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Ah sh*t, any idea how I can get the originals back?
EDIT - Without re-installing.
O'Leary's Trainee
The original pictures should still be in your folders, as I use a different number series - that means a simple overwrite would only have affected the .xml files. So you could then replace the shirt pictures with the default ones (not numbered in 3000 series), and you'll be back to the original settings.
Ok cheers mate, and excellent work. It makes it look so much better than having so many bald 18 year olds.
EDIT- All my regens are bald, because I replaced the files. Will the next batch of regens have hair?
All of them still have the original hairstyles.
EDIT: Don't know what I did, but it works now.
I downloaded this quite a while ago and it worked, absolutely brilliant, but only for a little while.
I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything but one day it just stopped working and now everybody's bald - new regens, old regens, everybody. (It happened just after an update to FM2013 - could this have changed anything?)
I've followed all the instructions and advice on here and anywhere else I can find, but still nothing, just thousands of bald guys.
If anyone knows what I might have done wrong or what is causing this please help!!
Scratch that, I reinstalled and it now works.
Does anyone know why it occasionally loads up with no pictures at all (just greyed-out outlines) but if you quit and restart the game they are back again. Not a big problem but a little weird and frustrating!
I really like your work and have it set up in the folder correctly. However, it has made all my current regens bald? How can i get them back (btw i have the no shirt one on) Really want your work but its putting me off playing FM now my regens have gone bald.
please help asap!
Same thing happened to me, please help me!
O'Leary's Trainee
Sorry to hear you're having problems, but I can't say what's gone wrong there. The only reason anything like that would happen is if you overwrote the original FM config files for the default hairs, which would then cause the game not to find them, while the players would still be looking for the hair assigned to them. Hence, baldness would ensue. You should never write over anything when installing this pack. ONLY add the OLT folder next to the existing ones.
And, this confirms that that is most likely what has happened. If you download the default replacements pack I have available, you can use the config files from there to restore the defaults (provided you haven't lost the original hair images). Just ensure that everything goes where it needs to go. So that in the Facegen/Hair folder you should have all original ethnic folders + the OLT Hairpack one. Within the OLT Hairpack folder you should see a repeat of the ethnic folders - only containing my hairs.
Hope you get it sorted.
Now, that's a language I don't speak. But, I assume you're wondering if this works with FM12... the answer is yes.
Can you upload a download of your whole file? and then if i replace all of your file (originals and everything) over everything in mine it will work, right?
That'd be great..
Unfortunately this is the only thinking I've done on this and haven't had a look at what skin editors have achieved in FM13 (perhaps they already attempt such things in different ways), but from editing skins a few versions back I believe this sort of thing should be possible.
O'Leary's Trainee
I've been thinking pretty much along the same lines. Except I wanted to use the same color functions that is used to display the title text's in team colors. Adding that code and creating a shirt that would display the right colors should be a reasonably easy task to do, using a custom skin (or just the panel). However, the problem arises when players have longer hair that needs to fall over the shoulders. That means that the neck needs to go behind this additional shirt image, while the hair needs to go in front of the shirt image. I don't think there is a way to split those once FaceGen has generated the player image.
Alternately, I've considered ways of doing it the same way as logo's are displayed. This way one could actually create "real" team shirts for each and every team. Again, that logo/shirt image would need to be displayed in between the face and the hair.
Just wanting to know if I need to upgrade or not. (Timestamps would be a good addition to the OP
Otherwise, awesome as always!
I don't believe this file was every updated or a new version released...
I found out that randomly generated player seen to have blonde hair color as default, regardless of ethnicity. After some time, most Hispanic, African, and Asian player dark hair can't be recognized by the game face-gen system, therefore they became bald.
What I did is I use FMRTE to change the regen's hair color back to original, then they'll revert back to their own hairstyle. Remember to reload FM skin once you're done with editing.
Hope this help.
O'Leary's Trainee
Yes, this is the latest version of my HairPack. I'm currently working on the next installment, which I hope to make available some time shortly after the release of FM14.
I believe the problem is that some ethnic folders do not have all available hair colors. Nor do the SI ones, but if I recall correctly they also spawn quite a few balds that are not actually balds (viewing the 3D match).
I hope to fix this problem with my next release, which will ensure that all haircolors and lengths are represented in each ethnicity. Won't be able to test this theory out, however, until I finish the new version.
O'Leary's Trainee
Yes. Read the post above...
I'm currently working on a new update, which will be the largest update yet. Got a couple more weeks to work on it, and test out a few theories of mine.
Uwe Seeler
O'Leary's Trainee
Working my butt off here
Yeah, this'll be the biggest update I've done, and I'm cutting lots and LOTS of new hairs to increase the variety. I'm also hoping that the bald players problem will be fixed with the new version... as well as ensure that "real" balds also wear the shirt for those who download the shirt versions.
Speaking of shirts:
I wanted to change the shirt on the players this year, replacing the ugly grey one I did last year. Now - I want them to wear something that looks more like a football jersey... but here is the problem. Team colors cannot be represented, so they'll all wear the same shirt.
I got one that I like, which is a white one with blue trim. I feel that is "neutral" enough, personally. But, I'm worried that some of you would be put off by putting this shirt on them - so I'll ask what you would feel most "comfortable" with.
White w Blue trim - feels neutral, and doesn't scream any specific team... although there are many teams that use these colors.
Dark Blue w White trim - An option I entertained as that is the default color for any "unassigned" team colors in the game, so in FM terms it's neutral.
Grey w Black trim - Not very nice looking, but less likely to be associated with any team colors (can't think of any home team jersey with those colors).
Any other option?
Give you your thoughts, and help me make a decision... just don't say "I want this and that jersey to support my team". The goal here is to NOT have them associated with any specific team, and how to best represent that, while still having them in something that looks like what a football player would wear.
Here's a pic of the white with blue trim, that I'm currently leaning towards using:
Uwe Seeler
Shirt looks great, and the faces look amazing. You make FM a much greater experience!