Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 490,238
  • 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

6 years ago
4 days ago
For gettyimages pictures

  • open image in new tab (you might have to use inspect element [F12 key] to do this depending on your browser or the version of the website)
  • if there's a '?' in the url, delete everything after that, and replace it with '?s=2048x2048'
  • You should have a url that looks like this, which will get a higher resolution picture that's 2048px across its biggest dimension
    16 years ago
    2 days ago
    For gettyimages pictures

  • open image in new tab (you might have to use inspect element [F12 key] to do this depending on your browser or the version of the website)
  • if there's a '?' in the url, delete everything after that, and replace it with '?s=2048x2048'
  • You should have a url that looks like this, which will get a higher resolution picture that's 2048px across its biggest dimension

    Brilliant find!
    14 years ago
    1 year ago
    Hi guys, not sure where to post this. Had a look around the forums.

    I head up the Irish research for FM. I have a wetransfer file of updated facepics in the Irish Premier Division and Irish First Division that I'd like to send to a cutter. They aren't of the highest quality but look sufficient for FM purposes.


    I've saved each headshot to one folder, all named in their individual FM database player ID. I'd like to send onto a cutter to include in the mega pack downloads but not sure where to post or who to contact? Any takers?
    13 years ago
    20 hours ago
    Hi guys, not sure where to post this. Had a look around the forums.

    I head up the Irish research for FM. I have a wetransfer file of updated facepics in the Irish Premier Division and Irish First Division that I'd like to send to a cutter. They aren't of the highest quality but look sufficient for FM purposes.


    I've saved each headshot to one folder, all named in their individual FM database player ID. I'd like to send onto a cutter to include in the mega pack downloads but not sure where to post or who to contact? Any takers?
    Post here:

    Make sure that the images you request are indeed missing or are real improvements.

    14 years ago
    1 year ago
    Thanks, yeah most of the Irish faces are 3/4 seasons old. Cheers
    17 years ago
    2 months ago
    Thanks, yeah most of the Irish faces are 3/4 seasons old. Cheers

    If you can (after checking against existing MP) I'd suggest splitting them up into packs of 15-20 as if it's too big a job it might put potential cutters (ie, me) off
    18 years ago
    9 hours ago
    If you can (after checking against existing MP) I'd suggest splitting them up into packs of 15-20 as if it's too big a job it might put potential cutters (ie, me) off

    Great minds think alike
    At Hirsizi Geldi
    7 years ago
    5 years ago
    Turkish Football Federation's official site has high quality photos with search options.

    13 years ago
    20 hours ago
    Does anyone know of it is possible to get higher resolution from

    Lebohang Mokoena
    18 years ago
    5 hours ago
    16,020 has good images of Germany leagues (even lower ones like Regionalliga) although they aren't transparent like Bundesliga web ones.

    6 years ago
    4 days ago
    For Croatia Football Federation (

    Take the picture URL (for example
    Remove '/_resized' and '_660_375_cut' to get full-size image (
    13 years ago
    20 hours ago
    The second link is loaded in full size on the page you've linked. So my guess is that they've made an error not resizing it before. So from what I can see there's not much that can be done
    6 years ago
    4 days ago
    Slovakia Football Federation:

    Go to a player profile (e.g., inspect element on the picture to get the picture url (there's an unnecessary part before the actual link, remove the first part until the '#' ) (e.g.
    Remove '-255x325xmedia' to get the full-size image (e.g.
    14 years ago
    3 days ago
    Where do people source higher resolution German Bundesliga pics from?
    13 years ago
    20 hours ago
    Where do people source higher resolution German Bundesliga pics from? got alright sources. And it's always a good idea to search Gettyimages as well
    16 years ago
    7 hours ago
    Considering some of the pics I've had rejected from the MP this year, if that pack gets made and added I might just sack this cut out faces lark off and stick to stadiums.
    17 years ago
    12 hours ago
    Considering some of the pics I've had rejected from the MP this year, if that pack gets made and added I might just sack this cut out faces lark off and stick to stadiums.
    Keep cutting faces mate. Don't see a real urgent need in cutting Bundesliga images considering they are licensed in the game! Although I'm still gutted that my fav source of images for Scottish leagues are now heavily watermarked and not a thing I can do!!
    18 years ago
    9 hours ago
    Considering some of the pics I've had rejected from the MP this year, if that pack gets made and added I might just sack this cut out faces lark off and stick to stadiums.

    Your cuts are invariably excellent from a cutting point of view, but some of the lighting on those sources is very poor (I can remember the Leverkusen and Wolfsburg sources in particular, for example) to the extent that I feel that previous 180x180 versions are still better. You know even better than I do that a poor source will rarely make a great cut.

