Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 490,238
- 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025

I think a lot of people would prefer if you do it, remember that the pack is for everyone who download it.
It's not a lot of work, it would take you max 5 minutes.
But, of course, noone can force you to do so.
Edit: I can fix the lighting on your cut myself, if you let me?
Cut out 4 this
I know Rangers are not usually in the FM game so these images seem ideal if can be accessed. I've tried the way to obtain them through firefox but no joy.
The best way I've found is to right-click on the image in this page, then opening image in a new tab, which takes you to the 324x324 image. I use Chrome, not sure if that makes a difference.
Cheers mate.
at the moment im trying to improve my cut-out technique and was wondering how you guys pick up fine hair using the quick selection tool , as you can see from the image below the marching ants around the cut are rounded and dont seem to pick up fine hair that well in the tool selection box i have size , hardness,spacing percentages and was wondering if there are better variables i could use ??
keep meaning to look in to fluid mask , might purchase a copy
I believe there's a trial version available before you take the plunge. It makes things so much easier, especially with the tiny, fiddly hair details
I'm having some trouble cutting sources that doesn't have a single colored background. What's everyone's approach to cut a source like this?
Thanks, I'll give it a go. If I don't get a decent cut, it would probably be best to let someone else do it
I must've been using Vertus wrong because my results with it were really subpar. I've been using Photoshop's refine edge for the basic selection and the brush tool to remove the inevitable snow/fill in bits it missed, which isn't very quick either...
Way back in the day, I used to use refine edge and, if memory serves, I found it much less intuitive than vertus. I tend to get some very decent results with vertus on poor sources with multi-coloured background (or so I like to think, anyway!) I guess it's down to personal preference really
That said, a source like this is a nightmare to cut, whichever way you go about it
I still can't get used to your name change
It looks perfectly fine to me that way as well. More than one way to skin a cat
FYI @krissmed
Wow, thanks. How long did this source take you? I can't really see myself using half an hour on sources like this.
I've tried both methods and I got a fairly similar resualt:
With Vertus:
With pen tool:
Here are the original sources:
I find vertus easier to use on sources with a lot of hair detail, while the pen tool were easier to use on sources without beard and minimal hair detail. Wallace, do you have any tips for something with more hair detail, like this:
@mons you can save these to the MP, I'll have another crack at them and see if I can get a better result, although it'll be for the next update. The filenames should be UID. 53101401 is the UID on the one that Wallace did.
The hair on this one has missing bits that need to be filled in again, I had that issue a lot with my Vertus attempts
I know, I don't really know how to work around that without it being a hassle
With the method I used, I applied the Vertus cutout as a layer mask to the source layer, then brushed in the missing bits. Alt-clicking on the layer mask in the layers panel shows it as a pure black-and-white mask which makes it easier to see which parts need filling in
Thanks, it helped a lot. Not really the easiest source to deal with
For that pic I would do a half and half, extract the top and pen tool the bottom.
In general though the same as before, just get in to all of the gaps with the pen and if it looks a bit holey fill in the gaps with a touch of clone stamp and history brush to make it look more natural. If he still looks a bit daft after all of that then I tend to just give out hair cuts and trim beards. The vast majority of people playing the game don't know what the source picture looks like and as long as they look reasonably natural they won't mind too much if you chop a bit of mullet off or a few rogue strands of hair to make it happen.
For missing details after vertus you can use a history brush. As a source select image before deleting background. On a bright transparency background you can see were bits are missing, I use bright green. Then paint with history brush anything you need.