This is the match engine file modified for reality and adding much more interest in fm.
It changes everything in match, such as passing, moving, attacking, defending, 1 on 1, kill passing, buildup, one two passing, pressing, attacking moving, attacking switching, defending switching and so on. You won't see dumb and stupid playing anymore that all of FM series always had. All of moving and playing will be realistic or understandable at least.
All tactics can be played much better in match as real football playing or as you have imagined what you wanna watch in matches, which you wanted to see from this game and didn't know even this could be done in FM.
If you are football fan, it’s wasting of life not using this. With this one, I assure you don’t need to buy next series of Football Manager before SI done for much far better AI and match engine.
You can see short gif here: https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/j3nh4u/football_manager_2020_realistic_match_engine_patch/
More gif here:
While this is a free patch and will be more patches, if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time and my team you can do so by the link below.
How to apply: close football manager 2020. unzip and replace json file in this location. Then open again.
(No need to start new game. It applies on all save games)
Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics
Caution: Because this file fixes match engine, you might need to fix tactics. strongly recommended to modify your tactics (current latest patch version: v6)
Here is discord channel that you can freely download all developer's test engine and complete engine patches, also can read and talk freely all over the world with translation bot, though you are not good at English. I wrote how to use and it has great quality of translation. Also if you are developer or who knows the coding, here are people who are analying the match engines, welcome to join us. After joining, give private message to manager in channel.
And PS. If someone is interested in retexture of graphic files, please let us know after joining discord channel.
It changes everything in match, such as passing, moving, attacking, defending, 1 on 1, kill passing, buildup, one two passing, pressing, attacking moving, attacking switching, defending switching and so on. You won't see dumb and stupid playing anymore that all of FM series always had. All of moving and playing will be realistic or understandable at least.
All tactics can be played much better in match as real football playing or as you have imagined what you wanna watch in matches, which you wanted to see from this game and didn't know even this could be done in FM.
If you are football fan, it’s wasting of life not using this. With this one, I assure you don’t need to buy next series of Football Manager before SI done for much far better AI and match engine.
You can see short gif here: https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/j3nh4u/football_manager_2020_realistic_match_engine_patch/
More gif here:
While this is a free patch and will be more patches, if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time and my team you can do so by the link below.
How to apply: close football manager 2020. unzip and replace json file in this location. Then open again.
(No need to start new game. It applies on all save games)
Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics
Caution: Because this file fixes match engine, you might need to fix tactics. strongly recommended to modify your tactics (current latest patch version: v6)
Here is discord channel that you can freely download all developer's test engine and complete engine patches, also can read and talk freely all over the world with translation bot, though you are not good at English. I wrote how to use and it has great quality of translation. Also if you are developer or who knows the coding, here are people who are analying the match engines, welcome to join us. After joining, give private message to manager in channel.
And PS. If someone is interested in retexture of graphic files, please let us know after joining discord channel.
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Thiago Soares dos Santos
such as:
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_diving_header": 1500, // 2s - 8 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_diving_header": 2000, // 1.9s - 7.6 slices
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_normal_header": 1750, // 1s - 4 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_normal_header": 975, // 1.1s - 4.4 slices
in the original one we only have those about header:
"min_delay_for_diving_header": 2000, // 2s - 8 slices
"min_delay_for_normal_header": 1000, // 1s - 4 slices
He locked the post in SI. I am sure now, its gonna get patched now or next FM21. Actually, if they don't get patched in FM20 why buy fm21? Cuz I am loving this mod.
luca cesar
Yeah, just like they changed the regen faces to an ugly, non-modular system after FM 16, which had many incredible mods adding hairs to regens. SI is a really shitty company, i always say this. They care more about what new ways they can make your players come out as homosexual instead of focusing on making the ME good. Thank god i didn't buy FM20.
Gustavo Monteiro Passos
What is the original site of this mod? And what is the last version? I need to try this one also.
This is the last one for now. Fmkorea link is the original site I have posted
The most you can do apart from this is the adboards, and you can upload your own images they just have to be the right size. I played with chelsea and had all the correct banners, just not in the correct locations. In terms of sounds yes there is the sound mod. But I actually managed to download the commentary mod (however it would repeat the same phrase twice in a row a couple times throughout the match which can be annoying) and I also got really close to including the chants but i think that involved coding which im no good at. I do think the FM community is getting really close to having an overall more realistic and enjoyable match day experience!
I'm currently working with billgates on the next update. Give us more feedback here, and you can be sure he will take it into consideration and be tested.
