Ruan Ryquelme - Submissions - Cut Out Player Faces Megapack



Completed by mons on 11 Mar 2021 07:31:39
10 years ago
55 minutes ago

This photo is not the player in question This face belongs to the player "Rhuan dos Santos Nascimento" who plays on the same team.

17 years ago
23 minutes ago
By TiagoSeattle 17 June 2021 - 15:00 PM UTC 

This photo is not the player in question This face belongs to the player "Rhuan dos Santos Nascimento" who plays on the same team.


If you come across any similar instances, please make sure to:

a) tag me or another staff member in the comment so we spot it and make the necessary corrections. The forums moves so quickly that it might easily get missed otherwise, and

b) post the right cut-out with the right person 😉


Do you have a source image for this guy so that it can be cut and used to replace the wrong one?