3D Kits
3D Kits are special kits designed to make the match engine look even better, with the players wearing customised and improved kits on the pitch.
- 880 Downloadable Packs

1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 20##/graphics/kits/put in here!
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )
2. FMXX - click 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' > click 'Reload Skin' for first your time.
THEN ALWAYS when you download other packs, DO Click 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'CLEAR CACHE then again click 'RELOAD SKIN' AS ALWAYS after downloading to folders.
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3D kits are displayed on player models in 3d match, while SS kits are displayed in 2D interface (club presentation) so they're not in conflict. In fact, you need both 2d and 3d kit sets for full graphical presentation.
Config files needs to be in each folder that contains graphic files (*.png). Configs from separate folders do not conflict with each other, unless the same line of code is in both of them. 3d kits and SS kits use different code, so they can't be in conflict. Only same type of graphics can be in conflict, for example when a club is promoted or relegated and kit maker makes new lines in new league and forgets to delete lines from old league config.
In case of conflict, the config in folder that comes first alphabetically has the advantage.
Great that makes it clearer for me to understand, so thank you. I imagine that there may be 3D kits being produced for English Conference and then Conference North and South? Although they will have them in-game already, I think the quality is better on the ones on this thread.
As long as they are within C:\Users\HP\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager Touch 2019\graphics, all graphics (i.e. kits, logos, faces etc.) will display in-game. It's up to you to organise the internal folder structure in whichever way you want to. Mine is quite similar to yours' in fact, truth be told
Wrt your second question, that's the config's job. If you open config files with Notepad, you will see there is some code mapping the filename to a UID. You can therefore have the filename as whatever you want (i.e name, UID, nickname etc.) and as long as the config maps it to the right UID, it should work in-game. In pretty much all the cases, the kitpack makers include a config file by default in their downloads, so all you have to do is put the downloaded files in the location mentioned above
Hope this helps
Conference 3d is coming out within a week. Conference north mid November. Conference south early December. Level 7 after that.
Great, I look forward to that.
- new league: National league (level 5)
- new kits: Swansea 3rd (championship), Coventry 3rd (league one), Exeter 3rd (league two)
- more alternative kits for Premier league
(updated - Added National League & few added 3rd in premier)
the Hull City home kit needs black shorts though if you could do that version please?
our home shorts are identical to away shorts, the one in this file is our backup shorts for when someone else is wearing black.
There is Hull home with black shorts in alternatives folder, just replace the kit in main folder with it
Hull with black shorts is now default.
Sunderland with red short is now default.
I am curious why is this pack under the 3D Match Kits 18/19 for FM18? That means it doesnt work on fm19?
Or are the 3d kits from 18 work on 19 aswell?
These kits work for FM18 and FM19.
(updated - Remade Hull & Sunderland & added Leeds 3rd kit)
The Basque
Maybe you kind of block users who are using AdBlock
I'm getting this exact error as well
The Basque
I'll give that a miss I won't install something that I can only use for 40 days. If the rest of the packs are going to be in this format I won't bother with them either.
I appreciate it is up to the creator how to package things, but I won't pay for a Licence just to extract a set of files.
Winrar is freeware and is generally accepted as the most versatile and effective method at extracting compressed files. The 40 day trial period effectively never ends as you can use it past its trial period, legally, by skipping by the prompt to buy it.
Thanks for that mons, I didn't realise you could still use it after the 40 days, as soon as I saw it pop up in the installer, I cancelled the installation. I've used 7zip for as long as I can remember, and I've only had this error with files that have been confirmed to be broken. As I can use it after the 40 days I will give it a go, again thanks for the heads up on this, I don't like to use cracks, so as long as it is legal that's ok by me.
EDIT Still got the error
Can you try re-downloading it now? Seems like hammer uploaded an incomplete version of the file. Should be fine now
- National north league added
- new third kits for Middlesbrough, Charlton, Colchester and Crawley added
- editor file which sorts kits and colours added (a must have to see this pack properly)
If you need any help with any kit, give me a shout.
Tommy Hughes
Awesome work again, bolid!
I've only got one question about the editor file: I downloaded the England 1-6 SS kits as well and the .rar pack included an editor file identical to this. Should I rename one of the two and place both in my \editor files\ folder or does the newer one in the England 3D kit pack include required corrections/adjustments for the SS kits as well?