FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0

Dear all

This FLUTSKIN version 16 is the final version of FLUTSKIN for FM21!!

A great thank you to all FM fans who choose to play with FLUTSKIN and always keep me motivated to still improving the skin and gave me new ideas!!!

A special thank you to all players who decided to distinguish my work with a donation!! Although just a small part of FM Players who use the skin made a donation (I edited the skin as a hobby and, as you know, completely free), I always feel honoured and happy when people recognize the work done and decide to contribute. So, I reinforce, I have to give a special thank you to that friends of FlutsKin!!!!!!

Also a recognized thank you to those one who help me answering the questions and requests and adapted the FlutSkin (namely and specially Rosek for the help to answering questions and the adapted version for 2560x1440, and Richbell, for the adapted version with hidden attributes!!!!! And, of course I don't forget the skinners community who also indirectly contributed to FlutSkin with their creativity.

Also a special thank you to PATRES10, from fmslovakia for the 2D default kits (especially tailor-made for FlutSkin) anf to Michael Murray since I started editing the match inbetween highlights panel based on his amazing work!!

Now is time to stop editing the skin for this season. I wish to return for FM22. Lets wait and see since no one is able to predict the future.

- Following the great idea of majesticeternity, Tyburn and a31632 (from Sports Interactive community) I included in several xmls a code for personalize the background in specific panels, namely club overview, player overview, board room, human profile and team training. These codes are not “activated” by default but if you want to have a different (customized) background in each one of that panels you just have to activate the codes. In the read me file I explain how you can do it.
- Nation overall panel
- Nation overview panel
- Human profile panel
- Player profile stadium option in player overview panel
- News panel

The Skin pack also includes:
1. “Round country flags”, “round continents logos” and default logos specially made in metallic style by @Qvordrup from sourtitoutsi. Those graphics will be displayed in the title bar.

Thank you @Qvordrup by your great work and for your collaboration!!!

You can download the 2D packs prepared for Flutskin (titlebar and player overview panel) here in sourtitoutsi. FC style kits HERE; SS Kits style HERE
However, if you prefer edit your own kits, I also included in the pack a .pdf file explaining how you can edit the kits for Flutskin.

If you prefer SS'kits you can download this and replace the kits folder located here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\fm2021flutskin_dark\graphics\pictures\kits

The logos in country locators are now updated by @Qvordrup according the last version of metallic logos.

You can also download the stadiums background megapack and the citypics released by @DazS8 (thank you, my friend) HERE and HERE

And @geordie1981 has made a pack for inside "small" stadiums HERE

You can also download the sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack HERE

As always FlutSkin is completely free to download and I hope you enjoy it. However, if you want, you can reward my work donating whatever amount you wish. Any small amount is really appreciated.

You can do so by clicking the button down below:



Please note that for this version working well (with hidden attributes) you should remove the original version of the skin.


THE SKIN IS TOTALLY COMPATIBLE WITH 1920x1080 SCREEN RESOLUTION AND 4k (windows display settings 200%; game 100%).

Important note regarding TV LOGOS:
Although the default tv logo is the one I use, of course you can easily change it; for that you just have to go to skin/graphics/icons/tv logos. In that folder there is a alt folder with many TV logos. You just have to replace the tv logo.png and the tv [email protected] for that one you want. Of course you should rename the new logos as tv logo and tv logo@2x. You also can use other logos made by you. The procedure to use them is exactly the same. However, I should remember that yo should use logos with the right height. For tv logo you should use 25px and for the @2x you should use 50px.

Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 3840x2160 (4K with windows display settings 200%) and also 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode, sidebar icons only. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions.

How to add Flut Skin in FM21
Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2021flutskin_dark" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins

  • Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
  • Start FM21 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
  • You should see FM 2021 Flut Skin dark - Version 16.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
  • Hit the Confirm button.

  • Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
    5 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Mag1lc2 12 April 2021 - 08:13 AM UTC 

    It's a pitty, but it's not that bad either! Maybe at some point you will come up with a solution! 😉



    I too am not giving up hope that the boss will find the solution... 🤞🤞

    He did find it for the bottom bar of the players during the game... 😉😉👏👏


    Let's give him time to look into this problem. 👀⏱🖥😊😊

    5 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Mag1lc2 12 April 2021 - 08:29 AM UTC 

    Regarding 2D packs prepared for Flutskin (titlebar and player overview panel). 