    That said, since you last spoke about your frustration at not seeing your cuts included in the megapack some years back, I've changed the way I decide which images are improvements or no, so I'm very surprised you feel that way. I've gone through your list of facepacks produced recently and from my recollection, the absolute majority of all of them (and I'd be surprised if it's less than 95%) were all added to the megapack unless I'm very much mistaken. I might have missed the odd pack here and there very occasionally but, knowing the quality of your work, I'm pretty sure there can't be more than a very tiny amount of images which didn't make it in. Please let me know if there's any in particular you have in mind so I'll review them again...
    16 years ago
    7 hours ago
    I'm sorry mate, got my dog's ashes delivered half an hour before making that post so still had my filter switched off. That was just an arsey, unfiltered way of saying those pics aren't improvements on the sources that were used for the current pack whilst remembering my Southampton pack being replaced late last year.

    I think you've got me confused with someone else because up until now I can't recall ever complaining about my pics not getting in the megapack, only started taking notice this year with the search tool being available (never really used it before then) and I haven't made a Wolfsburg or Leverkusen pack in a long time, if ever.
    17 years ago
    3 years ago
    Czech national teams

    simply delete the &w=150 part and HQ source is available .

    Same tric for youth teams.
    18 years ago
    9 hours ago
    I'm sorry mate, got my dog's ashes delivered half an hour before making that post so still had my filter switched off. That was just an arsey, unfiltered way of saying those pics aren't improvements on the sources that were used for the current pack whilst remembering my Southampton pack being replaced late last year.

    I think you've got me confused with someone else because up until now I can't recall ever complaining about my pics not getting in the megapack, only started taking notice this year with the search tool being available (never really used it before then) and I haven't made a Wolfsburg or Leverkusen pack in a long time, if ever.

    No offence taken and I'm sorry to hear that. I'll have another look at your Soton pack again; iirc it was just a case of some new sources being cut rather than anything in particular being wrong with yours'. One of the reasons why I don't like having duplication of recent cuts, and not only because of the extra work they give me.

    Hands up I wasn't clear about the Wolfsburg or Leverkusen packs - I meant that those 2 packs, in particular, produced recently had very poor lighting which is why a lot of them weren't added, rather than meaning that you were the cutter. As for older comments, I think it was when we were still on the previous version of this forum - but it may well be the case I've confused you with someone else. Old age and all that
    16 years ago
    7 hours ago
    Don't worry about the Southampton pack the lighting was probably better on most of the new ones anyway, the main one that really bothered me at the time was the Charlie Austin pic and it looks like you've reverted back to that pic anyway.

    The only time I've kicked off or complained before was a series of drunken foul-mouthed rants one night on the old forum against someone who was only doing the big teams and nothing else and kept on beating me to the sources. I think I still hold the record for the longest warning note in forum history, it filled the entire page on my screen.
    18 years ago
    9 hours ago
    Don't worry about the Southampton pack the lighting was probably better on most of the new ones anyway, the main one that really bothered me at the time was the Charlie Austin pic and it looks like you've reverted back to that pic anyway.

    The only time I've kicked off or complained before was a series of drunken foul-mouthed rants one night on the old forum against someone who was only doing the big teams and nothing else and kept on beating me to the sources. I think I still hold the record for the longest warning note in forum history, it filled the entire page on my screen.

    You (and I) have Baja to thank for that Austin cut, as he double checks my work all the time and has no hesitation in pulling me up when he thinks I've messed up - and I'm ever grateful for that

    I don't really remember that particular rant but I now seem to recall that you also got royally pissed off at me for tweaking the colouring of same of your cuts, actually, rather than for not having included your cuts

    Anyways, let's get back on-topic
    17 years ago
    6 hours ago
    High quality and recent sources for danish superliga here :

    if you use the image downloader (get it here for chrome: ) and open the picture in a new tab and replace the fit=1000x750 with fit=2000 from the url you will get a higher resolution.

    like this:


    6 years ago
    4 days ago
    For Borussia Dortmund (most useful for youth players/staff)
    Remove '_bvbprofilbild_small' or '_bvbprofilbild_regular' from the image URL
    so this image would become this much larger image

    Thanks to @MMXX for posting a link to this image format, I previously tried to figure out how to get the full-size from BVB's site without success
    7 years ago
    6 months ago
    Hi all, the UEFA Youth League page on now features all player pics, which whenrigzht click opened are 324x324 (Same as Champions League / World Cup Sizes) first time I've know them to do so.

    Anyone know how to make them bigger?
    6 years ago
    4 days ago
    for images (German players):

    Replace 'custom_style_1' in the image URL with 'original' for full resolution images, like so: would become

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