Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 482,917
- 2025.01 - Released on 04 Dec 2024

It includes 3,994 new and improved images
For those who had downloaded it already, I'm afraid you'll have to download it again...
Jogo Bonito
It looks like a different ID 13195954 on the original request, but it's the same player.
He moved from BK Hacken to Falkenberg in January 2020 so duplicated in database I guess. Not sure how you would sort out? Perhaps put the same pic on both ID?
He's only included once in the database, with the UID 13195954. The second instance of UID 1915388392 looks like a custom UID from an editor data file.
If you want to add him, I'd recommend putting saving the correct cut in a separate folder with the custom UID as the filename, then following the steps in this thread to generate a config file for him.
Jogo Bonito
Ah right, cheers. I guess this is the drawback of having added leagues and editor files! It's hard t keep up with changes made and in this case maybe an African database I added has created that extra ID. Sorry to trouble you and thanks for the reply.
It's literally only a 2 second job for you to add them if you follow those steps though, really
Jogo Bonito
many thanks
We have a request forum here. However, that is not a UID for a player in the default database and will have been added in your game through a custom database. As the UID is not fixed, there is little point adding it into the megapack until he is actually added in the game, which he will probably be in FM21. As a result, any request you may make for him will be rejected
ok no worries mate he was added in the data base by pr0 over at fmscout but thanks anyway mate keep safe and keep up the good work
The reason we can 'map' player images to the right player is because each player in the official database has a fixed and unchanging UID. The UID of players added in a custom database will vary between users, depending on the combinations of editor data files they have in place. This means there is little point in adding them to the megapack since they will appear only in a particular user's save game (in this case yours) or even worse appear for a different player entirely.
Anyway, I'm sure he'll be added in FM21 if he's playing senior football and I'm equally sure he'll be added to the megapack as soon as his UID is known
It contains 4,335 new or improved images, and takes the total megapack image count to 271,261
It includes 3,835 new and improved images and takes the total cut-out count in the megapack to 273,055
There is a problem with torrent link of 12.00 version. I can't download it.sorry for spam, after 4 days now everything is ok.
It contains 5,451 new or improved images and takes the total amount of cut-outs in the megapack to 275,995
I'll be honest and say I have no idea. Theoretically, I suspect it could if installed along the same lines of the PC version, but not having FMM myself, I can't really confirm.
The best way to check would be to try it yourself by downloading one of the recent facepacks, then generating a new config file for it yourself, if necessary changing the equivalent preferences on FMM and seeing if the respective cut-outs are displayed in-game. Certainly more practical than downloading the entire 16GB+ megapack
Andy Groves
I'm fretting this because it took 2 entire days to unpack and then another half a day to move them into my graphics file. Cheers
We release a base pack prior to the release of each year's game. So, in October 2019, we released base pack 12.0, while in October 2018, we released base pack 11.0, and so on and so forth. The forthcoming 12.18 update pack will be the last of this year's pack, after which work starts on the 13.0 base pack, which will be released at an as-yet-undefined date prior to the release of the FM21 beta.
In order to avoid burdening users with excessive downloading, if they are up-to-date with the previous versions, all they would need to download is the pack which bridges both updates. So, assuming you've downloaded all the 12.xx update packs, all you would need to do upon release of the 13.0 base pack is to download the 13.0 update pack.
Hope I've explained it logically and sensibly. If not, let me know and I'll try and explain better
So what I suggested this morning worked? Good to know!
I would imagine the issue would be to actually have sufficient space on one's mobile for all the megapack, however, or is that not an issue?
Andy Groves
Yeah you explained perfectly mate cheers. Finally, is it normal to experience such huge waits for unpacking and moving of files?
It took 2 full days and nights to unzip the megapack and looks like another full day at least moving them into graphics folder. I last grabbed a face pack during fm2018 and it didn't take this long.
I would hope not, but it really depends on the amount of RAM memory (note: not hard disk space), hard-disk type (SSD will be much faster than HDD), general computer speed and amount of programs running at the same time. I would expect it to take a couple of hours or so at most, though, tbh.
Yeah it worked! I guess it depends on ones mobile storage. Mine has over 100GB free so I had no problem.
You've got space for the logos as well then
Andy Groves
Updates pack are generally somewhere between 300mb-500mb, so it definitely
won'tshouldn't take you anywhere near as long to extract them if you keep up-to-date and download them on a regular basisffernandoG
Thanks for pointing that out - it'll be fixed in the next version