Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 433,570
- 2025.05 - Released on 12 Mar 2025

The only thing i've done in the config file is to check if the id for west ham is correct. It's just downloaded from this site and "un zip'ed" to the graphics folder, like you should.
In the properties of mettalic logos folders I have 335 575 files, 63 folders
Looks like you don't have the full pack. I have 336,249 Files in 72 Folders for 6.99GB, with a total of 23 config files.
I'd recommend downloading the megapack from scratch.
23 config files in mettalic logos pack only?
To be honest, at this point, I don't really know what else to recommend other than to download the megapack via torrent. This way you can be sure you have the full files
Do you have all the config files in the folders in my screenshot? Not sure what you mean by "stadium's 2nd image" either
I have the logos inside the pictures folder, I put them out of this folder and did exactly as you have. I'll try.
Within the game when we are in the team information when changing the stadium image is an image that belongs to the flut skin, no other image should appear?
I have no idea what that is, and I'm reasonably sure it's got nothing to do with this pack.
No, it's the stadium package. Is there nothing missing in the Data Editor? I remember at the beginning of Metallic logos there were files to put in the data editor.
I've deleted the whole folder, but i don't want to download the complete Logo Pack again.
Thank you very much.
The FM-2020 megapack can use with FM-2019?? I download the metallic logos megapack, but I have FM-2019 and I don't know it will works properly with this anterior version of the game. I prefer to ask here before install.
Thank you!
Yes it does
Thank you!
You need to show me a screenshot and tell me exactly what you mean, for me to help you with that one
I'd like the National Association badge to be replaced by the National Flag in the player profile screen. Like it is on the Squad Menu screen.
yes there is a way, but it also changes the National Association Badge to National flag other places in the game and it is different from skin to skin how it takes affect. But in your case you could accomplish want you want by copying the flags from your "large" flag folder to the "normal" folder within the nations folder and there by overwriting the National Association Badges. Please backup any folder that you desire to change and be aware of the fact that for updates to work properly you need to keep the folder structure as it is.
That's perfect I will give that a try.
Christian Andres Duzelman
Well the Metallic logos does work on Costa Rica and Andorra logos. So It has to be something else you have downloaded that causes the problem. Delete any other logo pack downloads you might have, there could be a config issue. The problem could also be that you have downloaded extra leagues patches to play those leagues. So my best advice is to try and remove some of your other addons (downloads) one by one and see if you can't find out which one is causing the problem
Christian Andres Duzelman
Quick question, do the back left, back right, alts and @2x logos still need to be installed on FM20? Don't seem to be used anymore?
The are all still in use except for the alts (the Alts are just alternatives logos and can just be deleted) . But it depends on which skin you use how they are used (the@2x are larger versions of the small logos used when playing with zoom). So try with them first and then remove them and see if it makes any difference in your game.
@mons are you experiencing the same?