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Whether you use a Mac or a PC, the file you download does not change. The only difference is where you put it once they're downloaded and extracted.
a) Download which of these files you'd like. I suggest the cutout faces megapack and the metallic logos megapack. Go the respective download section and download it
b) Each file will contain installation instructions, just follow them.
From FM20 onwards, there's been a substantial change to how Mac FM documents are stored. Previously the files would automatically go in the Documents folder here:
Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Documents/Sports Interactive
Now the files will instead appear in the following location:
Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive
By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:
Open Finder
Click ‘Go’ from the menubar
Press and hold down the ‘Option’ (Alt) key
This will bring up the ‘Library’, click to enter then go to ‘Application Support’ -> ‘Sports Interactive’ -> ‘Football Manager 2020’
Let's have screenshots of the folders you've put the downloaded files in, and of the in-game preferences.
P.S. If you quote me when replying, I'll get a push notification and be able to answer you more quickly.
just seen the edited comment
You need to extract both files using Winrar or a similar program.
Check this video for how to install the facepack and this video for how to install the logopack.
do you have link for a useable program for me to use this on mac thanks
Look for winrar on google, and install the respective version of the program
ive done the kits and logos biut im having problems unarchiving the faces ive been using an app which has done this because im winrar is very complicated to use. but my program isnt letting me do this
Winrar is extremely easy to use, you open it and click extract and the files then extract to wherever you tell them to
Now, I've no idea what app you're using and what is the error message it's giving you. A bit more details and some screenshots would help me help you
do i have to pay for winrar? this is the file ive downloaded off winrar but when i click on it it says that i cant go on it as its from a publisher
Looks like operating Winrar on a Mac is not as straight-forward as it is on Windows. I only use a PC so wouldn't know. A quick Google suggests this article, see if it helps and use the unarchiver app to do the same job.
hi i managed to get it all to work is there anything else that you would suggest to download and thanks for your help
Download this fix and you should be ready to go
Gary Holliday
Hi Mons - I'm having a slightly different issue to the above.- with a mac tho. First time I've played FM20 - I've worked out the file changes (thanks to your help above) - but some of the graphics are loaded through, but some aren't?
Any ideas?
Seems to be a couple of teams per league/division that don't have the logos loading? And some of the kitpacks I've downloaded are working, but some others (Premier League) aren't? Even though they are all in the same folders?
Help me obi-wan, your my only hope....
First things first, are you sure your preferences are set up as per the screenshot in the opening post?
Secondly, in the case of the kits, it looks like the Premier League kit isn't installed correctly. Can I have a screenshot of that folder?
As for the logos, that appears to be the case as well. There is an empty space rather than the default unlicensed logo - that means that the config is in place pointing to a logo which is not there. Can I have a screenshot of that folder too?
Gary Holliday
Hi Mons - thanks for the reply.
See attached - I'm putting them in Library - Application Support - Sports Interactive - Football Manager 2020 - then created a "graphics" folder as per the attached?
Preferences are set correctly.
Been playing (and uploading the graphcs) = never had a problem before? But starting to feel a bit thick.
Can I have a screenshot including all the folders within just one screenshot? It's a bit confusing seeing them spread over 2 screenshots
Also try graphics in lowercase, instead of Graphics. FM is funny like that...
Gary Holliday
I was using "azipper" to unpack the files - had a sneaky feeling it was that.
I've gone back to winrar/winzip, and everything is now working fine.
Thank you for your time, much appreciated.