12 years ago
7 months ago
A definitve version of the Hungarian logopack for the current state of the game.

One bug though, and I cannot for my life figure out why it won't load the badge of Keszthely FC (7521320), the file seems right, the config seems right. If you can lift the veil on this mystery, I would be quite grateful.

Update: new, complete logopack for all clubs in the game.
18 years ago
11 hours ago
A definitve version of the Hungarian logopack for the current state of the game.

One bug though, and I cannot for my life figure out why it won't load the badge of Keszthely FC (7521320), the file seems right, the config seems right. If you can lift the veil on this mystery, I would be quite grateful.

File type is .PNG. For some reason, FM doesn't read files in .PNG, but only when they're in .png. Rename it, and you should be fine
12 years ago
7 months ago
Also grateful for proper restorations of bad quality logos (about a quarter-half of all logos within are of varying quality).

My Top 10 in this regard are:

7521301 Egerszalók
7521328 Vasszécseny
7521335 Sümeg
38005153 Mezőhegyes
38017666 Viadukt Biatorbágy (here the black outline of the text and bridge would be needed with a white edge / halo)
38017653 Szabadkígyós
38042176 Unione FC
38060139 Energia SC Gyöngyös
38060237 Kakasd SC
38059854 Lajosmizse

12 years ago
7 months ago
File type is .PNG. For some reason, FM doesn't read files in .PNG, but only when they're in .png. Rename it, and you should be fine

Thank you, that indeed was the problem. Attached is a fixed version.
12 years ago
7 months ago
Also grateful for proper restorations of bad quality logos (about a quarter-half of all logos within are of varying quality).

My Top 10 in this regard are:

7521301 Egerszalók
7521328 Vasszécseny
7521335 Sümeg
38005153 Mezőhegyes
38017666 Viadukt Biatorbágy (here the black outline of the text and bridge would be needed with a white edge / halo)
38017653 Szabadkígyós
38042176 Unione FC
38060139 Energia SC Gyöngyös
38060237 Kakasd SC
38059854 Lajosmizse

Let me also thank and recognize the previous work of WhiteH, so that Lipót, Füzesgyarmat, Úrkút and Bácsalmás are already included with a much improved logo compared to what one can find online. (From the logo restoration thread)
12 years ago
7 months ago
Bit of a different issue - playing with a custom database with a newly added club - I have configured a club logo along with the existing ones, the large version works fine, but the 18x18 size logo does not. The file is correctly set up. Do icons of newly created clubs have a different path to assign to than

<record from="2062055027"

18 years ago
11 hours ago
Bit of a different issue - playing with a custom database with a newly added club - I have configured a club logo along with the existing ones, the large version works fine, but the 18x18 size logo does not. The file is correctly set up. Do icons of newly created clubs have a different path to assign to than

<record from="2062055027"


The UIDs are different - is that intentional?
12 years ago
7 months ago
The UIDs are different - is that intentional?

Yep, for some reason the game changed the UID for the newly generated club in a different save (might have tinkered with the db as well, can't remember), I did not care for chaning the file name. But this brought me to the idea that there might something with naming that's wrong. Have a look at the icon file, maybe I have overlooked something.
18 years ago
11 hours ago
Yep, for some reason the game changed the UID for the newly generated club in a different save (might have tinkered with the db as well, can't remember), I did not care for chaning the file name. But this brought me to the idea that there might something with naming that's wrong. Have a look at the icon file, maybe I have overlooked something.

What am I supposed to be seeing here? 😀

In the above code, is there a reason why it's on two lines rather than one line?
12 years ago
7 months ago
What am I supposed to be seeing here? 😀

In the above code, is there a reason why it's on two lines rather than one line?

You do not see the attached image below the post?
18 years ago
11 hours ago
You do not see the attached image below the post?

I thought you wanted me to check something in the image itself rather than the file :doh:

Nothing much wrong there as far as I can see.

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