Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 490,238
  • 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

14 years ago
5 days ago
From now on, if you find a better source, you should no longer upload it as a comment, but as a source image. That's part of the reason for the new structure of the forum. Comments should now be reserved for text, not images 😉 So upload that as a new source and it'll appear in the submission list, or even better cut it and it'll be done 😉

That's option doesn't work...Footy also spoke about that,so I wanted to change the source image,but...
After editing request/submission,chaniging photo and click on sumbit,I've got the pop-out message (submit updated,but it's not,it doesn't change photo) and it sends me to updating of my profile.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
That's option doesn't work...Footy also spoke about that,so I wanted to change the source image,but...
After editing request/submission,chaniging photo and click on sumbit,I've got the pop-out message (submit updated,but it's not,it doesn't change photo) and it sends me to updating of my profile.

You don't need edit the submission (in fact, you shouldn't) - all you need to do is just upload a new source image and it'll appear in the player's timeline 😕
14 years ago
5 days ago
You don't need edit the submission (in fact, you shouldn't) - all you need to do is just upload a new source image and it'll appear in the player's timeline 😕

You mean that I should make a new request?
Because if that's not what you mean,I don't get it.
If you just upload new source,it will make another request,simple as that.Just did that.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
You mean that I should make a new request?
Because if that's not what you mean,I don't get it.
If you just upload new source,it will make another request,simple as that.Just did that.

Isn't that what you want to do? You want to upload a new request, no? No need to post it in a comment as in the old forum any more, just request the new source and reject the old one if it isn't any cut 😕
18 years ago
7 hours ago
Here's what i've changed:

- Fixed staff submitted sources being automatically marked as "completed"
- Removed draft/deleted as statuses that normal users can filter by
- Added a warning to mods when editing a submission incase they've clicked it by accident
- Expanded and reordered the options under the submissions menu to include viewing megapack images, commenting and viewing timeline
- Fixed the links to pending/in progress (that was a bug) and added as "Completed" link as well
--- Right now this completed link includes rejected completed cuts, it could possibly only show okay ones, but we don't have a perfect way to mark something as approved right now.
- Changed clicking on the name of the person to jump you straight to the relevant part in the timeline

Here's some future changes I think would be good:

Remove submissions in favour of "recent activity"
Get rid of the submissions appearing on the main submissions page (the right "submissions" column) in favour of an expanded "Recent Activity" (currently the left column) that looks similar to this:

I think it's possibly confusing having the sources and game read images all appearing together in a feed. This way you can quickly see activity on individual people and then jump into the person to see the submissions.

The feed of submissions will still be available by using the "pending", "in progress", "completed" and "view all submissions" links.

Special cutters page
A special cutters page that only shows pending source images and checkboxes to select multiple submissions and download/assign to me in one click

Page filters:
- Is assigned to someone yes/no
- Is from a pack yes/no
- Filter by nation/league/team e.g. search for any from "Turkey" or "English League One"
- Order by newest/oldest

Special moderators page
Three column page clearly showing the cut, the source image if there was one and the current pack image is there is one.

Tick box to approve each cut

Checkboxes to download multiple

Form to select two dates and download all between two dates.

Special downloaders page
Lists all completed cuts ordered by my most recent.

Ability to show all uploaded or only ones approved by a moderator

Checkboxes to download multiple

Form to select two dates and download all between those two dates in a zip

Ability to search by nation/league/team

"In Progress By Me" page
A page showing all the ones currently assigned to you
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Thanks for all the fixes 🍻

The proposed future changes all look fantastic.

One minor point: As far as I'm concerned, with regards to the Remove submissions in favour of "recent activity", I have to say I personally like the way the forum looks right now, with the submissions section on the right allowing an immediate look at all the images posted (both sources and game-ready). I can appreciate, however, that new users may feel confused having the sources and game read images all appearing together in a feed, so would welcome the community's feedback on this one. Maybe we can save you a lot of unnecessary work on this if the community doesn't think it's needed...
18 years ago
7 hours ago
I appreciate you like having the list of submissions. But would you say you like having BOTH the activity and the submissions next to each other, or would they be better as separate pages? (or tabs?)
18 years ago
8 hours ago
I appreciate you like having the list of submissions. But would you say you like having BOTH the activity and the submissions next to each other, or would they be better as separate pages? (or tabs?)

Having them as tabs, toggleable according to one's preference, would probably be ideal.

