17 years ago
1 week ago
Anyone tried and succeeded to play online?

The frustrating thing about it is that once it connects it runs fairly smoothly but connecting is a bitch in the first place. Constant crashing when processing (processing the game not as in continuing) and then even managing to join a game and then not being able to click anything!

Anyone got any tips on how to improve this or even want to add to the general gripes?
18 years ago
1 week ago
Me and my housemates have had an online game going in France for about 9-10 seasons now.

Runs extremely fast.
17 years ago
1 week ago
Yeah the game itself runs great, it's the initial connection that seems sluggish/impossible!

How you getting on in that?
13 years ago
7 months ago
I'd agree with you! Myself and my brother are into our fourth season of an online game and yet we still find it hard to connect and now and again he gets kicked out on match days! Very annoying!

Runs quickly though when we do get on it succesfully!

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