18 years ago
11 months ago
Is there any whizzkids out there?So i changed my password on facebook on my computer and clicked on log out of all devices,so i go to log back in and it says it will send a code to my phone number,but i just realised that it is a old phone number and i havent got it,so then i click use different verification and it says i need to use a code generator but i cant get that either,so i have no way of getting back in my account,i have clicked forgot password etc and it sends me a link to my email and when i change password its saying it will send a code to my phone number again (which i dont have) is there anyway round this?i have got alot of family and friends and memories (photos) on there,Please if any1 can help i would be very gratefull,thank you
18 years ago
11 months ago
Also if any1 can get it me i dont mind paying them for there time
18 years ago
11 months ago
18 years ago
5 hours ago
I'm sorry but it's something which I fear that isn't really the best place to be asking in here

Do Facebook not have some kind of recover lost account email address you can try to contact them on? You really should have changed your telephone number; I just hope that you can sort it out
15 years ago
8 hours ago
as Mons says this will be a matter to take up with them, and good luck with the process
16 years ago
4 years ago
Well it is the best place as two members have the ability to do this. It's not something that is cheap though
18 years ago
5 hours ago
Well it is the best place as two members have the ability to do this. It's not something that is cheap though


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