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Rovers FC (Seychelles)
I'm a FM fan and also part of Rovers FC (SEY) management team.
We've found our logo here on Sortitoutsi... That's nice as we are still very young football club on the map! Thanks for the avatar anyway
These days we are all here trying to do what's the best for local football association to make it big (or just bigger than it is at the moment).
Let me know if you guys need any information about local clubs/national team so I can help you with as it is very hard to find any information about local football teams/players.
If anyone cares Rovers FC have won 3rd Division a few days ago
United Joshdom
Rovers FC (Seychelles)
Hi there
PREMIER LEAGUE 2019/20 (Final standings)
1. Foresters (Champions)
2. Cote D'or
3. La Passe
4. St. Louis
5. Light Stars
6. St. Michel
7. Anse Reunion
8. Northern Dynamo
9. Red Star DF
10. Revengers
11. Au Cap (Relegated)
12. Victoria City (Closed down)
CHAMPIONSHIP 1 2019/20 (Final standings)
1. Real Maldives (Champions)
2. Bosco FC (Promoted)
3. PTL Bazar Brothers
4. Anse Royal
5. Mont Fleuri
6. Tigers
7. Lions LMS
8. Glacis (Relegated)
9. St. Francis (Closed down)
CHAMPIONSHIP 2 2019/20 (Final standings)
1. Rovers FC (Champions)
2. Bel Air (Promoted)
3. Marine Maintenance
4. Perseverance
5. Bel Ombre
6. Beau Vallon
7. Mont Buxton Veterans (Suspended)
8. Bwalo Boyz (Closed down)
Playout / Playoff
1. Au Cap - Bosco FC 0:3 (Bosco FC got promoted to Premier league)
2. Glacis - Bel Air 0:7 (Bel Air got promoted to Championship 1)
SFF Cup 2019/20
Cote D'or - Rovers FC 4:0
Foresters - La Passe 5:1
Final (22.08.2020)
Foresters - Cote D'or
Rovers FC - Teamstats - Here you can see all our stats since day 1 of the club... Our idea is to switch to our website only from the start of the next season.
Rovers FC - Club info
Year found: 2018
Professional status: Amateur
Reputation: National
Nickname: Millionaires
Finances: Okay
Stadium: Stad Linite (10,000 seats)
Junior coaching: Good
Data analysis: Above average
Region: East Africa
Captain: Randolph Lablache
Formation: 4-2-3-1
Fierce rival: Bel Air
Division: Championship 1
Transfer budget: 0
Board expectation: Promotion
Rovers FC - Staff
1. Kosta Todorovic (Manager)
2. Milan Blaga (Assistant Manager)
3. Steve Herbots (Head Coach)
4. Collin Stravens (Assistant Coach)
5. Philip Zialor (Assistant Coach)
Rovers FC - First team
GK - Xavier Celestine (Key player)
GK - Zane Esparon (Youth)
DR - Dareem Esparon (First team)
DR - Leroy Desire (Backup)
DL - Yanick Hollanda (Youth)
DL/AML - Joshua Fanchette (First team)
DC - Christopher Rousseau (Rotation)
DC/DL - Jean-Marc Prea (Rotation)
DC - Freddy Monthy (Rotation)
DC - Remy De ketelaere (Key player)
DMC - Fabian Lablache (Vice-Captain)
DMC - Paolo Hoareau (First team)
MC - Santosh Albert (First team)
MC/DL- Hans Radegonde (First team)
MC - Abdul Jumaye (Youth)
AMC/STC - Jim Loizeau (First team)
AMLR/ST- Jean-Michel Vidot (Key player)
AMLR - Chang-Time Fabien (First team)
AMLR - Randolph Lablache (Key player / Captain)
AMLR - Adrian Marie (Youth)
STC - Julius Sally (Youth)
STC - Herve Toulon (Backup)
Please let us know what else you would like to know so we can provide you with the informations. It would be so nice for local players if they can end up in the game one day... Let's work together on this!
Club logos
Here are the logos we've found so far. Many of the missing ones will not probably exist next season as the idea is to reduce number of teams in lower leagues (There will be 2 divisions probably instead of existing 3).
(Marine Maintenance, St. Michel, Bosco FC, Cote D'or, Red Star DF, Revengers, Northern Dynamo, Rovers FC, Lions LMS, Anse Reunion, Foresters, Au Cap, Light Stars, La Passe FC, St. Louis)
1. Stad Linite (National stadium / Mahe island)
2. Stad Popiler (Old stadium / Mahe island)
3. Stad Amitie (Praslin island)
4. Stad La Digue (La Digue island)
1.1 Stad Linite is the only one stadium that national team is using for their matches + all CAF matches are being played on this stadium
1.2 Stad Linite is the stadium of all clubs from Mahe island who are competing in Premier league, Championship 1 or SFF cup
2.1 Stad Popiler is the stadium for 3rd Division football matches only
3.1 Stad Amitie is the main stadium on Praslin island (Cote D'or + Light Stars + Revengers)
4.1 Stad La Digue is the main stadium on La Digue island (La Passe FC + Anse Reunion)
National team
1. Ralph Jean-Louis (Manager of National team and Bel Air FC)
2. Philip Zialor (Top scorer of all time and Assistant coach of Rovers FC)
United Joshdom
You are going to put a comprehensive study of this Kudos to you