    I can't really decide whether to use the SS kits from here, or the FC 12 style kits from here


    I actually like the SS kits more, but the range of kits available with the FC 12 Style Kits is larger (at least there are more folders in the download) and maybe more up-to-date? 

    For the normal club overview I use the SS kits from here


    So a question to Flut and Rosek, but also to the other users: Which kits do you use for the skin and why?


    And do the two variants only differ in appearance, or are there other advantages and disadvantages?


    And maybe someone has a larger and more up-to-date SS kit pack?

    As Flut said, it depends on how you feel. For my part, I prefer to use SSkits. And you are right on one point, each style is quite complete.

    To have the files up to date, you have to follow the threads on this site because the contributors are numerous and very talented. 😉👍

    But it's a long work depending on the leagues they prepare... ⏱⏱


    And to answer you on an updated file, my ssk file is 1,7 Gb and there are still leagues missing... 😊


    7 years ago
    10 months ago
    By Rosek 12 April 2021 - 18:02 PM UTC 

    And to answer you on an updated file, my ssk file is 1,7 Gb and there are still leagues missing... 😊


    Maybe you can upload for me, when you have time? Not today, not tomorrow…sometime 😇


    When did you think can you release the v12 in 2560 x 1440? 😊

    15 years ago
    3 weeks ago

    Hi Flut and Rosek,


    Pardon me if this has been asked before but I couldn't find it.

    Can you tell how we can separate a bit the front and the back of the shirt, so that the player's name on the shirt is fully visible, please?

    Thanking you in advance.

    Move the front part of the shirt a bit to the left, so that player's name is fully visible.
    6 years ago
    4 months ago

    Hello everybody,


    I've got a problem with the game after downloading the newest skin. Sometimes after a game my screen freezes and crashs. At the screen of the media reaction it freezes for a time and then it crashs. Does anybody of you have a solution for this problem?


    Thank you. 

    7 years ago
    10 months ago
    By petepompei 12 April 2021 - 19:11 PM UTC 

    Hi Flut and Rosek,


    Pardon me if this has been asked before but I couldn't find it.

    Can you tell how we can separate a bit the front and the back of the shirt, so that the player's name on the shirt is fully visible, please?

    Thanking you in advance.

    Move the front part of the shirt a bit to the left, so that player's name is fully visible.


    2nd this! 👍

    7 years ago
    10 months ago

    Hi Flut!


    I play in 2560 x 1440 (Desktop and Game resolution) with 100% Zoom.


    My Problems are the big number, the kits are close together and the two icons are outside from the player info box (see arrows).


    Regarding the big number and the other things I´ve tried your tips here and in FM Scout with no succes.


    Sorry mate, but can you help me to solve the issues please?


    15 years ago
    22 hours ago
    By Florian94 12 April 2021 - 19:17 PM UTC 

    Hello everybody,


    I've got a problem with the game after downloading the newest skin. Sometimes after a game my screen freezes and crashs. At the screen of the media reaction it freezes for a time and then it crashs. Does anybody of you have a solution for this problem?


    Thank you. 

    Hi. I really don't know what happens. Have you tried?

    1. Claen the cache
    2. remove all the skins of your skins folder
    3. download again the Flutskin
    4. place it in the skins folder (only this skin, only this skin version)
    5. reload the game


    15 years ago
    22 hours ago
    By Mag1lc2 12 April 2021 - 21:25 PM UTC 

    Hi Flut!


    I play in 2560 x 1440 (Desktop and Game resolution) with 100% Zoom.


    My Problems are the big number, the kits are close together and the two icons are outside from the player info box (see arrows).


    Regarding the big number and the other things I´ve tried your tips here and in FM Scout with no succes.


    Sorry mate, but can you help me to solve the issues please?



    If you are using the Profile Flut Stadium option, for number and for the wrong place of the nation flag and the physical condition, you just have to follow the instructions I gave to Paumate (if you look at his posts it worked) and Qvordrup. 