I don't use the recent activity tab much, but that's just me - feedback from other users would be great on this. We can't please everyone, but ideally the most people possible are content with the outcome decided, not just me 🙂
14 years ago
4 days ago

Let me tell you, the interface looks quite neat after all your changes and improvements. Thanks!
As for the future changes, I'm curious to see what they'll look like after the implementation. 🙂

I'll post some comments below on specific issues:

Remove submissions in favour of "recent activity"
I'm actually getting the hang of this new system and I like the current set-up, that's why I'd prefer to leave the submission section on the main submissions page there, instead of having the recent activity feed.
I don't pay too much attention on what's going on the recent activity feed, but that's a personal preference. Maybe other users have an opposite experience. I think an elegant solution would be having both these sections as tabs, so anyone can switch between them, according to their preferences.

In Progress
Since the "in progress" tag concerns only source images, you could remove the "Game ready" option under the "In progress" button (and maybe from the "Status" filters too, but only in case someone select "Game Ready" in the "Type" filters).

"In Pack" Status filter
I feel this filter should not be a selectable option in the Status menu. All we get is a huge list of MegaPack cuts, not so useful for cutters and users too. We already have better ways to get those kind of results via the Megapack History (inside a player profile) or via the Search Cut Outs. This would allow us to have there only the 4 essential Status filters we need: "Completed", "Pending", "In Progress" and "Rejected".

Pack Submissions page
1) Can you add a Status filter bar in this page too, so that we could filter "completed" "pending" and "rejected/deleted" pack requests?
2) Make these dots clickable so we can type the desired number of the page we want to go to (as it happens in other forum sections).
3) When we click on a pack and we get to its page with all the source images included in it, it'd be great to have a button to download only the pending requests (excluding completed and rejected sources). We could name it "Download only pending" and it could be yellow. This would be a practical solution to allow the cutters to focus only on the remaining pending images in a pack, and avoid us to do some extra work, deleting the completed/rejected sources in the downloaded folder. We could place this button beside the already existing "Download all" button.
4) Near this new button, could you add an "Assign me all images" button too? It'd be great to be able to reserve the whole pack with one click, instead of having to click the "I'm working on this" link for every single image.

Other issues
- The thanks button is not visible in my posts, while is fine for other's posts. Also, can you please make it display the nicknames of the people that clicked it, when you hover over it?
- Can you add a "last edited" message at the end of one edited post, with date and time of the last edit?
14 years ago
4 days ago
Another little issue...
I've just noticed that after a cut is uploaded you can still use the "I'm working on it" button on the game ready cut. Could you please disable that option for game ready images? Ty.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
I believe I've added all the above to the list in the 'new forum issues' thread elsewhere. Thanks to all for the feedback 👍
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
3 years ago
I've just tried to add a pack request and get the following message.

Too many requests
You already have 57 requests and you may not have more than 20

It's counting all my teampack image requests towards this total as I only have 10 individual requests outstanding.

Is this 'new' 'limit' related to the person who made 50+ requests overnight?

Can this be amended please otherwise it's going to be impossible to make pack requests.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
I've just tried to add a pack request and get the following message.

Too many requests
You already have 57 requests and you may not have more than 20

It's counting all my teampack image requests towards this total as I only have 10 individual requests outstanding.

Is this 'new' 'limit' related to the person who made 50+ requests overnight?

Can this be amended please otherwise it's going to be impossible to make pack requests.

What would you consider a realistic limit? Keep in mind that with the new system it may be difficult to distinguish between individual requests and those in packs.

One of the side-effects of this situation is that we can have less pending requests. I know you feel more comfortable making requests, and that's absolutely your prerogative and is something you're tremendously good at, but what's the benefit in having something like the situation on the old place with 9 or 10 pages of pending teampack request, each with 30 requests, all of which were pending? That's something like 5,000 pending sources or so, a lot of which had been there for months and with little prospect of getting cut any time soon.

I always felt it was a shame that so many excellent sources and potential cut-outs were not being done, both in terms of time taken to collect them by the requester (often yourself) and in terms of gaps in the megapack. Besides, a good source request is a good source request, whether it's done individually or as part of a larger group, no?

Perhaps what this new system does is place a bit more onus on requesters to decide which they think is the more 'urgent' request. Frankly speaking, we all know that we're never going to do all the requests in a timely manner, we just don't have the manpower. The community does a tremendous job, but demand far outstrips supply.

