16 years ago
5 days ago
Does anyone know? I googled and couldn't find anything.

Concretely I want to ban Man City from CL like they've been in real life.
15 years ago
1 hour ago
Si Might add this to the winter update

If not might be able to it with an edt file how to make one is explained here

its old school I used to work with these a lot back in the day worth a play around I remember being able to ban players from comps so in theory a club ban should be possible

I will ask Mons to see if he has a way to do this
15 years ago
1 hour ago
I have been trying to add this and thought, a simple EDT file would work but no joy,

 obviously there is nothing specific regarding this in the general editor and with teams like Milan it has been hardcoded

however in advanced rules I have found I can exclude city but this would be permanent as there are no date ranges(eg like the points deduction in advanced rules for leagues etc)

anyone with input on this please
18 years ago
18 minutes ago

Did you find a way to do this @kingrobbo ? I'm looking at making a tool that lets you “punish” the super league teams 🙂

15 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 20 April 2021 - 00:56 AM UTC 

Did you find a way to do this @kingrobbo ? I'm looking at making a tool that lets you “punish” the super league teams 🙂


yes mate its not perfect but I have found a workaround I will be putting details up in the guide to advanced rules editing on the editors forum


basically after trying to set up edt files, rebuilding continental comps/domestic leagues to stop teams by using continental cup rules/exceptions etc



the workaround was basic rules


and I will add it to the guide later



18 years ago
18 minutes ago

@kingrobbo can you show me how to get to the screen you're showing there? I'm clicking around but struggling to find it.

15 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 20 April 2021 - 02:16 AM UTC 

@kingrobbo can you show me how to get to the screen you're showing there? I'm clicking around but struggling to find it.


what screen

I have put several images up

the link above explains step by step what to do

18 years ago
18 minutes ago

Sorry I hadn't refreshed before seeing you post the link 🙂

15 years ago
1 hour ago

no problems


and just to clarify that image posted here a couple of posts above is accessible via advanced rules and it can get complicated using it, and to save any hassle the long and short of it is it doesnt work anyway😉

18 years ago
18 minutes ago

Yeah I already used the advanced rules to add points deductions to domestic leagues just couldn't find how to access European cups

15 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 20 April 2021 - 02:43 AM UTC 

Yeah I already used the advanced rules to add points deductions to domestic leagues just couldn't find how to access European cups


other stage rules -


but as said they do not work I have tried all combinations and it took a lot of time retesting in game 


I contacted SI but as usual its the secret squirrel club, either its a big secret or no nobody engages/cares 


15 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 20 April 2021 - 02:43 AM UTC 

Yeah I already used the advanced rules to add points deductions to domestic leagues just couldn't find how to access European cups


Hows that😎

EPL/Div 1

6 years ago
2 days ago
By kingrobbo 20 April 2021 - 03:19 AM UTC 

Hows that😎

EPL/Div 1


What everyone loves to see 😉 Division four is maybe even too high

4 years ago
2 years ago

Nice job everyone!

Please can we get one of the FM youtubers on board and simulate what happens under some of these scenarios? I think they'd be really popular videos even among those who don't play FM. For example, I'd love to see:

  1. The top 6 join the new ESL but are removed to the National League North/South as punishment. Same in Italy and Spain. Do they gradually work their way up to the EPL or get stuck in the lower leagues? Does the ESL Reputation remain the same or decline?
  2. Same as the above- but the FA/EFL ban these teams, so they cannot be promoted from the National League. Again, does their reputation decline as they play in a lower domestic league?
  3. The top 6 are thrown out to the National League N/S but the Super league fails, so these clubs have to work their way back to the top without additional income. Do they regain their place at the top of the PL over time or remain established in the lower leagues? 
  4. The top 6 join a super league with a full schedule of matches, but are completely removed from the English pyramid and cups. Do they prosper?
  5. Same as idea 4 but Super League players are banned from international competitions. Does that affect the quality of the ESL? Could involve some tricky editing to make ESL players become ‘JP Morgan Land’ nationals, but making them forefit their home nationality? 
  6. Potentially the most likely but worst scenario, the Super League becomes a tier above the Champions League, but the top 6 remain in the Premier league as well. How dominant do they become? What's the Premier League's ‘battle for 7th’ like? 
4 years ago
2 years ago

