David Córdoba - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



Rejected by mons on 27 Apr 2021 06:21:46
18 years ago
7 minutes ago

@cuffaro, in order to have a standard megapack look, we ask for all cuts to be cropped much closer to the chin. We usually recommend having only 2-3 pixels beneath the chin and no more.


I'm afraid you've left much too large a space in all your cuts and so they aren't exactly what we're looking for. Could you kindly crop them closer to the chin?


As @Ttggfr also pointed out elsewhere, the images available on the official site are much too small, and it could be the case that better and bigger sources are available elsewhere, such as social media, which would provided better cuts. I recommend having a look at the tips in this thread so that you can find the best sources available 👍

Completed by mons on 27 Apr 2021 08:09:13
4 years ago
2 months ago

i cant find other photo, but i try to update resolution, and resize the photo.


Some photos from the pack are a 180px and others is 250px

Is the same? i understand if 250 is better, but 180px is ok to?



18 years ago
7 minutes ago
By cuffaro 27 April 2021 - 00:26 AM UTC 

i cant find other photo, but i try to update resolution, and resize the photo.


Some photos from the pack are a 180px and others is 250px

Is the same? i understand if 250 is better, but 180px is ok to?



This is better. There are also Dante Franco, Ivan Cuello and Mateo Jara who have the same issue, hope you can do them again too 👍


As for image size, it depends on the source quality. If the source is low quality and/or small, like these ones, then 180x is acceptable. Better sources should be cut in 250x.