With the new section, I hope that the request section doesn't become just a dumping ground of sources to be done by somebody at some point, which I'm sure wasn't anybody's intention but which was the eventual outcome, regrettably. In this manner, I hope that we can have (plucking figures out of thin air for the sake of the argument) 35 out of 80 requests done instead of 30 out of 150. This way, the community gets to enjoy more cut-outs and requesters get to see more of their work being dealt with.
18 years ago
7 hours ago
The plan long term is to let you upload unlimited sources but they sit as "drafts" with only 20 pushed into the queue per time (you can pick the 20).

That way if you find a source of 200 images you don't have to upload 20 and leave 180 on your computer and then 20 again etc.

I wonder if there is a better way though to have the system only bubble some to the top while allowing unlimited in the queue. But I'm not sure exactly how that would work.
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
3 years ago
mons if the new system can't distinguish between teampack requests and individual requests and a requests limit is imposed what's the point of having teampack requests?

In the past year or so I've made about 11000 image requests in total (teampack and individual) and about 8000 of them have been cut. With a 20 total requests limit you could probably have divided the request figure by 10.

Now I'm not the smartest cookie but even if I turned into the world's quickest, best cutter (and that definitely isn't going to happen) there is no way the total cut figure would be anywhere near 8000.

The irony is I'm trying to add a pack with bigger versions of some of the pics that were requested overnight.

Edit: I hadn't seen Footygamer's reply when I posted the above. Still stand by the comments though.
14 years ago
4 days ago
I had the chance to privately discuss with mons about it and we just have completely different points of view in regard of this matter.
Right as it is now, with a limit of 20 images per user, there’s no point in having a pack section anymore. If you collect images for a standard first team plus the staff members you’ll cross that line way easily, forcing the requester to split the pack in more parts.
So far SSP has provided us a huge amount of incredibly high-quality source images (btw thanks for everyone of them 🙂 ) and he, as other constantly present requesters will be severely hit by the new system.
You’re right, mons, when you say that the old teampack section became a sort of dumping ground with some good sources probably wasted, but as a cutter I feel that before I could cherry-pick a request depending on my daily tastes: if one day I wanted to cut a Manchester City pack, the next one an unknown 2nd league Jamaican team and the next one after a Glenavon request I could. I guess the reasoning is the same for requesters too.
Now the choice is extremely narrow and “force” us to cut exactly those 20 images (per user) to have 20 more available. It’s like a Chaplin-esque Modern Times feeling, if you know what I mean.
I think the pace we were cutting images was already ok (it has even increased in the last year, actually) and while we could work even more efficiently, this must not be at the expense of seeing my choices reduced, because it’s the motivations that drive my work and the one of other cutters.
I may have been overdramatic here, I know, but it’s a serious matter we should approach with the whole community to decide which would be the best line to follow for the future (that’s why I’d encourage anyone to express their opinions about it here).
As always, my 2 cents.
18 years ago
7 hours ago
Was there anything that stopped people just uploading loads of mix packs to get around the 3 limit last time?
18 years ago
8 hours ago
mons if the new system can't distinguish between teampack requests and individual requests and a requests limit is imposed what's the point of having teampack requests?

In the past year or so I've made about 11000 image requests in total (teampack and individual) and about 8000 of them have been cut. With a 20 total requests limit you could probably have divided the request figure by 10.

Now I'm not the smartest cookie but even if I turned into the world's quickest, best cutter (and that definitely isn't going to happen) there is no way the total cut figure would be anywhere near 8000.

The irony is I'm trying to add a pack with bigger versions of some of the pics that were requested overnight.

Edit: I hadn't seen Footygamer's reply when I posted the above. Still stand by the comments though.

On the one hand, you have some users requesting a limit to the amount of requests, while on the other hand having such a limit would impinge on your ability to request teampacks. I think Footygamer's proposal above deals with both issues quite sensibly and elegantly.

The point of having the pack request system is clearly because the community wants it 🙂 If you recall, there was a point in the none-too-distant when we spoke that the possibility that teampack requests would no longer be possible on the new forum but Footygamer managed to sort that out, thankfully.

I may have not expressed myself well earlier (I'm at work and typing this in tranches 😉 ) - I meant to say that the system as it stands may not be able to distinguish between packs and individual requests in terms of the request limit. i.e. I'm not sure if the present automated system is able to distinguish between the guy who posted loads of requests this morning and between you uploading a teampack request or two with 50+ images within them? Why should your requests be automatically and his not, and how could the forum determine it automatically? Perhaps request limits shouldn't be made to apply to a particular category of users? No idea how technically possible or desirable this would be tbh, I'm just throwing ideas out there.

