FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 17 Feb 2025
- 104,978 Changes
- 586 Contributors
- FM24.3
You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 21.0) which is no longer supported by our data update.
This page is here as a historical reference only.
the update is for FM21 ONLY
why do those transfers show 2019?? thats got nothing to do with FM21
why do those transfers show 2019?? thats got nothing to do with FM21
show the changes in the editor as requested with latest download of our data update
Comment #614930 has been disabled and is hidden.
Comment #614928 has been disabled and is hidden.
here are the only changes as shown when you open the file in the pre game editor,its a free transfer
show me what you have in your editor, open the file and search for ozil post image of the changes
Your data file in transfer fee 45m but transfer is a free
here are the only changes as shown when you open the file in the pre game editor,its a free transfer
show me what you have in your editor, open the file and search for ozil post image of the changes
Your data file in transfer fee 45m but transfer is a free
no its not I submitted it as a free
Comment #614918 has been disabled and is hidden.
![Mesut Özil](
![Fenerbahçe A.Ş.](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Fenerbahçe A.Ş.](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Fenerbahçe A.Ş.](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
Mesut Özil's transfer to Fenerbahçe announced by club's official twitter account.
Also Mesut's official twitter account replied.
Contract will be signed next week probably...
Latest transfer news about Mesut from;
Mesut Özil, who also received an offer from the United States, accepted the offer of the yellow-dark blue because of his intense love of Fenerbahce.
The British club Arsenal will pay the salary of Özil, who will sign a 3.5-year agreement with the yellow-blue club, in the second half of the league. With the new season, Özil will receive 2.5 million Euros of signature money and 5 million Euros annually.
he still hasnt had a medical yet so STOP submitting changes until they are official
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Fenerbahçe A.Ş.](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
![Fenerbahçe A.Ş.](
![Mesut Özil](
![Mesut Özil](
Also Mesut's official twitter account replied.
Contract will be signed next week probably...
Latest transfer news about Mesut from;
Mesut Özil, who also received an offer from the United States, accepted the offer of the yellow-dark blue because of his intense love of Fenerbahce.
The British club Arsenal will pay the salary of Özil, who will sign a 3.5-year agreement with the yellow-blue club, in the second half of the league. With the new season, Özil will receive 2.5 million Euros of signature money and 5 million Euros annually.
Close to happening now. I would imagine it's a free transfer?
yes it will be a free and possibly be official next week if he passes the medical etc