    1. For number size

    You can edit it in kit icon34.xml in the following code


    <widget class="picture" id="bNUM" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true">
     <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="2"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="97"/>
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="100" />


    2. for the place of  the icons the  code is in player overview panel.xml


    <!-- bandeira pequena -->
    <widget class="nation_button" id="natH" icon_alignment="left,top" dspf="4">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="268.5" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="28"/>

    <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="Pnat" />
    <integer id="set_property" value="valu" />

    <!-- condition -->
    <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="conv" alignment="left" icon_alignment="left">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="128" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="7"/>
    <record id="widget_info" class="player_condition_icon_widget" appearance="" label_disabled="true" scale_picture="false" icon_alignment="right"/>
    <record id="widget_properties" alignment="right,centre_y"/>
    <record id="object_property" get_property="PcOI"/>


    3. finally for move the kits You can adjust it also in player overview panel.xml changing the values of left inset in following lines of code (use try and error method and don't forget that the second and third lines of each option should have the same value). I highlighted in red the lines of code you have to change for the option Profile Flut Stadium.


    There are 6 options and, then, 18 lines you should change (3 for each option). The values in parenthesis are the current values


    Profile Flut Card and Stadium

    243 (70)

    259 and 276 (-70)


    Profile Flut Stadium

    533 (90)

    550 and 566 (-50)



    841 (83)

    856 and 872 (-65)


    Profile Flut Team Colours

    1181 (83)

    1196 and 1212 (-65)


    Profile Flut Card Background colour

    1509 (110)

    1524 and 1540 (-89)


    Profile Flut Card

    1838 (110)

    1853 and 1869 (-89)





    15 years ago
    22 hours ago
    By petepompei 12 April 2021 - 19:11 PM UTC 

    Hi Flut and Rosek,


    Pardon me if this has been asked before but I couldn't find it.

    Can you tell how we can separate a bit the front and the back of the shirt, so that the player's name on the shirt is fully visible, please?

    Thanking you in advance.

    Move the front part of the shirt a bit to the left, so that player's name is fully visible.


    Please read my last post to Magi1lc.

    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By flut 12 April 2021 - 21:26 PM UTC 

    Hi. I really don't know what happens. Have you tried?

    1. Claen the cache
    2. remove all the skins of your skins folder
    3. download again the Flutskin
    4. place it in the skins folder (only this skin, only this skin version)
    5. reload the game


    Thank you for your advice. The problem wasn't solved unfortunately. I've tried all the things you said but it's still there. 


    I've also noticed that the button for which I can click next at the half time screen is cut off and I can't see him fully. I use the correct resolution for the skin.



    15 years ago
    22 hours ago
    By Florian94 12 April 2021 - 22:13 PM UTC 

    Thank you for your advice. The problem wasn't solved unfortunately. I've tried all the things you said but it's still there. 


    I've also noticed that the button for which I can click next at the half time screen is cut off and I can't see him fully. I use the correct resolution for the skin.


    You are playing with sidebar icons only?

    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By flut 12 April 2021 - 22:22 PM UTC 

    You are playing with sidebar icons only?


    I don't know honestly. I m playing with the cutout facepack of this side. do I have to change anything?

    15 years ago
    22 hours ago
    By Florian94 13 April 2021 - 05:33 AM UTC 

    I don't know honestly. I m playing with the cutout facepack of this side. do I have to change anything?


    Sorry. I mean the sidebar (the bar in the left side) only showing icons and not icons/text (i.e., the thin sidebar and not the wide sidebar)

    7 years ago
    10 months ago
    By flut 12 April 2021 - 21:36 PM UTC 

    If you are using the Profile Flut Stadium option, for number and for the wrong place of the nation flag and the physical condition, you just have to follow the instructions I gave to Paumate (if you look at his posts it worked) and Qvordrup. 


    1. For number size

    You can edit it in kit icon34.xml in the following code


    <widget class="picture" id="bNUM" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true">
     <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="2"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="97"/>
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="100" />


    2. for the place of  the icons the  code is in player overview panel.xml


    <!-- bandeira pequena -->
    <widget class="nation_button" id="natH" icon_alignment="left,top" dspf="4">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="268.5" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="28"/>

    <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="Pnat" />
    <integer id="set_property" value="valu" />

    <!-- condition -->
    <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="conv" alignment="left" icon_alignment="left">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="128" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="7"/>
    <record id="widget_info" class="player_condition_icon_widget" appearance="" label_disabled="true" scale_picture="false" icon_alignment="right"/>
    <record id="widget_properties" alignment="right,centre_y"/>
    <record id="object_property" get_property="PcOI"/>


    3. finally for move the kits You can adjust it also in player overview panel.xml changing the values of left inset in following lines of code (use try and error method and don't forget that the second and third lines of each option should have the same value). I highlighted in red the lines of code you have to change for the option Profile Flut Stadium.