For the time being, and until Footygamer sorts out his long term system, what would you consider a reasonable limit to allow you to function in an ideal manner while avoiding the possibility of others spamming the forum? 40? 50?

P.S. Send me the pack with bigger versions of some of the pics that were requested overnight that you're referring to above, and I'll request them for you and see if I can reject the earlier, smaller sources 👍
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Was there anything that stopped people just uploading loads of mix packs to get around the 3 limit last time?

I suspect it was only the 'effort' involved to do so tbh. Plus it was an accepted forum convention that individual requests get cut quicker than packs, and most people who spam the forum aren't regulars and just want their cut done asap.

Ernesttico, I'm getting back to you separately 😉
18 years ago
7 hours ago
Short term I can easily exclude packs from the limit.

Of course it would be easy to circumvent but we could see how we go?
18 years ago
8 hours ago
I had the chance to privately discuss with mons about it and we just have completely different points of view in regard of this matter.
Right as it is now, with a limit of 20 images per user, there’s no point in having a pack section anymore. If you collect images for a standard first team plus the staff members you’ll cross that line way easily, forcing the requester to split the pack in more parts.
So far SSP has provided us a huge amount of incredibly high-quality source images (btw thanks for everyone of them 🙂 ) and he, as other constantly present requesters will be severely hit by the new system.
You’re right, mons, when you say that the old teampack section became a sort of dumping ground with some good sources probably wasted, but as a cutter I feel that before I could cherry-pick a request depending on my daily tastes: if one day I wanted to cut a Manchester City pack, the next one an unknown 2nd league Jamaican team and the next one after a Glenavon request I could. I guess the reasoning is the same for requesters too.
Now the choice is extremely narrow and “force” us to cut exactly those 20 images (per user) to have 20 more available. It’s like a Chaplin-esque Modern Times feeling, if you know what I mean.
I think the pace we were cutting images was already ok (it has even increased in the last year, actually) and while we could work even more efficiently, this must not be at the expense of seeing my choices reduced, because it’s the motivations that drive my work and the one of other cutters.
I may have been overdramatic here, I know, but it’s a serious matter we should approach with the whole community to decide which would be the best line to follow for the future (that’s why I’d encourage anyone to express their opinions about it here).
As always, my 2 cents.

The 20 image limit was just an initial proposal by myself, particularly in response to Baja's request for a limit. I now see this was on the lower side of what the community wants 😀 I'll be honest, as far as I'm concerned, we could function without a request limit, and leave it up to cutters to decide what to take on and when. Regulars are self-policing in this regard, I tend to find.

What I wouldn't like is to have situation where there are thousands and thousands of pending requests, which is somewhat off-putting for new incoming users. I know it doesn't mean that, but it gives the impression one's requests aren't very likely to be addressed quickly.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Short term I can easily exclude packs from the limit.

Of course it would be easy to circumvent but we could see how we go?

Could you? That'd be great!
14 years ago
4 days ago
Short term I can easily exclude packs from the limit.

Of course it would be easy to circumvent but we could see how we go?

For the time being and in expectation of definitive measures, it can be a good compromise. 🙂

The 20 image limit was just an initial proposal by myself, particularly in response to Baja's request for a limit. I now see this was on the lower side of what the community wants 😀 I'll be honest, as far as I'm concerned, we could function without a request limit, and leave it up to cutters to decide what to take on and when. Regulars are self-policing in this regard, I tend to find.

What I wouldn't like is to have situation where there are thousands and thousands of pending requests, which is somewhat off-putting for new incoming users. I know it doesn't mean that, but it gives the impression one's requests aren't very likely to be addressed quickly.

You're right, and from my previous post I may have excluded another important aspect you pointed out: as I said we should try to give everyone the chance to upload a good amount of pics, it's true, but on the other hand it'd be better if the submission page wouldn't be flooded by thousands of requests, as it'd quickly become unmanageable and give the wrong impression to new users.
Before, we prevented that by dedicating a filter/section to each category of images: this means that on average we usually had 3 pages of missing images, 3 pages of improvements, 12-15 pages of teampacks and 1-2 of mixpacks. All in all, one could find everything easily: the individual requests got cut quicker, while the teampacks and mixpacks were done at a slower pace but they could also pile up without interfering with the accessibility of the individual request section.
With the new system and all the categories merged in a unique page and with a higher limit of requests per user, I fear we'll find ourselves with dozens of pages in the submission section, but respect to the past it'll be harder to find the content we want to cut/see. Imagine all the images contained in the old packs mixed together with the individual requests with no chance to filter them...
I know I'm trying to hold on to everything and I don't want necessarily to come back to the old system if we have decided to experiment new ways (even because I started to appreciate the timeline concept and all its advantages), but for the moment I can't think of a solution that'd allow us to have an high limit for requests while having few pages of requests like it was before (if we wanna keep a unique feed for every kind of requests, individual and packs).