Yeah, I don't think we can completely remove this. Really been one of the most annoying things in FM for many years. The next update, should ... maybe, have removed most, of this behaviors. In 10 games with the new numbers, have I not seen anything too bad of this behavior, and billgates are still tweaking the numbers for potential delay. Actually is most of the changes so far, in the delay area.
i tried the mod, haven't spent much time with it yet but am looking forward to. i always watch my games on full match and this mod really makes the movement lifelike. Really dont get Neil Brock comment about making the play unrealistic when their original engine is a joke, players always passing to none etc. i wasn't able to get what i call realistic scores unitl i instant resulted a few matches on this mod...
thanks @Billgates, does seem to work on FM Touch too...looking forward to many full matches.
Thiago Soares dos Santos
@Billgates How could you add strings to the file, your file has some strings that doesnt in original file? I mean you just guessed that it should be a valid string?
That's unlikely happen because peoples at reddit still satisfy with SI' broken vanilla ME, every posts those support this ME are downvoted a lot.
I guess they don't care about how enjoyable watching full match is but rather want only goals and wins.
Also, Reddit users are twats and they hate admitting they're doing the same thing as FIFA players which is buying the same game every year without any meaningful improvements.
Hopefully so. I think they are just going the Trump road, deny, deny, deny.
I have seen this from way to many developers in later years. And they all end up the same, with an alienated community and opportunities for earning money. I'm not sure what is happening in these meeting rooms, and the decisions made. Not only at SI but in general from many developers. The road they are going down, have been on for years, is a dead end. The community will leach out at some point, and do something drastic. Again, we have seen that before, usually with help from a few inside the company. I would not be surprised this happen to Football Manager too, if it all, there are any passionated staff members at SI left.
Everyone seeing this mod for the first time, is thinking "Naaah, that is BS," but then see the positive respons, try it, and is on the train too. Why is that? Be course it is better, and more enjoyable to watch.
I have played version 6, over 3 seasons now, I have tested version 7 for 20 matches in a Tottenham test save, and I call BS on this being less realistic simulations and result wise in the long run, as Neil Brock would like us to believe. I actually beg to differ, its seems more realistic both in the game, and the simulation right now. That is, if you like random stuff to happen like in real. Realisme is not having the same table, after you simulated 20 saves. No, realisme is that the table would fluctuate more, and odd teams, sometimes end up in odd placements.
Rich B
Not in the game??! What on earth is going on haha. Given how much handball is spoke about on tv. Like constantly.
I’m flabbergasted there’s no coding for it.
This must be looked at for all FM’s going forward surely.
Thanks for your time on this
Hopefully so. I think they are just going the Trump road, deny, deny, deny.
there is so much more they could do to make the product so much better (as this Mod shows) but they cant be arsed
Nah, it was cleared up. I guess I'm not noticing what sort of foul is given. Have never really thought about it. But there seems to be plenty of handballs, did a couple of others users write anyway.
These are the changes:
"theoretical_min_deceleration": 25000
"theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_walk": 199,
"theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_walk": 1,
"theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_jog": 170,
"theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_jog": 1,
"theoretical_max_potential_direction_change_run": 100,
"theoretical_min_potential_direction_change_run": 1
Bielsa is a legend
Yeah I knew it was the case, but I had no idea it was this bad.
I haven't really dogged into the FM community much before now, expect from lurking and stealing great mods for almost two decades. lol
Well about competition. That will be a tough one, even for the biggest communities backed by millioners and former staff members. But I don't know. There seems to be plenty of big forums and active players according to just steam, let alone the new platforms and pirates. This is a big game, but must be one of the worst updated games in the world compared to the players per day. People love football, and people love managing. But right now football manager is going in the direction of Football simulating, and not actually Football managering. Have been for years honestly, and sure we all like a good spreadsheet, but the match engine is so scuffed it compares more to Cycling manager 2005 then anything else. Scuffed as and might even be talking down to Cykling manager 2005, that is arguably a better engine, just for another sport manger game.
But what can we do? They own the game, we borrow and lease a (new) version each year. We are the xxxxs doing it, and should stop doing it, and start connect the forums and communities to actually have a voice that would be herd, if not shown in the red.
Not yet. I'm testing it, and I'll let billgates upload it on his terms. But we do have most of the numbers down I think. Probably uploaded tommrrow.
Yeah I have noticed this too. Some defenders do this as well. Not completely sure what it is yet. Nothing logical change this behavior, expect from people on no nonsense doing it more frequently. Sometimes it is a positive thing, and sometimes, like your case, is it completely off and stupid. This is something I would really like to figure out, as it is one of the only negative effects of the engine, right now as I know of.
Bielsa is a legend
Good to know it's a valid issue! If that gets changed, this is a massive improvement on the original game(already is but you know what I mean).
Thiago Soares dos Santos
Maybe this: delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do / receive or that delay_for_obstruct_do / receive ?
Could be, I'll test it.