Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago
In 5-10 years when that happens you probably won't want to play the game anyway.

That's not really the point though. The point is that I can still get SimCity 4, or 3k or 2k, which I personally have, and play the game just fine, even though it's been years since it was popular. I don't want to buy a game and think, shit, in a few years, this is completely unplayable.
18 years ago
2 months ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 19 February 2013 - 22:24 PM
I'm more annoyed at the fact that I can't play the game whilst on a bus, where I still play SimCity 4 every week

That I can understand.
18 years ago
3 months ago
As said above, there will be a way round it by then, in that case.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Jay. | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 02:02 AM
As said above, there will be a way round it by then, in that case.

By release date?

I shouldn't have to pirate/crack a game that I want to pay for. Stupid move by EA
18 years ago
1 week ago
Looks good this, think I'll get it but no doubt be useless at it.

Guessing with it being on Origin it won't be on Steam?
18 years ago
3 months ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 08:57 AM
By release date?

I shouldn't have to pirate/crack a game that I want to pay for. Stupid move by EA

No, in 5-10 years when EA will have most certainly forgot about this Sim City and will be working on something new (unless they go bankrupt )

I agree though, stupid move.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Jay. | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 13:10 PM
No, in 5-10 years when EA will have most certainly forgot about this Sim City and will be working on something new (unless they go bankrupt )

I agree though, stupid move.

We're not talking about them shutting the servers down, we're talking about being able to play the game without needing an Internet connection. As of now you cannot play whilst traveling or whatever
18 years ago
2 months ago
Doubt it takes much longer than a week from the US release (5th, 2/3 days before Europe) before someone has created a way to circumvent the always online requirement. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but people are making it out to be more of an issue than it really is.

Anyway, Maxis are justifying it by saying that the servers provide assistance to the local computer with more intense calculations in the game engine. Sounds like a bunch of humbug, but who knows?
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Franck | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 14:12 PM
Doubt it takes much longer than a week from the US release (5th, 2/3 days before Europe) before someone has created a way to circumvent the always online requirement. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, but people are making it out to be more of an issue than it really is.

Anyway, Maxis are justifying it by saying that the servers provide assistance to the local computer with more intense calculations in the game engine. Sounds like a bunch of humbug, but who knows?

So if you have a lightning fast computer but shite internet the game will run slower? That doesn't sound good.

I'd say it will take longer than that given the game saves are actually stored online

It's mainly an issue because it's an idiotic move in a world where game devs are trying to stop people pirating their games
18 years ago
2 months ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 14:18 PM
It's mainly an issue because it's an idiotic move in a world where game devs are trying to stop people pirating their games

Well what did you expect considering EA are in charge?
14 years ago
13 hours ago
By KEZ_7 | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 11:04 AM
Looks good this, think I'll get it but no doubt be useless at it.

Guessing with it being on Origin it won't be on Steam?

I used to play the original (back in the early/mid 90's) as much as Championship Manager. Its very very addictive.
18 years ago
4 years ago
I remember we had Sim City 2000 on all the PC's in my Primary school and I'm pretty sure the very first one with the top down view only came with our first PC. Anyway, 3000 was the last one in the series I played and I'm pretty tempted to get this one.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Does anyone else thinks this looks kind of dull? It seems to micro-ey. I had that problem with Sim City 4 For example with schools, hospitals etc. If you don't get their funding just right then you crap money and can't really get it back. It does look like a huge improvement on the last game though.
I'll probably impulse buy it.
18 years ago
3 months ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 13:49 PM
We're not talking about them shutting the servers down, we're talking about being able to play the game without needing an Internet connection. As of now you cannot play whilst traveling or whatever

Technically you can, if you have a laptop out travelling, you'd likely have a mobile dongle, i do that with FM, not only that but they'll most almost certainly put an offline mode in too, like steam.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Jay. | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 20:16 PM
Technically you can, if you have a laptop out travelling, you'd likely have a mobile dongle, i do that with FM, not only that but they'll most almost certainly put an offline mode in too, like steam.

No they won't, save games are stored online, you can't play the game without internet access.

Why would I have a mobile dongle?
18 years ago
3 months ago
How else would you access the internet whilst travelling?
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Jay. | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 21:11 PM
How else would you access the internet whilst travelling?

That's the point, I don't have internet access whilst travelling
16 years ago
6 years ago
Then how are you gonna play SimCity?
18 years ago
3 months ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 21:21 PM
That's the point, I don't have internet access whilst travelling

So why take your laptop?
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Jay. | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 22:34 PM
So why take your laptop?

So I can bring it from one place to the other. I would prefer if I could play games whilst I did that
18 years ago
1 year ago
To play Sim City.
Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago
Are you sure you'll get a sufficiently fast connection from a dongle, though?
18 years ago
1 month ago
Why does it require to be connected to the internet?
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Deano | Permalink | On 21 February 2013 - 10:30 AM
Why does it require to be connected to the internet?

Save games are all stored online. Bullshit DRM
18 years ago
3 months ago
By Mr Willy | Permalink | On 20 February 2013 - 23:12 PM
Are you sure you'll get a sufficiently fast connection from a dongle, though?

Yeah, because 3G is now in 97% of the UK, and now 4G is coming in it'll be in 100% of the UK by 2015, if you want to play Sim City, on a Dongle and your in the 3% of the UK where you can't get 3G, then you'll still get a Edge connection, which is like dial up, so you'll get internet on a Dongle either way, Ive been using one for a year now and there's only been one occasion where my speed was below 500kbs.

Most games only require a 256k connection, too.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Until game companies learn that to beat piracy you need to make your game superior, not inferior, to the pirated version then piracy is only going to get worse. It baffles me how they can't work that out.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
I shouldn't fucking need a 3G dongle to play a game, it's not that hard to comprehend. Also, 3G coverage here is complete rubbish, especially when travelling between towers on a bus
18 years ago
2 months ago
By Ninja | Permalink | On 26 February 2013 - 20:02 PM
Until game companies learn that to beat piracy you need to make your game superior, not inferior, to the pirated version then piracy is only going to get worse. It baffles me how they can't work that out.

The shareholders and board members of the major games publishers want to be assured that something is being done to combat piracy, since those people are typically dull old men in suits they will call for the type of solutions that would please a dull old man in a suit rather than what would actually be effective.
Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago

Pretty much my thoughts about this.
13 years ago
8 years ago
Why would you buy a shit mobile dongle for 30 quid a month when your broadband at home is less. Stupid that you would have to buy one just for playing Simcity on the bus!

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