Maybe, and I say maybe, as I'm throwing ideas out atm, we could add a filter that would allow us to separate the feed and let us switch between individual and pack requests. Or maybe create two separate sections with two different feeds directly.

Apart from that, I like mons suggestion to grant some users a "certified user" status and give them a very high or no limits to the amount of requests they can submit.
14 years ago
5 days ago
I think we should have limits.
Last night I wanted to check pending requests,and I had a bunch of Trinidad & Tobago requests requested separatedly.It was a nightmare to find something else wich is not from same collection.
You all can imagine what would happen if 5 people post around 30-40 random requests,we would get stuck with them for a long time.Also,for example you have a people like me and many others (most of you are here) who doesn't have a problem to make 3-6 requests and wait.But most of the time we have one or two.For example,if I make a request,and after me someone make 40-50 requests,there's a chance I'll get my cut done for a month,two,or never (beacuse in a meanwhile there would be around 50 more from other users)...
Also,from the first day I'm speaking about some option to split teampacks and individual requests.If we split them,we'll have less confusion,less pending requests to check,and we all could make requests as before.
I love to make teampacks,sometimes there are 30 images and sometimes there are just 3,4 images included.But simply people like to cut teampacks,much more than individual requests.Especially if you have a requester as me,SSP,krissmed and many others who are making/finding really best possible images.If someone wants to cut teampack,he will download full pack in one (not one by one,saving as UID etc.) and without any limits of time,pressure he can cut it easily when he wants and announce it again all in one.For example I was collecting (and still collecting) teampacks for all Serbian teams, (since I'm Serbian researcher,and I'm playing FM only with Red Star,one save for one edition),but also for Bosnian,Slovenian,Macedonian,Montenegro teams,and that was very large number of cuts,more than few 1000 .I didn't mind checking them from time to time,put better sources,cuting something easier,re-posting them,etc and at final all of them are done.But we was also doing same thing with undone requests (famous mixpacks),or even old teampacks from old forum (the one before previous) and again they were done. If there's an easy system to track them you don't have a problem.Right now,is a problem to track them,at least for me.Also,I think that we should cut off option for mixpacks,only maybe to leave that option for moderators to make them (ofc in case we're gonna continue to making undone collection mixpacks).
there's a huge difference between teampacks (all the guys from one team) and mixpacks (I've got too many requests so I'll post them all in one pack to avoid limits)
Limiting people who are making quality teampacks for ages is a sin 😀

Also,Footy maybe,but maybe you could add an option for moderators to change requested image in original requests.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
For the time being and in expectation of definitive measures, it can be a good compromise. 🙂

You're right, and from my previous post I may have excluded another important aspect you pointed out: as I said we should try to give everyone the chance to upload a good amount of pics, it's true, but on the other hand it'd be better if the submission page wouldn't be flooded by thousands of requests, as it'd quickly become unmanageable and give the wrong impression to new users.

Before, we prevented that by dedicating a filter/section to each category of images: this means that on average we usually had 3 pages of missing images, 3 pages of improvements, 12-15 pages of teampacks and 1-2 of mixpacks. All in all, one could find everything easily: the individual requests got cut quicker, while the teampacks and mixpacks were done at a slower pace but they could also pile up without interfering with the accessibility of the individual request section.

With the new system and all the categories merged in a unique page and with a higher limit of requests per user, I fear we'll find ourselves with dozens of pages in the submission section, but respect to the past it'll be harder to find the content we want to cut/see. Imagine all the images contained in the old packs mixed together with the individual requests with no chance to filter them...

I know I'm trying to hold on to everything and I don't want necessarily to come back to the old system if we have decided to experiment new ways (even because I started to appreciate the timeline concept and all its advantages), but for the moment I can't think of a solution that'd allow us to have an high limit for requests while having few pages of requests like it was before (if we wanna keep a unique feed for every kind of requests, individual and packs).
I know what you mean but wouldn't the way forward proposed by Footygamer above allow all this?

Maybe, and I say maybe, as I'm throwing ideas out atm, we could add a filter that would allow us to separate the feed and let us switch between individual and pack requests. Or maybe create two separate sections with two different feeds directly.
A filter to exclude images in teampack request from the submission feed, you mean? Like the filter in FM to exclude players away on loan. Depends how easy and achievable it is for Footygamer tbh.

