the file is for the game fm18, tested in my fm20, and works perfect
DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2zg872boi7077wa/CLUB_BANNERS_ADBOARDS_FM18_2.zip/file
This mod turns FM 2020 generic adboards into club-specific colors, flags, and banners, giving each stadium its own flair and feel and adding some much-needed individuality to the 3D match-game engine.
With over 700 clubs and thousands of images, it's not a perfect duplication of a stadium's adboards or look, but at least offers up something new to look at.
1. Extract the contents of the CLUB_BANNERS_ADBOARDS_FM20_2.zip file. You don't need special software for that as it's a .zip file.
2.Place the first "ads" folder (the one that has only the fm.xml file inside it) inside your FM20 user data folder, that by default is found at:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020
3.Place the large "pictures/ads" folder inside your "graphics" folder:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020 > graphics
If you already have a pictures folder, just place the large "ads" folder within it, so as not to erase whatever else is in your pictures folder, like stadiums, flags, city pics, etc.
If you don’t have a graphics folder, please create one. Graphics folder should now read graphics/pictures/ads.
4. Place the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder (this contains the video ads) into the "data" folder within your Steam installation folder (which is not located in the area of the first two folders):
[i]steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020 > data
5.Please restart FM20 entirely. If you just refresh the cache, the game may still not realize there is an entirely new place to find its graphics. Only when FM20 is restarted will it find and read the new ads xml file, and also discover the video ads.
Go in-game to the Preferences > Interface screen; click on "Clear Cache". And then return to the same screen and click "Reload Skin".
Individual team banners and flags should now appear. Enjoy!
DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2zg872boi7077wa/CLUB_BANNERS_ADBOARDS_FM18_2.zip/file
This mod turns FM 2020 generic adboards into club-specific colors, flags, and banners, giving each stadium its own flair and feel and adding some much-needed individuality to the 3D match-game engine.
With over 700 clubs and thousands of images, it's not a perfect duplication of a stadium's adboards or look, but at least offers up something new to look at.
1. Extract the contents of the CLUB_BANNERS_ADBOARDS_FM20_2.zip file. You don't need special software for that as it's a .zip file.
2.Place the first "ads" folder (the one that has only the fm.xml file inside it) inside your FM20 user data folder, that by default is found at:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020
3.Place the large "pictures/ads" folder inside your "graphics" folder:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2020 > graphics
If you already have a pictures folder, just place the large "ads" folder within it, so as not to erase whatever else is in your pictures folder, like stadiums, flags, city pics, etc.
If you don’t have a graphics folder, please create one. Graphics folder should now read graphics/pictures/ads.
4. Place the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder (this contains the video ads) into the "data" folder within your Steam installation folder (which is not located in the area of the first two folders):
[i]steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020 > data
5.Please restart FM20 entirely. If you just refresh the cache, the game may still not realize there is an entirely new place to find its graphics. Only when FM20 is restarted will it find and read the new ads xml file, and also discover the video ads.
Go in-game to the Preferences > Interface screen; click on "Clear Cache". And then return to the same screen and click "Reload Skin".
Individual team banners and flags should now appear. Enjoy!
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Does anyone know if this will work with FM Touch 2020? I have got all of the player/staff pics, logos, 2D and 3D kits working with a skin. Think this would greatly improve the 3D match experience.
EDIT: Everything works as it should.
Ok thanks for that. The ad-boards / flags is probably more what I would be interested in, so I may well wait until this is ironed out.
The banners are actually working for me now. I must have had something lined up wrong in the directory but everything works as intended
how did you fix this issue? I have the same problem
Can i just confirm this is for the ios version of FM Touch 2020?
I'm really not sure. I didn't move anything around so I'm not sure what triggered it to start working. The only thing I can recall doing (as I was dealing with another issue in the game at the time) was changing my graphics quality in the preferences from low to very low, then changed it back to low after updating my drivers. Once the game was restarted the banners just began showing up.
I'm using the regular version of FM but I'd imagine it would be the same process?
It looks a little bit weird with no ads and only banners.
edit : I found away to make ads work in minor league, by forcing led screens in the config .xml file. Supporters banners are only in the stadium now, not around the pitch.
They work in friendlies as well.
Can you please clarify two points.
Firstly, I have downloaded the zip file but can’t find the ...
"simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder ......
I’ve found the other two and put them where directed. Just can’t find the folder for the video ads. As it is I don’t connect to Steam, I am not sure if this would work anyway. Was wondering if they could be placed in my graphics folder area?
Also I plan to re-load the graphics and skin to iTunes and then pick a new skin that hasn’t been used before. Should this suffice to see the changes, or does it need a complete new re-install of the game on my iPad?
The simatchviewer_uncompressed folder should be located in the first folder you open from the download. The one in all upper case.
That folder should then be placed in Program Files > Steam > SteamApps> common > FM20 > data
Changing the skin could work. Personally I changed the graphics quality, reloaded the skin in the game preferences, quit the game, then changed the graphics quality back to normal and it suddenly started working. At first, the video ads worked for me but the banners didn't.
Just one more question. Do I also need to drag the Steam folder into the iTunes FMT20 file share as well, or just the other graphics and skin?
I had to create the folders- common > FM20 > data as I didn’t have them. I put the simatchviewer_uncompressed folder inside the data one. Is that right?
That's where it needs to go, but I think those folders should be there already as they contain loads of other files you'll need to run the game.
Did you install the main FM folder to a different directory outside of your program files? The one with the main database files etc.
Hi there the little circle has been whirring around on the FMT 2020 from page for about a good 30 mins. Is this normal with this upload? For all faces, logos and kits it is usually no more than a 2-3 minute process.
Great idea - Any idea why my hoardings seem now show FM08 adverts though? I am playing in Liga MX
I really like the look of this pack, but can't seem to get it to work correctly. I have reloaded skin and changed the graphics level, restarted the game, put the folders where requested... Do I need to start a brand new game?
Marcos Barba
Marcos Barba
Thanks but still the same message
Marcos Barba
your pc have a problem
I was getting the same error and selecting "Open with" instead of "Download" worked for me.
Yes. now worked for me too
I think because it was originally made for FM 18 and just been used for FM 19 and FM 20.