Moses Simon - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
@NicasOUIOUI, can we have the original source for this one please? I'd like to tweak the colouring and, more importantly, to rotate it.
October 14 , 2020 , i think this source is of better quality than the one on the official site ( little size ) , so it will be a better cut out face.

October 14 , 2020 , i think this source is of better quality than the one on the official site ( little size ) , so it will be a better cut out face.
Thanks for posting the source but make sure to use the upload image button next time you want to post a source image please. We've been through this already more than once and I don't like repeating myself.
Same goes for posting dates of sources when not relevant and posting the source if you're posting the cut anyway. From now on, I'll take any failure to do so from your end as ignoring the rules of this forum.
Thanks for posting the source but make sure to use the upload image button next time you want to post a source image please. We've been through this already more than once and I don't like repeating myself.
Same goes for posting dates of sources when not relevant and posting the source if you're posting the cut anyway. From now on, I'll take any failure to do so from your end as ignoring the rules of this forum.
There i don't know what to say.
First , it is you who asks for the source , i save you time by posting it.
Secondly , @Ttggfr does exactly the same by copying and pasting the image , you never told him anything.
Thirdly , i'm limited to ten submissions and i get cut one in ten images after three weeks. You , you have no submissions limitations.
When we propose a better source to be of service , it is unfair that it is in our name , we should be able to put it in the name of whoever requested the image first. If i use the button “ upload image ” , i know i will have to cut it and i prefer to cut higher priority players who don't have a cut out face or a little cut (180 X 180 ).
There i don't know what to say.
First , it is you who asks for the source , i save you time by posting it.
Secondly , @Ttggfr does exactly the same by copying and pasting the image , you never told him anything.
Thirdly , i'm limited to ten submissions and i get cut one in ten images after three weeks. You , you have no submissions limitations.
When we propose a better source to be of service , it is unfair that it is in our name , we should be able to put it in the name of whoever requested the image first. If i use the button “ upload image ” , i know i will have to cut it and i prefer to cut higher priority players who don't have a cut out face or a little cut (180 X 180 ).
Well I usually do this when I have used up all of my 10 quotas (most of the times). And time and time I had been using my limited quotas for sources that helped others to give their desired players a better cut. Although I agree that I probably should not have posted the source in the comments if that is causing nuisance, and after this I will just stop doing that.
Agree with the last point that you made, felt like kind of unfair that our quotas would be used when we are simply helping out the others by providing better sources, but I guess that is only the case due to the limitations of the website.
@77david54, as @Ttggfr says, he only posts sources as comments when he has reached his 10 image limit. You are at 4, and you haven't been at 10 pending sources for a while now, so that excuse doesn't hold, I'm afraid. Everybody, including me and other staff members, sometimes have to wait for our requests to be cut. weeniehutjr has 9, I have 6, Mustang13297 has 4, Baja has over a 100, krissmed and SSP have thousands between them etc. You're not being treated any differently than anybody else.
There will always be some images which take longer to cut than others, but the community gets round to all individual requests eventually. I hope to have sometime tomorrow morning to do a mixpack with the older pending requests, for example. If you feel the need to cut every image you upload, that's your prerogative but nobody is forcing you to do so, least of all instantly. Learn to accept that we'll never ever clear the backlog, unfortunately. We do what we can when we can, and try to make each other's live easier along the way.
In short, if you want to make a request, just use the upload image button. If it's an improvement on someone else's source, it's still your request at the end of the day. If you can't because you've reached the limit, it's another thing altogether and I'm happy to do that, as I've done for @Ttggfr and other users, but it's not fair to expect me to upload it for you otherwise.
Moreover, as I've tried explaining to you multiple times before, if you post it in the comments, it might well get missed. If you want to post it and don't do so using the upload image function, you might end up having wasted your time and a good source. If you've gone to the trouble of finding a source, you might as well post it properly. That's literally all I'm asking. It's 3 clicks.
I only ask for the source in cases where an image has been cut badly, which again isn't the case for the majority of your cuts. I can't recall the last time I asked you specifically to post a source image, but I do remember telling you more than once that you don't need to do so, nor the date unless it's relevant. In fact, doing so is a waste of time if the cut-out is ready to be uploaded.
I see no reason why I have to repeat these things time and time again for you to no good effect, or even worse, get ignored. It's a waste of my time at this stage; just proceed as indicated above and in multiple previous instances from now on please.
Well I usually do this when I have used up all of my 10 quotas (most of the times). And time and time I had been using my limited quotas for sources that helped others to give their desired players a better cut. Although I agree that I probably should not have posted the source in the comments if that is causing nuisance, and after this I will just stop doing that.
Agree with the last point that you made, felt like kind of unfair that our quotas would be used when we are simply helping out the others by providing better sources, but I guess that is only the case due to the limitations of the website.
@mons , i'll translate your last comment later. I have to translate word by word , it tires me.
I generally respect the rules and i'm really fed up with being criticized ( or quoted ) , sorry but i'm french , my english is bad.
You can offer a function “ better source ” which would therefore be in the name of the first requester.
Or if not , two solutions , you accept the copy and paste when i suggest a better source or else i will not submit the source even if i have it available to make a better cut out face , unless i don't mind cutting it.
@mons , i'll translate your last comment later. I have to translate word by word , it tires me.
I generally respect the rules and i'm really fed up with being criticized ( or quoted ) , sorry but i'm french , my english is bad.
You can offer a function “ better source ” which would therefore be in the name of the first requester.
Or if not , two solutions , you accept the copy and paste when i suggest a better source or else i will not submit the source even if i have it available to make a better cut out face , unless i don't mind cutting it.
I'm not going to ask Footygamer to redesign the whole forum just because you, and only you, don't want to use the upload image function. And no, I am not your servant to upload images for you because you decide you don't want to do so. If you find an alternative source, use the upload image function, don't post it as a comment. I can't be more clearer than that.
It's one click for the upload image button, another to paste the source and another to press submit. It really can't be any easier than that.
@NicasOUIOUI, can we have the original source for this one please? I'd like to tweak the colouring and, more importantly, to rotate it.