Apart from that, I like mons suggestion to grant some users a "certified user" status and give them a very high or no limits to the amount of requests they can submit.

I think we should have limits.
Last night I wanted to check pending requests,and I had a bunch of Trinidad & Tobago requests requested separatedly.It was a nightmare to find something else wich is not from same collection.
Isn't that an exception, though? And is it really that hard to scroll down and click the next page button on the rare instances this happens?

You all can imagine what would happen if 5 people post around 30-40 random requests,we would get stuck with them for a long time.Also,for example you have a people like me and many others (most of you are here) who doesn't have a problem to make 3-6 requests and wait.But most of the time we have one or two.For example,if I make a request,and after me someone make 40-50 requests,there's a chance I'll get my cut done for a month,two,or never (beacuse in a meanwhile there would be around 50 more from other users)...
But what's wrong if the other 50 requests are equally as valid? Why should they arbitrarily excluded?

Also,from the first day I'm speaking about some option to split teampacks and individual requests.If we split them,we'll have less confusion,less pending requests to check,and we all could make requests as before.
I love to make teampacks,sometimes there are 30 images and sometimes there are just 3,4 images included.But simply people like to cut teampacks,much more than individual requests.
Really?? I'm not sure I agree. There are plenty of other cutters who prefer to deal with individual requests, myself included. Besides, you can still find uploaded packs here if you're so inclined, and even more easily once Footygamer manages to change the current layout to better describe which is a game-ready pack and which is a source pack (i.e. completed or requested packs)

Especially if you have a requester as me,SSP,krissmed and many others who are making/finding really best possible images.If someone wants to cut teampack,he will download full pack in one (not one by one,saving as UID etc.) and without any limits of time,pressure he can cut it easily when he wants and announce it again all in one.
Again, this can be achieved quite easily using the current system. But I understand this is not currently possible with the present request limit.

For example I was collecting (and still collecting) teampacks for all Serbian teams, (since I'm Serbian researcher,and I'm playing FM only with Red Star,one save for one edition),but also for Bosnian,Slovenian,Macedonian,Montenegro teams,and that was very large number of cuts,more than few 1000 .I didn't mind checking them from time to time,put better sources,cuting something easier,re-posting them,etc and at final all of them are done.But we was also doing same thing with undone requests (famous mixpacks),or even old teampacks from old forum (the one before previous) and again they were done. If there's an easy system to track them you don't have a problem.Right now,is a problem to track them,at least for me.Also,I think that we should cut off option for mixpacks,only maybe to leave that option for moderators to make them (ofc in case we're gonna continue to making undone collection mixpacks).
there's a huge difference between teampacks (all the guys from one team) and mixpacks (I've got too many requests so I'll post them all in one pack to avoid limits)
Aren't they all sources anyway? Why should one not be able to request a lower-league mixpack, for instance?

Limiting people who are making quality teampacks for ages is a sin 😀
Agreed, and that's definitely not the intention of the new system. I'd love to find a way in which we got more of them cut more quickly, if anything!

Also,Footy maybe,but maybe you could add an option for moderators to change requested image in original requests.
I've explained this already, but I'm completely against this. If a moderator doesn't like a requested image, then they can reject it. I don't want to have a situation where a requester's original request is edited (except in the extreme example it's an obscene image etc.) because this could potentially raise issues with heavy-handed moderation in the future. The function now exists to upload an image instead of posting it as a comment, which is more logical when you think about it; I really can't understand why you're so resistant to this - it's so, so simple 🙂
14 years ago
4 days ago
A filter to exclude images in teampack request from the submission feed, you mean? Like the filter in FM to exclude players away on loan. Depends how easy and achievable it is for Footygamer tbh.

Yes, exactly a filter like that. All the images in the teampacks wouldn't appear in the submission feed, but in a separate and dedicated feed/page (and obviously in the Packs page), so there wouldn't be any confusion when you want to go through the individual requests.
If we manage to separate these two sections - individual requests and packs - in some way, perhaps we could also assign different limits to them: let's say 10 for individual requests and an amount to decide together for packs (maybe removing this limit for those "certified users" we talked about before).
Of course, these are all extemporaneous ideas that will have to be elaborated furtherly, in case.

@Footygamer, what do you reckon? Would all these changes be feasible in the new system?
14 years ago
5 days ago
-Isn't that an exception, though? And is it really that hard to scroll down and click the next page button on the rare instances this happens?