Happy to help out with the editing if I can be of use. Just looked into point 5 quickly. Could be done by setting ‘Does not allow Dual Nationality: Yes’ and 'Years to gain nationality = 0' in the standard database, and then in advanced nation rules for ‘JP Morgan land’ set Fixture Rules > Squad selection rules > Foreign players in squad = 0 and make sure that set of fixture rules applies to the ESL. That way any player who joins an ESL club must forfeit their own nationality and therefore be ineligible to play for their country of birth. 

15 years ago
1 hour ago

Just off to bed but you can ban players from playing internationals using pre game editor


But even better you can ban with fmrte so that's the way I will do it so when the ESL clubs sign a player I can ban them immediately from internationals


6 years ago
2 days ago

This sounds very promising, great stuff guys!

15 years ago
1 hour ago

It's me who has put the file together there is no involvement from anyone else just to be clear 


And I will be testing as and when I get time


4 years ago
2 years ago
By kingrobbo 20 April 2021 - 09:14 AM UTC 

Just off to bed but you can ban players from playing internationals using pre game editor


But even better you can ban with fmrte so that's the way I will do it so when the ESL clubs sign a player I can ban them immediately from internationals


Yes but this won't stop those players moving in the first place, whereas if the nation and competition rules are changes then the ESL clubs will find it harder to sign players who also want to play for their country. If you just use FMRTE then the ESL clubs will continue to sign anyone as players would only be banned from internationals after joining. 


Working with a youtuber might get this wider publicity is all I'm thinking, but thanks for creating this file for now anyway it looks great, and as I say i'm happy to help with editing if you need it. 

4 years ago
2 years ago
By Jammmu 20 April 2021 - 08:35 AM UTC 

Happy to help out with the editing if I can be of use. Just looked into point 5 quickly. Could be done by setting ‘Does not allow Dual Nationality: Yes’ and 'Years to gain nationality = 0' in the standard database, and then in advanced nation rules for ‘JP Morgan land’ set Fixture Rules > Squad selection rules > Foreign players in squad = 0 and make sure that set of fixture rules applies to the ESL. That way any player who joins an ESL club must forfeit their own nationality and therefore be ineligible to play for their country of birth. 


Wanted to try this so had a go. Players simply won't join and change their nationality even though they are eligible (they quite happily take dual nationality if its on offer but won't relinquish their main nationality). This means by 2025 there's no players or staff left, and the league and clubs become crap, even though the clubs have $Billions in the bank. Not sure what the solution is for this test- maybe making the ESL a proper playable nation would help?


In case anyone's interested, Wolves and Leicester dominate in the PL in the absence of the ‘Franchise Six’.


15 years ago
1 hour ago

@Jammmu    I think you may have misunderstood a few things mate


 perhaps its better to start a thread on the ESL and keep this on topic


This thread was about banning clubs from Europe and I have given the work around and then the thread has morphed(by all of us) into a ESL thread


using yugoslavia etc is just to get the clubs ‘’banned ‘’


an ESL comp is a continental one and has to be set to a continent-Europe and not a nation I have it explained here-


there are no issues about dual nationality/transfers etc etc as the ‘elite’ clubs still play in their domestic league and based in their home nations generating regens from there…just to clarify again the ESL is not set to a nation it is only the elite clubs and the ESL clubs are not based in the nation used to get them ‘’banned'' from UEFA comps



15 years ago
1 hour ago
By AML 14 February 2020 - 19:15 PM UTC 

Does anyone know? I googled and couldn't find anything.

Concretely I want to ban Man City from CL like they've been in real life. 


Hi mate I have found a workaround as you can see




How to Ban Clubs from Continental Competitions


This does exactly what you want


15 years ago
1 hour ago

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