João Donato - Submissions - Cut Out Player Faces Megapack



Media not found #196975
This image is a response to #196974
12 years ago
1 day ago
@mons i made this cut myself, what you think? Approved?
18 years ago
8 hours ago
@mons i made this cut myself, what you think? Approved?

I'm not on my PC so can't check properly right now. It does look to be lacking a little bit of hair details, however. What program and what technique are you using? Maybe we can offer some tips
12 years ago
1 day ago
I'm not on my PC so can't check properly right now. It does look to be lacking a little bit of hair details, however. What program and what technique are you using? Maybe we can offer some tips

Hey there,
I'm learning how to cut. I use GIMP 2 and PS CS3
This was my first cut. If someone can make a retouch i apreciate @mons, because my time to do this things is short because of work
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Hey there,
I'm learning how to cut. I use GIMP 2 and PS CS3
This was my first cut. If someone can make a retouch i apreciate @mons, because my time to do this things is short because of work

I'll re-open the request to see if somebody can deal with the cut again

I strongly recommend Photoshop over GIMP as the range of options is much greater. A source like this would probably best be cut by using Vertus Fluid Mask, then tweaking the cut in Photoshop. There's a video in the opening post of the guide to cutting thread which will show you have straight-forward it is to cut simple source with this technique Will probably take you a couple of minutes only
12 years ago
1 day ago
Then put the link here with the tutorial @mons please, i'm learning to make my own faces to help people too
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Then put the link here with the tutorial @mons please, i'm learning to make my own faces to help people too

There is actually both a video and a post on that technique in this thread

Just have a look at the links in the whole post, maybe you find something which helps you
18 years ago
8 hours ago
@Pipoquinhas, there was a bit of snow in your cut, plus some of the background colours had bleeded into the guy's face. I've cut him again; it's not ideal but I think it'll do for now. I suggest starting to learn in a more effective manner by using large-quality sources with clear (white or light-grey) background