-But what's wrong if the other 50 requests are equally as valid? Why should they arbitrarily excluded?

-Really?? I'm not sure I agree. There are plenty of other cutters who prefer to deal with individual requests, myself included. Besides, you can still find uploaded packs here if you're so inclined, and even more easily once Footygamer manages to change the current layout to better describe which is a game-ready pack and which is a source pack (i.e. completed or requested packs)

-Again, this can be achieved quite easily using the current system. But I understand this is not currently possible with the present request limit.
Aren't they all sources anyway? Why should one not be able to request a lower-league mixpack, for instance?

- I really can't understand why you're so resistant to this - it's so, so simple .

-It is for today,it could be MemphisDepay two days ago,and someone else will be tomorrow or next day,and what then??? And it's not like I'm the only one who thinks like that.

-It's not fair that to someone can make 50 requests and someone just make 2.And after that the person who made just two have to wait for months to his request to be done,because of those 50 in front.Like I told you last night,I can make a 2316513115 requests at this moment,missing or improvements,but would that be fair to the others.Ofc it won't.

-Yes,it's better then it was on the start,but again you need to scroll down all the way to find what you want.And at the end it's not clear what's done and what is not done.
On this page,you have 4 of my requests.Next to every one of them is "completed",most of the people who would take a look on that would think it's done,even just Kolubara is completed pack.

Also,when I click on my submissions I can't filter just teampacks wich are waiting to be done.

-We had one system for 10 years,on two different forums,in two different versions,but it worked perfectly fine.Now somehow it can't works.If we want teampacks (more than 20),then we can't have limits,and reverse.Come on.

-Yes they are but I still think it's pretty much obvious what is teampack and what is mixpack,there's a difference.To be honest I don't even have much against mixpacks from random users,even I think it would be much easier to mods and cutters without mixpacks requests.If 20 random lower league images is not enough in one moment,I don't know what it is.

-I might resist as much as I want,but if I want to be here I have to accept it.It's perfectly clear to me.We'll have to get used to it.You have an explanation for everything,it's simple for you,and I respect that,but for some of us it's not.I have a right not to understand,not to like,not to support something/be against it.It's nothing disrespectful or personal,anything like that,I do like the look,but I finding myself very hard to addapt to most of the things.That's my personal impression.I left most of the sites after drastic changes,starting from FB timeline etc....but I'm still here,and really keep trying to addapt so.At this point I'm feeling like a biggest none fan of it.There's one ridle on my language wich is perfect to all this,but it's hard to translate. "Don't be afraid of dog who is barking,be afraid of those who are silent."
9 years ago
5 hours ago
Hi all. I was wondering if it's supposed to be that if I as a staff member upload a response source image that the original request gets the completed status? It would also be nice if we could copy links to upload sources like the old forum👍
18 years ago
8 hours ago
-It is for today,it could be MemphisDepay two days ago,and someone else will be tomorrow or next day,and what then??? And it's not like I'm the only one who thinks like that.
Actually the bulk of the feedback so far has been against the re-inclusion of an arbitrary request limit, but one more context-sensitive between individual requests and pack requests. The worse that can happen if somebody requests shedloads of sources (though of course I agree it's not ideal) is that I get RSI rejecting any of them which aren't any good.

-It's not fair that to someone can make 50 requests and someone just make 2.And after that the person who made just two have to wait for months to his request to be done,because of those 50 in front.Like I told you last night,I can make a 2316513115 requests at this moment,missing or improvements,but would that be fair to the others.Ofc it won't.
You could still be able to make that amount of requests by requesting them as mixpacks, and how often did that happen on the old forum? Hardly ever. I think you're worrying about something which has very rarely happened and is very unlikely to happen regularly. And if MemphisDepay or whoever wants to make 8 requests at a time, is it really such a big deal? As always, the community will decide which images to cut at the end of the day.

-Yes,it's better then it was on the start,but again you need to scroll down all the way to find what you want.And at the end it's not clear what's done and what is not done.
On this page,you have 4 of my requests.Next to every one of them is "completed",most of the people who would take a look on that would think it's done,even just Kolubara is completed pack.
And that's what I meant when I said "even more easily once Footygamer manages to change the current layout to better describe which is a game-ready pack and which is a source pack". It's not ideal right now, but I believe Footygamer went to some lengths to transfer them all over. Hopefully he'll be able to categorise them all in a more orderly fashion soon. We may all have to accept, though, that there may be limited ways in which old requests can be categorised, but hopefully Footygamer can work his magic there too. Let's be honest though, it's an important thing but it's not absolutely crucial or fundamental to have right now, is it?