    There are 6 options and, then, 18 lines you should change (3 for each option). The values in parenthesis are the current values


    Profile Flut Card and Stadium

    243 (70)

    259 and 276 (-70)


    Profile Flut Stadium

    533 (90)

    550 and 566 (-50)



    841 (83)

    856 and 872 (-65)


    Profile Flut Team Colours

    1181 (83)

    1196 and 1212 (-65)


    Profile Flut Card Background colour

    1509 (110)

    1524 and 1540 (-89)


    Profile Flut Card

    1838 (110)

    1853 and 1869 (-89)


    Flut, for me it doesn´t work, sadly…..😢


    I tried it last evening for almost two hours ... again and again I edited the xml, cleared the cache and reloaded the skin ... the game didn't accept it, the number remained large.

    I also found the block in the kiticon34.xml. Then I copied the block from your post here and overwritten the existing block. It just doesn't work, no idea what I'm doing wrong.
    I always try everything out myself before I ask for help.

    The other one with the icons doesn't work either, I didn't even try to move the kits.

    What am I doing wrong??

    15 years ago
    22 hours ago
    By Mag1lc2 13 April 2021 - 10:36 AM UTC 

    Flut, for me it doesn´t work, sadly…..😢


    I tried it last evening for almost two hours ... again and again I edited the xml, cleared the cache and reloaded the skin ... the game didn't accept it, the number remained large.

    I also found the block in the kiticon34.xml. Then I copied the block from your post here and overwritten the existing block. It just doesn't work, no idea what I'm doing wrong.
    I always try everything out myself before I ask for help.

    The other one with the icons doesn't work either, I didn't even try to move the kits.

    What am I doing wrong??


    Hmm…send me your kit icon34.xml and your player overview panel.xml and I will take a look on that files.

    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By flut 13 April 2021 - 09:47 AM UTC 

    Sorry. I mean the sidebar (the bar in the left side) only showing icons and not icons/text (i.e., the thin sidebar and not the wide sidebar)


    Yes I use the icons with text.

    10 years ago
    3 months ago

    the new version 12 of the flut is also good for the resolution 2560x1440?
    Or should I wait for update?

    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Florian94 13 April 2021 - 14:25 PM UTC 

    Yes I use the icons with text.


    I can also not tap the area where i can follow the second half-time as seen on the screenshot.

    5 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Florian94 13 April 2021 - 15:24 PM UTC 

    I can also not tap the area where i can follow the second half-time as seen on the screenshot.


    Good evening. 

    Try to exit this panel by clicking on one of the players or one of the teams. Then go to the "preferences" menu of the skin. Check the box where it says you only use the icons in the sidebar. The game will restart.

    Then return to the game. Tell us if you still have this problem after this manipulation.



    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Rosek 13 April 2021 - 15:53 PM UTC 

    Good evening. 

    Try to exit this panel by clicking on one of the players or one of the teams. Then go to the "preferences" menu of the skin. Check the box where it says you only use the icons in the sidebar. The game will restart.

    Then return to the game. Tell us if you still have this problem after this manipulation.




    Good evening,


    Thank you for your solution. I've tried it but there is still the same problem 😢

    5 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Florian94 13 April 2021 - 16:21 PM UTC 

    Good evening,


    Thank you for your solution. I've tried it but there is still the same problem 😢


    OK. Let's proceed by elimination.
    What resolution are you playing with? 
    Are your screen and game zoom set to 100% ?

    Then, there is a way to get past this little bug, just press the space bar on the keyboard. It doesn't help, I understand, but at least you are not blocked in your game...


    But we'll find out what's causing your top bar lag😉😉

    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Rosek 13 April 2021 - 16:27 PM UTC 

    OK. Let's proceed by elimination.
    What resolution are you playing with? 
    Are your screen and game zoom set to 100% ?

    Then, there is a way to get past this little bug, just press the space bar on the keyboard. It doesn't help, I understand, but at least you are not blocked in your game...


