6)
Adidas 527-528 (by Madman99)
Adidas 530 (by bibo31200)
Admiral 24 (by yeixonlds)
Bull Sport 2 (by kifla6)
Burrda 29 (by gsmauto)
Burrda 29a-30 (by Madman99)
Burrda 26a (remade) & 31 (by bibo31200)
Cama 11 (by kifla6)
CDT 1-2 (new) (by bibo31200)
DaCapo 4 (by kifla6)
Derby 4-6 (by mindfar)
Derbystar 1-2 (new) (by kifla6)
Desportreino 5-7 (by Danny_Pt)
Diadora 59 (by gsmauto)
Ennedue 1-2 (new) (by Skeggia76)
Errea 66 (remade by bibo31200)
Errea 186a & 192a (remade by kifla6)
Errea 196-199 (by kifla6)
Eye Sportswear 2-19 (by Skeggia76)
Givova 48 (by Madman99)
HS 4-10 (by Skeggia76)
Hummel 77 (by gsmauto)
Jako 80 (by Nacchero)
Jako 83-85 (by Madman99)
Joma 98-101 (by Madman99)
Joma 103 (by kifla6)
Kappa 149 (by gsmauto)
Kappa 150 (by mindfar)
Kelme 26 (by recuay423))
Lacationi 19-21 (by Danny_Pt)
Lacationi 22-24 (by Madman99)
Le Coq 32 (by gsmauto)
Le Coq 33 (by stefanowls)
Legea 87 (by Skeggia76)
Li-Ning 10-11 (by kifla6)
Lotto 132-133 (by Skeggia76)
Lupo 3-4 (by Madman99)
Macron 112 (by gsmauto)
Maksport 2-3 (by kifla6)
Masita 27-28 (by Madman99)
Maxed 1 (new) (by kifla6)
Mille 2 (by kifla6)
Muta 3 (by Skeggia76)
Naai 13 (by kifla6)
Nike 404 (by mindfar)
Nike 236a (remade by kifla6)
Nike 411 (by yeixonlds)
Nike 412 (by bibo31200)
Olympikus 21a & 22a-24 (21a & 22a ramade by Madman99)
Onze 19-20 (by Skeggia76)
Patrick 31-33 (by bibo31200)
Peba 1-2 (new) (by kifla6)
Puma 255a,256a & 271a (all remade by Madman99)
Puma 288 (by bibo31200)
Quick 9 (by Madman99)
Quick 10 (by steijns)
Reebok 65-67 (by kifla6)
Romai 1-2 (new) (by kifla6)
Royal 17 (by Skeggia76)
Skyros 1 (new) (by stefanowls)
Topper 22-23 (by Madman99)
Uhlsport 54 (by bibo31200)
Umbro 293 (by Madman99)
Umbro 294-295 (by kifla6)
Umbro 297 (by mindfar)
Unknown 44 (by Skeggia76)
Vandanel 56 (by Madman99)
Vigo 5-6 (by Madman99)
Virma 11 (by kifla6)
Warrior 5 (by stefanowls)
Wigu 3 (by kifla6)
Zeus 24 (by Skeggia76)
nothing wrong with links...try again next day.