Also,when I click on my submissions I can't filter just teampacks wich are waiting to be done.
I think this has been amply established by now and that Footygamer may be looking into a method in which they are easily sortable as per the bulk of the comments in this chat recently. For now, you can see all packs requested since the site changeover in this page. For ones prior to that, you have to wait, or navigate manually and click on each pack to see if's a request or a uploaded pack. I know it's not ideal, but again it's not a crucial or fundamental aspect to how the forums operate. We can wait a few days for it to come, no?

-We had one system for 10 years,on two different forums,in two different versions,but it worked perfectly fine.Now somehow it can't works.If we want teampacks (more than 20),then we can't have limits,and reverse.Come on.
No, we most definitely did not have the same system at all. Prior to whenever the previous version of the site was released, requests were made in the respective threads and input and moderated manually. You seem to have forgotten all that and how against the changeover you were back. Now you're saying that it worked perfectly fine 🙂 All I'm saying is that you really should give the new way a chance and perhaps prepare to adapt a little bit. If you're expecting the new site to be an exact replication of the old system with a lick of paint on it, then I think that's somewhat insulting to all the work that Footygamer has done, is doing and will surely keep on doing on this section. In the meantime, since the site went live, we've had over 1,500 cut-outs produced, so I don't think it can be considered a failure. Plus another 1,000 I received via PM, but that's another thing 😉 Of course, things can be improved and I think that much is very clear. I'm sure we'll get there, but it's personally very dispiriting to see your persistent negativity.

-Yes they are but I still think it's pretty much obvious what is teampack and what is mixpack,there's a difference.To be honest I don't even have much against mixpacks from random users,even I think it would be much easier to mods and cutters without mixpacks requests.If 20 random lower league images is not enough in one moment,I don't know what it is.
It's not obvious to me what the difference is, sorry. How would not having mixpack requests impact you both as a cutter and as a moderator? On the old forum RakanFM posted something like 25+ Syrian mixpack requests, and I think they were all cut. What is wrong with that? In fact, I think it was rfreixo who cut something like 3 pages' worth of mixpacks, so I don't see any valid reason that they shouldn't be able to be requested. A good source is a good source, irrespective of whether it's in a mixpack or a teampack, no? This megapack has always been about having cuts from all over the place, and to me there's nothing wrong with 20 random lower league images being requested and cut. If anything, that's the beauty of it, that you can be in the depths of the Togo league in-game and still find cut-outs.

-I might resist as much as I want,but if I want to be here I have to accept it.It's perfectly clear to me.We'll have to get used to it.You have an explanation for everything,it's simple for you,and I respect that,but for some of us it's not.I have a right not to understand,not to like,not to support something/be against it.It's nothing disrespectful or personal,anything like that,I do like the look,but I finding myself very hard to addapt to most of the things.That's my personal impression.I left most of the sites after drastic changes,starting from FB timeline etc....but I'm still here,and really keep trying to addapt so.At this point I'm feeling like a biggest none fan of it.There's one ridle on my language wich is perfect to all this,but it's hard to translate. "Don't be afraid of dog who is barking,be afraid of those who are silent."
It's far from simple for me, and it took a while for me to adapt, rest assured. You're more than entitled to your opinion but if you approach it with the mindset that it's confusing and it's not as good as the previous version, then it's unlikely you'll have a nice experience. If you give it a go and try to avoid focussing on things which aren't working quite as intended, then I'm positive you can grow to love it and use it according to your own specifications. And I know it's not personal, and that's why I'm going to all the trouble of replying to you calmly to maybe convince you to try and see the benefits of the new forum and how good it can be once the little niggly issues are sorted out in the coming days.
14 years ago
4 days ago
Hi all. I was wondering if it's supposed to be that if I as a staff member upload a response source image that the original request gets the completed status? It would also be nice if we could copy links to upload sources like the old forum👍

It's something that should be addressed shortly. Basically with the new timeline we encourage everyone to post new images, adding them as new source images.
For example here, you can see that there're two pending sources. If you upload a cut as a response to one of them, the other one will still remain pending and that's something that we might wanna avoid in order to keep clean the submission feed.
My idea would be to leave the chance to upload as many sources you want, but after the cutter choose the best image and upload a game ready cut, then all sources still pending should be automatically converted to completed.

@Footygamer, I know you have a lot to do and this feature is already on the "new site issue" thread, but could you please try to fix that, when you have time? Thanks!

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