    But we'll find out what's causing your top bar lag😉😉


    First of all thank you for you help. 


    resolution 1920 X 1080


    5 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Florian94 13 April 2021 - 16:31 PM UTC 

    First of all thank you for you help. 


    resolution 1920 X 1080


    Otherwise another solution comes to mind. Try clearing the cache :

    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Rosek 13 April 2021 - 16:37 PM UTC 

    Otherwise another solution comes to mind. Try clearing the cache :


    I've cleared the cache but there i still no improvement. Right now I've changed the resolution but now every other things are postponed..

    5 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Florian94 13 April 2021 - 16:53 PM UTC 

    I've cleared the cache but there i still no improvement. Right now I've changed the resolution but now every other things are postponed..


    Yes, it's normal for everything to shift if you change to a smaller resolution... The skin works in the resolutions described by Flut in his main comment. 
    Having a screen with a higher resolution, I had to adapt the panels.

    To get back to your problem, I can only see the radical solutions which are :

    - either remove the skin you are currently using and reinstall it.

    - or, if the first solution doesn't work, empty the computer's memory cache : 

    6 years ago
    4 months ago
    By Rosek 13 April 2021 - 17:14 PM UTC 

    Yes, it's normal for everything to shift if you change to a smaller resolution... The skin works in the resolutions described by Flut in his main comment. 
    Having a screen with a higher resolution, I had to adapt the panels.

    To get back to your problem, I can only see the radical solutions which are :

    - either remove the skin you are currently using and reinstall it.

    - or, if the first solution doesn't work, empty the computer's memory cache : 

     thank you for your help but every solution proposal you gave me does not solve my problem unfortunately.. :/


    13 years ago
    2 weeks ago



    Quick question, why isnt my Competition Logo showing on my title bar?


    Plus Competion logo missing from Player screen


    Also the trophy ( i think) isnt showing on title bar either





    10 years ago
    2 hours ago

    flut, how i can you enlarge the logo that I marked on the photo?


    15 years ago
    3 weeks ago
    By flut 12 April 2021 - 21:36 PM UTC 

    If you are using the Profile Flut Stadium option, for number and for the wrong place of the nation flag and the physical condition, you just have to follow the instructions I gave to Paumate (if you look at his posts it worked) and Qvordrup. 


    1. For number size

    You can edit it in kit icon34.xml in the following code


    <widget class="picture" id="bNUM" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true">
     <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="2"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="97"/>
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="100" />


    2. for the place of  the icons the  code is in player overview panel.xml


    <!-- bandeira pequena -->
    <widget class="nation_button" id="natH" icon_alignment="left,top" dspf="4">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="268.5" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="28"/>

    <record id="object_property">
    <integer id="get_property" value="Pnat" />
    <integer id="set_property" value="valu" />

    <!-- condition -->
    <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="conv" alignment="left" icon_alignment="left">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="128" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="centre" inset="0"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="7"/>
    <record id="widget_info" class="player_condition_icon_widget" appearance="" label_disabled="true" scale_picture="false" icon_alignment="right"/>
    <record id="widget_properties" alignment="right,centre_y"/>
    <record id="object_property" get_property="PcOI"/>


    3. finally for move the kits You can adjust it also in player overview panel.xml changing the values of left inset in following lines of code (use try and error method and don't forget that the second and third lines of each option should have the same value). I highlighted in red the lines of code you have to change for the option Profile Flut Stadium.


    There are 6 options and, then, 18 lines you should change (3 for each option). The values in parenthesis are the current values


    Profile Flut Card and Stadium

    243 (70)

    259 and 276 (-70)


    Profile Flut Stadium

    533 (90)

    550 and 566 (-50)



    841 (83)

    856 and 872 (-65)


    Profile Flut Team Colours

    1181 (83)

    1196 and 1212 (-65)


    Profile Flut Card Background colour

    1509 (110)

    1524 and 1540 (-89)


    Profile Flut Card

    1838 (110)

    1853 and 1869 (-89)

    Hi Rosek and Flut,

    Thanks for your answer. I'm sorry but I'm not very good at coding and I was unable to find the lines in player overview panel.xml to move the kits to the left. and also I'm unsure which ‘option’ of your skin I'm using in my game. Any chance you could post a screenshot of the .xml file showing the lines to change, please?

    Thanking you in advance


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