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I'm subscribed to him (about the only thing on YouTube I am subscribed to except a user who solely uploads Married... With Children episodes).
King Luis
Watched the GiantBomb quicklook earlier and it just put me right of getting Sim City, seems like you'll get to an end game far to quickly because of the city size limits.
Found this in the comments section of a post on Reddit.
Phoenix Arrow
Was actually going interested in that. Rethinking. Don't watch the video if you don't want to hear TB twaddle on about nothing for 6 minutes. The thumbnail pretty much covers the whole video.
You can get dongles for far less than £30. Not only that, but your not gonna take a laptop on the bus, without internet access surely? That'd be stupid, there's not much you can do on a laptop without the internet.
Except play games...
Tbf, if i was to take a laptop on a bus to play a game it'd have to be a very long bus ride. If it was a short journey I'd use my phone for gaming.
I take a bus to and from work daily that takes 35-45 minutes each way, that's an potentially an hour and a half I could be playing FM on my laptop if I wish to and as a consumer I should have that option.
For example you don't buy a car and then get told if you don't have gps connection at all times it's useless.
That's got nothing to do with this thread, my knowledge on the area i live in makes me know most places i need my car for, so my car wouldn't be useless without GPS, so that's irrelevant.
I can't say i see many people on a bus using a laptop though.
You're talking like it's just bus journeys that this applies to in all of your posts, trying to put forward points of why people wouldn't use it on a bus. You do realise there may be other times you don't have internet connection right? yeah? Just making sure.
They obviously haven't programmed it so it's only bus rides you can't use it on, there are other times when you are without internet connection and want to play games (flights, long train journeys etc). Paying for a dongle and carrying it around everywhere is just hassle.
Phoenix Arrow
While we're on transport metaphors, have you even flown internally to Scotland or Jersey or some shit? Here's what happens. You buy your ticket, you give them your ticket, you walk through a metal detector, some woman searches your bag for drugs and then you hop on a plane. Noone asks for your passport, you don't need it.
Have you ever played any other Sim City game? You buy your game, you type in your code, you install your game and you play your game.You don't have connect to internet, you don't need it.
I'd recommend anyone who hasn't pre-ordered to wait a week or two before buying so the server load will go down a bit.
It has everything to do with this thread. Maybe I should have made it more clear, your car won't work because you've lost something like a gps signal, it's useless, tough shit, that's basically what EA are doing.. You can't play your game without internet connection, that's bullshit and I'd imagine many people won't buy it because of that, I certainly won't.
If you buy a game you shouldnt be forced to buy extra stuff to make it work.
Anyway, I've gotten a few more hours of playing time between all the server fuck-ups. The game is awesome, a real shame the experience is being fucked up by EA and their shitty servers.
Having played the game, I can totally see why they've gone for an always-online approach, I wouldn't really have any complaints about it had their fucking servers been working properly.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Of course it's going to stop being from buying it. You're talking to people who its stopping from buying it.
What if there is a big server crash like Blackberry had and its down for days/weeks?
You mean like what is happening right now?
Anyway, it becomes pretty evident why the game is always-online when you actually play it, not that anyone can do that right now.
Add me and send me a message (my OID is FranckSweden) and I'll invite any of you who are interested.
The game itself is great. The small tiles were a bit of a bummer at first but once you adjust to it mentally and stop thinking like you're playing SimCity 4 it doesn't really matter as much.
Basically all the things that were handled poorly in Sim4 has been fixed, roads are much more flexible, essential services like schools, hospitals, police etc. are done in a much better way, being able to upgrade buildings is a huge gameplay improvement and the regional play should be interesting.
Now, those fucking servers on the other hand.....
Because that'll totally work...
Phoenix Arrow
I'll toss you an ad. Verrrona.
King Luis