Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 489,095
- 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025

Mostly because we already have over 199,000 cuts in 180x180 format and the default skin doesn't even display them as large as that.
Resizing them all automatically is doable, but would take an awful lot of work. The resulting cuts would be a bit unfocused and blurry, too.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the default skin always resize the person image to what ever the size of the space reserved for it is? It means that the pics can be displayed in sizes much larger than the 180px if a high level of in-game zoom is in use. I typically use either 175% or 200% zoom. At 200% the player pics on the Attributes screen are displayed at size 280px, and I can confirm that the stretching indeed does make them a tad unfocused.
Here you can see the player pic size at 200% zoom:
You are running a finetuned operation with the Cut Out pack, but it is my opinion that considering a larger image size would be beneficial. No need to resize the existing images, but perhaps new cuts could be made in a larger size? It appears that the images included in the game are 250x250px just as Vinceultras42 says, but I would go even bigger than that - maybe 300x300px. Naturally such a jump in size would make finding suitable source images for the cuts somewhat more challenging.
Hola. Lo siento por el retraso en la respuesta.
Veo a que te refieres. La técnica de remoción de nieve se debe usar principalmente en los casos en que, como en el video tutorial, solo hay una pequeña línea de blanco (o de cualquier otro color) en los bordes del corte. En su corte, la técnica de corte inicial no fue tan precisa como podría haber sido, ya que puedo ver unos pocos pedazos de nieve sobre el cabello.
¿Puedo preguntar qué técnica y programa estás usando para cortar? Creo que es necesario refinar tu tecnica un poco para que, cuando termine el corte, esas motas de nieve se eliminen o casi. Sé que el cabello de la fuente es un poco complicado, pero tendrás que jugar un poco al cortar para asegurarte de que se incluya un poco del fondo en el corte.
Si lo deseas podrías chequear la información. Que técnica me recomiendas para estos casos
Yo personalmente uso esta técnica. Me resulta muy fácil producir cortes rápidos y buenos.
También puedes usar la técnica de Swedie de este video.
Gracias @mons aprendí bastante con la técnica de @Swedie ahora voy a intentar dominar vertus, el programa que uso es ps 6
The latest version of Photoshop (CC 2018 19.1.1) adds really cool Select Subject option which automatically makes selection of people,heads,and many more familiar objects.Here's how it works.
Im using Fluid Mask 3.3.17 and I have this PNG image that for some reason won't let me use the Delete Brush on that sort of halo around the face
So the finished product looks like this no matter what:
I could use the Clone Stamp on Photoshop to get rid of it on the hair but it's not working on the skin
Any advice on how to deal with it?
Vertus Fluid Mask is not for already transparent PNG images.You first need to add the new white layer below the original layer in Photoshop,merge them,and then use Vertus Fluid Mask.
Thanks @bakizp
Si alguien puede ayudarme en español para que los bordes no estén tan acentuados, se lo agradecería mucho.
Translation (Google translate):
If someone can help me in Spanish so that the edges are not so pronounced, I would greatly appreciate it.
The edges are a bit rough, but overall it's good enough to upload as long as it's missing.
Which technique and program do you use?
Spanish (Google Translate):
¿Qué técnica y programa usas?
Thank you very much.
Lock your pixels and use the clone stamp. Theres a video on how to do it on the first page
This technique has been posted before in this thread, but I see a lot of people not using it. You can see the significance of this technique in the "before and after" comparison below.
You know how often we stumble upon hi-res sources,but lighting in the photo studio ruins jaw lines or (and) cheek bones.Well,it looks ugly to me after cut is done,especially when viewed on the dark background.
Here is the fix:
Basically it's just like removing snow from hair.
- Lock transparent pixels.
- Select the Clone Stamp Tool in Darken mode with 33% opacity.
- While holding the ALT key click on the nearest non-shiny skin colour.
- Release the ALT key and make rapid left clicks while covering the problem parts until you get satisfying results.
"Before and after" example:
All the credit goes to @bakizp, I just reposted it
@krissmed thanks for the tag, I'm currently using GIMP as PS is too expensive for me to justify the purchase when realistically cutting is all I would use it for. GIMP is okay but a lot of the cutting I do is much more free hand annoyingly.
Has anyone got any ideas of a way to do this process in GIMP?
Sorry, I'm not familiar with gimp.
Although, you can get PS CS2 for free, which is what I got. It has a lot of the same function as the newer version. And don't worry, it's completely legal. I think there's a guide in the OP.
Cheers for the heads up, will check that out!
Cut out 4 this
No thanks, looks unrealistic and plastic to me.
Really? If you see the second cut without having seen the first one, I doubt you'd notice that work was done on it
Cut out 4 this